#ddlb relationship



  • Jump on mommy/daddy until they wake up and give us attention and get us breakfast. 
  • Be really sleepy and adorable all morning. Or, if this is too hard, be hyper and crazy. THERE IS NO IN BETWEEN!!!!!!
  • Pretend we don’t want to eat breakfast, but we’re just being fussy because it’s fun to be silly on the weekend. And when you get fussy, caregivers tend to get all serious and that reminds us we’re cared for and watched over, so it’s actually kinda nice….
  • Lose stuffed animal (Emergency!!!)
  • Find the same stuffed animal. (Emergency Cleared!)
  • Lecture the stuffed animal on not getting lost like that. 
  • Be REALLY FRIGGIN’ CUTE some more.
  • Have (hopefully tiny) internal crisis about whether or not it’s ok to be little.
  • Get over it because being little is awesome. 
  • Lose stuffed animal again. 
  • Suddenly realize we are desperately deprived of cuddles….and need to find mommy/daddy THIS INSTANT.
  • Interrupt caregiver while they do something genuinely productive.
  • Realize we never found the stuffie the second time. 
  • Throw tantrum or get extra scared until caregiver helps find stuffie. 
  • Find stuffie again.
  • Cuddle the ever loving HECK out of both the stuffie and the caregiver. 
  • Realize it’s still early on the weekend. 
  • Repeat the list above as needed. 





Calls with Daddy: I can’t sleep

*Kept falling in and out of sleep, so I call Daddy*

Me: Daddy, I can’t sleep

Daddy: What’s wrong little one?

Me: I think my anxiety is really bad? I did my anxious habit and I’m all wiggly…

Daddy: Awww, baby, you will be okay. Daddy is here for you

Me: Thank you Daddy! Did you know I love you?!

Daddy: Anything for my cute little princess

Me: *melts into a gushy blushing little puddle*

Daddy: No matter what you do, it’s always cute

Me: I meannnnnn…

Daddy: It’s true

Me: *evil face* I could stab someone. Would that be cute?

Daddy: You wouldn’t because I wouldn’t let you, and you wouldn’t want to disobey Daddy, would you?

Me: *internal screaming* NOOOO!!! NEVER!!!! I GOTTA MAKE DADDY PROUD OF MEEEEE!!!!

Daddy: That’s my baby girl ♡

Me: *starts giggling and uncontrollably blushing while hiding my face* Hehe! I love you! ♡

Daddy: I love you too ♡

Just wanted to say thank you for doing what you do on here. When a vulnerable person puts all their love and devotion into one person and trust them to look after them, and that person uses/abuses or neglects them then they need someone to turn to. I’m so happy to see that people can come to you, without fear of judgement. The world needs more people like you thanks for being you!!

This was the absolute sweetest thing ever!!!!! Oh my goodness!! Thank you so so so much!! I’m so glad I can help other people and help them feel like they belong. I really needed this after such a tough week, so thank you so so so much!! Aw! I’m so glad I can help touch other people’s lives and make some sort of difference!!! You’re such a sweetie and thank you so much!!! Stay safe!!

Dinge die ein Daddy NIEMALS vergessen sollte…

den Geburtstag seines Littles (wenn man den Geburtstagsgruß von der wichtigsten Person in seinem Leben nicht bekommt ist das schon hart bitter)

Den Namen seines Littles (wer den nicht kennt kann sich eigentlich nicht “Daddy” nennen…)

Allergien oder Unverträglichkeiten von Nahrungsmitteln (ziemlich unpraktisch, deinem Liebling etwas auf den Tisch zu stellen, dass er nicht essen kann )

1x Aufmerksamkeit pro Tag (öfter ist natürlich besser)

Erinnerungen fürs Zähne putzen (ich vergesse das zumindest gerne mal )

Das Lieblingsessen deines Littles (koch es für dein little und es wird strahlen vor Freude und dich noch ein Stück mehr lieben als sowieso schon )

Mit ruhiger und beherrschter Stimme reden und nicht ausrasten und rumschreien (Schreie machen Angst und bringen ein Unwohlsein hervor, dass schlecht für die Beziehung ist)

Deinem Little auf Nachrichten zu antworten (wir machen uns schnell mal Sorgen, wenn ihr unsere Nachrichten seht, aber nicht antwortet)

Ein “Ich Liebe dich”, “Ich vermisse dich”, “Pass auf dich auf” oder andere süße Sätze die ein Littleherz dahin schmelzen lassen

Die Namen seiner zahlreichen Plüschis (auch wenn es viele sind, du beeindruckst und verzaubert dein little damit, wenn du alle Namen weißt )

Den Gute Nacht Kuss (sonst denken Littles sie hätten was falsch gemacht, wenn ihr es vergesst)

Wenn du ein Daddy bist und schnell mal was vergisst, dann mach dir Notizen. Dein Little wird sich bestimmt darüber freuen, wenn du dich für jedes seiner Plüschis interessierst. Dir Erinnerungen in den Kalender zu speichern, wird mehr bringen als dein little enttäuscht zu sehen, weil du etwas vergesslich bist. Sei einfach ehrlich und rede mit deinem Little darüber, wenn du Probleme damit hast dir etwas zu merken und scheu dich nicht davor fragen zu stellen

Wenn du ein Little bist und einen vergesslichen Daddy hast erinnere ihn einfach ab und zu, ohne dass er nachfragen muss, an bestimmte Dinge. Wie deinen Geburtstag (“Was soll ich morgen zu meinem Geburtstag anziehen Daddy?”). Deine Plüschis (Am besten ist dafür ein Bild von dem Plüschtier und eine kurze Beschreibung zur Situation “Teddy und ich veranstalte gerade eine Teeparty”). Für jede Situation gibt es ein Beispiel, werd kreativ und halte deinen Daddy auf dem laufenden

Solltest du irgendwo Hilfe brauchen, frag mich einfach, ich beiße nicht, außer du bestehst aus Schokolade

Dein kleineralsdu

Deutschsprachiger DD/lg Blog

Hallihallo, wer auch immer Du bist, ich freue mich, dass du durch welchen Zufall auch immer, den Weg zu meinem Blog gefunden hast . Hier wird ab sofort öfter mal etwas von mir hochgeladen über das Thema DD/lb. Zumeist erzähl ich wahrscheinlich etwas aus meinem Leben Wooooohooo (das ist der Moment in dem du dich darüber FREUEN darfst ).

Ganz kurz zu mir Ich bin ein kleines Little Girl, im Littlespace bin ich zwischen 3-7Jahre jung, mein Lieblingskuscheltier heißt Teddy und ist auch einer und ich habe eine Begabung darin immer im littlespace zu sein, wenn der schlechteste Zeitpunkt dafür ist

Ich würde mich freuen, wenn du mir folgst und dir mein Blog gefällt


Dein kleineralsdu


Short Summary
Hello there. My name is Aisling Starr. I live in Las Vegas, Nevada and I’m a little, involved in the CG/L community. I’m an artist, a gamer, and an aspiring youtuber. My hobbies are drawing, painting, singing, swimming, gaming, browsing the web, and, overall, being creative. This campaign is for my shop that i’m creating for the CGL/ADBL/etc. community (and anyone who is interested) and to let out my creative side. I’ve noticed there are a lot of littles that want certain ideas to be brought to life in fashion, so part of the shop will be dedicated to that side of the imagination. The other part of the shop is carepackages. Carepackages are these boxes you can get in the mail. There are different carepackages you can get, such as the “baby girl” package, which is pink-themed and have multiple things inside, such as a blanket, toys, a sippy cup, an adult soother, a stuffy, etc. These packages are also suppose to help with depressed littles/middles/bigs/etc. This is important to me because this shop helps me deal with my suicide and depression. It’s also a dream of mine to make people who share so much in common with me feel happy because they got a gift that’s, technically, from me to them.
It would mean the world to me if you could all help out by donating and giving us the chance to bring- not only my ideas- but the ideas of other littles and caretakers dreams to life. They want to feel LITTLE.
I want most of what I make to be available to almost everyone, expanding the audience a bit wider than just CGL.

What We Need & What You Get
We’ll need 5k for the materials to make carepackages, such as boxes, glitter, paint, and the materials for what will be inside the boxes (stuffies, snacks, etc.). If you’re able to donate $40+ to this campaign, we will put your email into a list of people that have donated as well and send each person who donated gets one-two carepackage(s) (depending on how much you donated). We’re hoping to also do small giveaways on tumblr (thatonebabygirlsub.tumblr.com) for a celebration for the company.
Our goal is 5k. We will also be opening up a web page for pre-orders.

The Impact
This project is really important for those, not only involved with CGL, but the carepackages we make can be used for gifts for those with depression. Just something to make them feel better. The “Happy pills” are suppose to make them feel better (side note: happy pills are not consumable and do not contain drugs or any sort of proscription. They are empty capsules that you open up and take out the note inside. The note contains something positive, something funny, etc. ).
I’m sure we all have someone who really NEEDS something like this, even if they aren’t a part of CGL. I need this, the people working with us need this, and there’s a high chance that you probably need it as well.

Risks & Challenges
I have to constantly battle depression, anxiety, etcetera everyday and it really sucks (let’s be honest, there’s no other way to describe depression. Mixed with anxiety? If you don’t know what it’s like…it sucks), and I have to put on a smile and watch others around me battle it was well. This will be some type of relief for a lot of people, I’m sure of it. I’m devoting all my time to designing, making, and putting together almost all the merchandise we plan on selling in the future. It would mean the world to me if you all could help.
I plan on doing my best in the future to make my company grow and make many people happy. I don’t want the company to just vanish, just because we didn’t have any funds to make it work.

Other Ways You Can Help
If you can’t donate, you can share it. Please, share this on tumblr, twitter, youtube, facebook, instagram, anywhere you can to MAKE THIS WORK.


Packages For Littles:

~Package for Baby Girl~

1 Stuffie. (Chosen at random)

1 Pink Blanket ( If you are allergic to fleece, let me know and I will choose a different blanket. You will have to pay 2 or more dollars, depending on the price. If you want a blanket with designs, you will have to pay an extra 6 dollars. )

1 Bag of candy (Meaning one bag that has the same candy inside. Example: Konpeito. Chosen at random.)

1 Case of “Happy Pills”. (Happy pills are for motivation or a small “Pick me up”. You open up small pill capsules and unfold a small note that’s inside, and it’ll have something that is suppose to make you feel better inside, or help you in little space.)

1 Princess coloring book (Choose between “Art Therapy” and “Children”.)

1 Pack of Coloring pencils

1 Baggie of Chocolate (Choose Between Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, or White Chocolate)

1 Baggie of Sugar Candy (Choose Between Lolipops, Rock Candy, or Pixie Sticks)

2 Baggies of Fruit Snacks (Princess)

5 Bonus candies (Chosen at random)

1 Bonus toy (Chosen at random)

1 Pacifier (Pink)

1 Juice box (Refillable)

1 Disney Movie (Of your choice)

1 Pack of Bath drops


~Package For Baby Boy~

1 Stuffie. (Chosen at random)

1 Blue Blanket ( If you are allergic to fleece, let me know and I will choose a different blanket. You will have to pay 2 or more dollars, depending on the price. If you want a blanket with designs, you will have to pay an extra 6 dollars. )

1 Bag of candy (Meaning one bag that has the same candy inside. Example: Konpeito. Chosen at random.)

1 Case of “Happy Pills”. (Happy pills are for motivation or a small “Pick me up”. You open up small pill capsules and unfold a small note that’s inside, and it’ll have something that is suppose to make you feel better inside, or help you in little space.)

1 Disney coloring book (Choose between “Art Therapy” and “Children”.)

1 Pack of Coloring pencils

1 Baggie of Chocolate (Choose Between Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, or White Chocolate)

1 Baggie of Sugar Candy (Choose Between Lolipops, Rock Candy, or Pixie Sticks)

2 Baggies of Fruit Snacks (Disney)

5 Bonus candies (Chosen at random)

1 Bonus toy (Chosen at random)

1 Pacifier (Blue)

1 Juice box (Refillable)

1 Disney Movie (Of your choice)

1 Pack of Bath drops


~Package For You!~ (Customization) (Prices Vary)

Choose for every option. Otherwise, it will be chosen at random.

1 Stuffie.

1 Blanket ( If you are allergic to fleece, let me know and I will choose a different blanket. You will have to pay 2 or more dollars, depending on the price. If you want a blanket with designs, you will have to pay an extra 6 dollars. )

1 Bag of candy (Meaning one bag that has the same candy inside. Example: Konpeito.)

1 Case of “Happy Pills”. (Happy pills are for motivation or a small “Pick me up”. You open up small pill capsules and unfold a small note that’s inside, and it’ll have something that is suppose to make you feel better inside, or help you in little space.)

1 Coloring book (Choose between “Art Therapy” and “Children”.)

1 Pack of Coloring pencils

1 Baggie of Chocolate (Choose Between Milk Chocolate, Dark Chocolate, or White Chocolate)

1 Baggie of Sugar Candy (Choose Between Lolipops, Rock Candy, or Pixie Sticks)

2 Baggies of Fruit Snacks

5 Bonus candies

1 Bonus toy 1 Pacifier

1 Juice box (Refillable)

1 Disney Movie (Of your choice)

1 Pack of Bath Drops

(Anything else added, you will be paying extra. Minimum of 10 dollars.)


Packages for Caregivers:

~Package For Daddy~

1 Mug (Message Varies)

1 Zen Board

1 T-Shirt (Customizable)

1 Bundle Of Candy

1 Candle

1 10 Dollar Amazon Card


~Package For Mommy~

1 Mug (Message Varies)

1 Zen Board

1 T-Shirt (Customizable)

1 Bundle Of Candy

1 Candle

1 10 Dollar Amazon Card


~Package For you!~ (Customization) (Price Varies)

~Package For Mommy~

1 Mug (Message Varies)

1 Zen Board

1 T-Shirt (Customizable)

1 Bundle Of Candy

1 Candle

1 10 Dollar Amazon Card

(Anything added or changed for something else, you will be paying extra for.)

Packages for daddy and mommy are more expensive because the t-shirt prices vary. ^^

You can buy these for any person at any time.

If you need this at a specific time, please let me know a month beforehand so I can get everything ready and make sure everything is inside and so it has time to ship to you.

If you donate to the company, you will get a free package once we reach our goal of $5000.

The method of payment we are accepting is:

*Paypal (PM us if you don’t know how to use paypal or you want to know how to send money @thatonegamergirl .

*Amazon Gift Cards (we will be buying products from amazon and one other supplier.)

Our Email is [email protected]
