


forget your icon forget your url fuck it forget your blog title. reblog with why is your bio what it is.

no tricksy business, if its just your age and/or pronouns i want to know why are you that age.





its so funny to me that people on twitter n tiktok are like “ok but porns still banned on tumblr so at least we’re better then them” as if they dont have to typ3 w0rd$ I1k3 th!$ to get around their censors

y34h, 4t l34st on th1s s1t3 you c4n t3ll th4t th3 p3rson h4s 4 p4rt1cul4r, mor3 4nnoy1ng r34son to typ3 l1k3 th1s

i want to you to eat deodorant

So what you’re saying is TikTok rediscovered LEET speak.




Found this under a video somebody linked to me and holy heck

this just in: fan of transphobe decides that website with large trans population is the root of all evil

Alternatively, hyper capitalist, hyper individualist Tumblr has fed off of a form of extreme isolation and desperation for belonging in millennial and genz teens that created microidentities, some of which, like “demisexual” literally originate from Tumblr and fandom space. Kids, desperate for belonging and individuality and an easy answer for all their ails, find microidentities and base their entire worldview around them.

This is how we get a medical disorder (classified in diagnostic statistical manual) which almost exclusively impacted a small fraction of a percent of young boys under the age of 4, expanded and redefined such that the number of individuals claiming trans identities has grown exponentially and has flipped demographics, now predominantly (self) reported by teenage girls.

Y'all can keep closing your eyes and blocking it out, but the reality is that Tumblr (and the internet) has played a massive role in the rise of dysphoria in teens, in the creation (and adoption) of microidentities, and in the rise in trans-identifying young people. They are all literally trends. The older users of the site can remember a time before transgender entered the public lexicon. Before the words demisexual and pansexual and agender and non-binary were used to define people at all, ever.

You may or may not remember ten or more years back. But from everything I’ve seen, these microidentities are exclusively making people less happy, not more. Be whoever you are. Embrace the vast diversity of human experience. Stop defining yourselves by it. You are so much more than a collection of gendered stereotypes.

inb4, “Fuck you, mom! This is who I am! You don’t understand me at all!”

I really do understand. And I care. But I’ve also seen the beginning of the trans trend. I’ve been dysphoric for years. None of this is making you happier. It doesn’t mean anything. Pronouns don’t change who you are or anything about you. Everyone is gender non-conforming. Everyone has a rich internal life. Just be yourself and stop stressing with shit that depends on other people validating your identity.

Can the disworks fandom come back and make these edits? I would like to live through simpler times please

Yes.. I’m waiting. 

Yes.. I’m waiting. 

Post link



Kyle and Sigmund are on the same spectrum in the sense that both of them probably need straws to drink anything

Fanboy also needs a straw not because of his teeth but because he keeps spilling his drink


Kyle and Sigmund are on the same spectrum in the sense that both of them probably need straws to drink anything

Fanboy also needs a straw not because of his teeth but because he keeps spilling his drink
