

Amor Asteroid (1221) and soulmates

TheAmor asteroid in Astrology is connected to platonic love and compassion - similarly to Ceres it can represent unconditional love, one that doesn’t need to have a reason to exist, one that would exist regardless of the circumstances, but in a romantic way, unlike Ceres which is normally connected to a mother-child type of relationship.

Amor can show intimacy, closeness, a relationship that doesn’t have to be sexual, but one that carries a strong connection between the two people. Amoralso shows how we deal with romantic rejection - whether it’s aspected in anger (natal aspect to Mars), in isolation and loneliness(natal aspectto Uranus and/or Saturn), in victimhood(natal aspect to Neptune), in putting more focus on ourselves (natal aspect to Sun or Venus) or accepting it as a lesson, despite our ego being hurt (natal aspect to Jupiter).Natal aspects between Amor and Pluto, or the Moon can be a big sign of holding onto relationships(Moon) or them being life-changing, having big impact on us and our future relationships (Pluto).

Amor can also show the love that feels ideal to us - our true romantic desires, how and what we require to experience the highest form of love, to feel truly loved.

Here are the best Amor aspects to have in Synastry (in my opinion):

Amor conjunct the other person’s Sun or Ascendant, Amor in the other person’s 1st House

The Sun/Ascendant/1st House person has the qualities that the Amor person can idolize romantially, it can show direct attachment and romantic feelings that can evolve fast. The Amor person may fall in love with the Sun/AS person’s presence, their being. They can romanticize them, view them through rose-colored glasses (at times it can be quite Neptunian). The Sun/AS person will feel truly confident, appreciated, worthy and valid. They can view each other as their ideal lover, as someone who directly represents the qualities in the person they have always wanted to love.

Amor conjunct the other person’s Moon

This can give a feeling that it was “meant to be”. It can be very selfless, quite sacrificial at times as if even hurting the other person the slightest causes great pain to yourself too. The Moon person will feel like their true self is finally loved by someone, as if someone worships the part of themselves that they can’t seem to always love themselves.

Amor conjunct the other person’s Venus

This is one of the straight-out-of-a-fairytale aspects. It can show a very romantic love, a love in which both people, the Amor person specifically, are willing to do whatever it takes to please the other person romantically. It can show a growing love, one that builds up both people, one that allows them to live out their romantic desires. It can feel that the relationship was meant to be - even if other aspects in the synastry chart are bad, they are likely to come back to this relationship.

Amor conjunct the other person’s Descendant/opposite their Ascendant or Amor in the other person’s 7th House

The relationship will feel very reflective - they are likely to act on it or develop feelings for each other at the same time. This can signify a very strong union, a union that carries love for each other that can’t go away regardless of the circumstances. In many cases, it can be said that this is the type of relationship where both people are ready to take a bullet for each other. It can be selfless, the other person will be a priority, they will be an important part of your life you have to think about before making any decision. It is often seen in long-term relationships.

Amor conjunct the other person’s Psyche

This can show a love that is very emotional - very profound. It is not physical, not just emotional - it seems to come from a very different place. In this aspect, you are in love with the other person’s being, their soul. The relationship can feel romantically transformative, as if all journeys have finally led to this. The relationship will bring out both people’s intuition, especially when it’s connected to the other person - it can give a telepathic-like connection. The relationship may feel like the place in which the Psychic person finally allows themselves to be loved. They may learn more about themselves due to the relationship. It can also show that while the relationship can be their greatest strength, it can also feel like their greatest weakness, due to the dependency on the other person.

Asquare or an opposition can also be felt strongly, but it will have the ability to make the relationship a bit more complicated - there may be one-sided attachment, one person giving everything they can while the other may be more apathetic or passive, it can show a strong love that also brings out the Amor person’s insecurities, makes them question their worth, it can make them neglect themselves due to the focus over the other person.

If you want to find out more about your romantic life or relationship, I do both transit synastry chart readings and composite chart readings. If interested, message me here or by email ([email protected]) xx


Most know that your rising sign or your ascendant plays a role in how you come across to people but often, some fail to take into account your descendant that’ll tweak your first impressions and appearance. You’re observed by both sister signs that lay on your 1st and 7th cusp. 

♈︎/ ♎︎

Aries Ascendant: Appears strong, exudes exuberant energy. Often will open their mouth to speak first. Communicates with passion.

Libra Descendant: Dignified and poised. Their words are fueled by love. Absorbs energy and takes in the thoughts and ideas that are being built around them. 


Taurus Ascendant: Can come off as steady (may be slow) and reliable. Grounded and certain of their desires & what they want. 

Scorpio Descendant: Intenser energy that’s focused and heartfelt. Chaos yearning to break through and feelings meant to be heard & absorbed. 


Gemini Ascendant: Comes off as joyous, social. Easily able to charm others with their words and their strategic language

Sagittarius Descendant: Their words hold intense humor that sticks with you for a while, they actually think about what they’re going to say, but quickly. Higher meaning to their presence. 


Cancer Ascendant: Soft-spoken, gentle. Warm auras and angel eyes. Unsure of when to speak or when to be heard. Indecisive. 

Capricorn Descendant: Hidden power that’s eventually revealed in times of need. Easily can take control of situations if necessary. Commanding energy. 


Leo Ascendant: Strong & fierce, they know who they are and will flaunt it as such. Alluring and attention-grabbing. 

Aquarius Descendant: A weird quirkiness to them that has everyone puzzled. A realization that they are strong and sure because they’re smart and educated. 


Virgo Ascendant: Poised with natural beauty to them. Doe eyes that make them seem innocent and absolutely incapable of harm

Pisces Descendant: Angelic but with a darkness to them. Sweet but hiding something from the rest of the world. Like a siren.  


Libra Ascendant: Sweet and kind. A yearn for balance amongst their life as well as others. A need to “fix” whatever is wrong with the world. 

Aries Descendant: A dedication to achieving equality that might be harsh. They can become more passionate when discussing the things they love. 


Scorpio Ascendant: Mysteriously dark. A hard look to them that still displays soft eyes. Observant of their surroundings and a need to truly know everything. 

Taurus Descendant: Simply wants to be able to relax in their setting. Yearns to feel comfort in the presence of others. Is actually, truly, soft. 


Sagittarius Ascendant: spontaneous and adventurous. Passionate and knowledge filled on topics of the world. Big personalities and large presence. 

Gemini Descendant: Calculating their actions in their head. Seems to know what they’re doing and what effect it’ll have on others. Intelligent. 


Capricorn Ascendant: Stone presence, firm, and guiding. Seems to know what they want from life and presents themselves as educated and unkind.

Cancer Descendant: Sweet angels who love to smile they’re just waiting for a reason too. Parental nature and often takes care of those around them.


Aquarius Ascendant: Eccentric people who present themselves with individuality and independence. They easily rely on themselves for what they need. 

Leo Descendant: Warm humanitarians who truly want to make the world a better place through love & light. Powered by passion. 


Pisces Ascendant: Eyes filled with dreams and desires. Moving through the world like a fish through a pond, calculated and carefully. 

Virgo Descendant: Moving with purpose and powered by want. Can communicate their needs if absolutely necessary and won’t mind doing so.


Your Rising can certainly bless you with characteristics you can use with ease. However, the people you meet in your life, represented by your Descendant, teach you what you need to learn from your interactions with them.

aries rising//libra descendant: you are blessed with the potential to lead others, but the people in your life will teach you how to lead correctly through compromise and peace.

taurus rising//scorpio descendant: you are blessed the potential to stay stable and calm, but the people in your life will teach you how to stay stable through the exposure of chaos.

gemini rising//sagittarius descendant: you are blessed with potential intelligence, but the people in your life will teach you how to gain true credibility by believing in yourself.

cancer rising//capricorn descendant: you are blessed with the potential to comfort, but the people in your life will teach you how to gain true comfort through the exposure of reality.

leo rising//aquarius descendant: you are blessed with the potential to shine, but the people in your life will teach you how to go against the norm to keep the spotlight on yourself.

virgo rising//pisces descendant: you are blessed with the potential to appreciate details, but the people in your life will teach you how to love the details by embracing the disorder of the universe.

libra rising//aries descendant: you are blessed with the potential to love others, but the people in your life will teach you how to love yourself so that you can love others properly.

scorpio rising//taurus descendant: you are blessed with the potential to be passionate and transformative, but the people in your life will teach you how to balance out your extremes and relax.

sagittarius rising//gemini descendant: you are blessed with the potential to believe, but the people in your life will teach you how to stick your beautiful ideas into the ground instead of the clouds.

capricorn rising//cancer descendant: you are blessed with the potential to change the world, but the people in your life will teach you that you must accept and embrace your roots first.

aquarius rising//leo descendant: you are blessed with the potential to bring a group together, but the people in your life will teach you that in order to do that, you must bring yourself together first.

pisces rising//virgo descendant: you are blessed with the potential to understand the universe, but the people in your life will teach you that to truly understand, you must not skim over the details.

You ask, we (eventually) answer. Here’s the goods on everyone’s most forgotten degree. There’s a bunch of different ways you can think about this shit, we’ll look at it from a couple different angles.

First:Astrology runs on opposites and complements. All degree pairs have history. The Descendent is forever tied up with the Ascendent. They’re pointless without each other. So if you really want to understand your Descendent, you gotta bring your Ascenent into it. The Descendent is a reflection of your Ascendant. Here’s the real deal: the Descendent is how you appear to the world, not the Ascendent - that whole “the mask you wear” dick guzzling Ascendant BS? No. That’s actually Descendent territory. The Ascendent is an insidedegree,the Descendent is an outside degree - it’s how you appear in action. 

In other words: The Ascendnt is how you feel about yourself, the Descdent is what those feelingsactually look like to everyone else. The Descendent is a visualdegree. It’s objective. It’s the behavior and persona you put out there. 

But I thought the Descendent was who I’m looking for in partner?? Ugh. No. Listen - that shit misses the point. The Descendent is really what you’re looking for in yourself, not in somebody else. At some point it’s not enough to feel yourself, you want to see yourself, you want to experience yourself. But, as a society, we’re trained to externalize our power and worth - so, fine, yes - our own shit usually ends up popping up in the people we surround ourselves with. But, it really doesn’t have shit to do with those fools, it has to do with us trying to find pieces of ourselves in the world so we can understandandaccept ourselves (7th house!!!).

And so, the Descendent can also represent what inspires us. It’s a fucking thrill to get down with yourself, but most of us don’t really appreciate ourselves because we got fucked up at some point, so we’ll go for the next best thing: someone similar that we can project our positive qualities onto and love instead. And so, from another angle, this is what the Descendent really is: a projection.It’s a you that you can experience. Whether you access that through through a partner, though friends, through whatever and whoever the fuck you spend your time with, it doesn’t matter. It’s just important to remember that it’s really not about them, it’s about you

The flip side? It’s just as easy to project your ugly-ass qualities all over everything as it is your positive ones. What, you thought you were getting out of this easy? Bitch, please. There’s hang-upshere that you gotta work out if you want to share with others on a real, deep level (8th and 9th houses!! It’s all connected!!). The Descendent is a preparatory degree. You’re testing yourself out. You’re seeing who you are in action. You’re either going to choose to become aware of yourself and how you appear so that you can work your shit out and actually start connecting with others, or you’re going to commit to being a hot ass denial soaked mess with a thriving toxic relationship orchard. Hard choice?

Alright, alright. Enough. Here’s the shit you’re really after. Without further ado, particulars for the party people:

DESCENDANT IN ARIES you gotta own the role you play in making yourself a miserable confused mess and stop with all this massively unaccountable bullshit you pull in all of your relationships - you’re inspired by people who are down to connect, and radiate humor,generosity,calmandconfidence on the daily, why? Because that’s what your LIBRA ACshould look like in action, fucker.

DESCENDANT IN TAURUS you gotta open your fucking eyes,stoppushing everyone away, and deal with your all your repressed feelings before they acid style eat your life for breakfast - you’re inspired by people who show strength, determination and commitment in their life and relationships on the daily, why? Because that’s what your SCORP ACshould look like in action, fucker. 

DESCENDANT IN GEMINI you gotta open your fucking mind, stop hyper focusing on random, irrelevant information, and keep your eyes on the big picture before you suffocate to death under a pile of unfinished puzzles - you’re inspired by people who are curious,introspective, and have a well developed, comprehensive life philosophy, why? Because that’s what your SAG ACshould look like in action, fucker  

DESCENDANT IN CANCER you gotta wipe the tears away from your eyes long enough to see that you chose to isolate yourself, and that no one is going to be able to get close to you if you refuse to get close to yourself - you’re inspired by people who have a wide variety of close, resourceful, emotionally nourishingconnections, why? Because that’s what your CAP AC should look like in action, fucker.  

DESCENDANT IN LEO you gotta chill the fuck out, calm the fuck down, and think about how you want to be perceived before you act, because the people are watching and they are not liking what they see - you’re inspired by people who are kinda different,organized,prepared, and making big moves with the quickness, why? Because that’s what your AQUARIUS AC should look like in action, fucker. 

DESCENDENT IN VIRGO you gotta soften your rigid ass way of looking at things and stop being a manipulativecold hearted stone of a bitch - you’re inspired by people who can blend compassion, wisdom, strength and love into one beautiful package of flaming hot realness, why? Because that’s what your PISCES ACshould look like in action, fucker.

DESCENDENT IN LIBRA you gotta stop intentionally throwing yourself onto every sword that ever existed and deal with your inability to see people and situations for what they really are - you’re inspired by people who can take shit as it comes, meet people exactly where they’re at, and maintain their individuality bravely and beautifully at all costs, why? Because that’s what your ARIES AC should look like in action, fucker.

DESCENDENT IN SCORPIO you gotta stop fucking lying to yourself. Period. Stop it. There’s nothing else to say - you’re inspired by people who are trying to get to the bottom of their shit, clear all that old biz out, and actively move their lives forward in newer, deeper directions, why? Because that’s what your TAURUS AC should look like in action, fucker.

DESCENDANT IN SAG you gotta get your whack ass world view in check and stop trying to sew together the most fucked up, unaccountablenarrative, it’s ugly and no one is buying it but you - you’re inspired by people who are genuinely open, knowledgeable, down to discuss anything and everything and be changed doing it, why? Because that’s what your GEMINI ACshould look like in action, fucker. 

DESCENDANT IN CAPRICORN you gotta stop pretending the way you’re living your life feels good when you’re clearly going through the motions like the fucking shell of a marionette - you’re inspired by people who are crazy grounded, have emotionally nourishing relationships, and truly know themselves inside and out, why? Because that’s what your CANCER AC should look like in action, fucker.

DESCENDANT IN AQUARIUS you gotta start directing all that energy you put towards finding the easy way out into developing your characterbefore your midlife crisis hits - you’re inspired by people who radiate personality,positivityandconfidence, and inspire love and dedication through being an all around good ass person, why? Because that’s what your LEO AC should look like in action, fucker.

DESCENDANT IN PISCES you gotta martyr your martyrdom before it’s too fucking late and stop trying to sell yourself on the interpretation of events that keeps you helpless and stalled out as fuck - you’re inspired by people who thoughtfully put their principles into practice and actively create the unique little lives they want, why? Because that’s what your VIRGO ACshould look like in action, fucker. 

Peace, bitches. Happy charting. 


your descendent is the placements you learn the most from :0
