
elieasal: NADDPOD C1 Episode 13 - The Two Crew unwind at Bev’s house with a spa night after fixing h


NADDPOD C1 Episode 13 - The Two Crew unwind at Bev’s house with a spa night after fixing his walking sticks. 

Scramble boi does not like being a fluffy boi

[ID: A digital drawing of Moonshine, Beverly, Hardwon, and Pawpaw from Naddpod, relaxing in a bathroom with towels wrapped around their hair. Moonshine sits on the side of the tub, gleefully blowing a hairdryer at Pawpaw who is aggressively yapping at it. Hardwon sits on the floor with his leg up in front of Bev, who is sitting on the back of the toilet with is feet on the fuzzy seat cover. Beverly is painting gold designs on Hardwon’s foot and lower leg. Hardwon’s long beard is braided, and he strokes it while looking in the mirror. There is a decorative sign on the back wall that says, “Pelor bless this hole,” over a stylized hobbit hole door, designed to look like the sun. Each of them wear comfy shorts, with Moonshine and Hardwon in crop tops and Bev in an oversized tee shirt. Moonshine is an elf, Hardwon is a human, Bev is a halfling, and Pawpaw is a possum. End ID]

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i present to you, the trifecta

[ID: A venn diagram with three circles, each containing a photo of a person: Brennan Lee Mulligan, Ally Beardsley, and Caldwell Tanner. Between Brennan and Ally, the overlap is labeled “philosophical theory.” Between Ally and Caldwell, the overlap is labeled “obscure pop culture.” Between Caldwell and Brennan, the overlap is labeled “animal facts.” The middle overlap of all three is labeled with the sentence in quotations: “did you know?” End ID]


Murph drop the animorphs fanfiction challenge

[ID: A screenshot of an instagram post by @ naddpod. Emily, Jake, Caldwell, and Murph all pose pretending to read paperback copies of an Animorphs book. The caption says, “Preview for next month’s 8bit book club… [eyes emoji] [lizard emoji] (Photo by @ mark__snr)”. The cover of the book shows a boy morphing into a lizard. It appears to be the book “The Invasion”. The crew is in a dressing room: Emily sits on the counter and fake talks to Jake; Jake sits on a chair and looks up at Emily; Caldwell stands behind Jake with one leg up on the counter, reading his book with a smile and a dramatic hand, palm up; Murph stands reading his book with a hand on his chin. End ID]


Cast of Dimension 20 + stims (2/?)

[ID: Five gifs of Dimension 20 cast members at the table. Gif 1: Lou shakes his hand repeatedly and then shouts “woo!” triumphantly. Gif 2: Brennan stands, rubbing his palms together horizontally as he thinks. Gif 3: Ally claps and then bounces in their chair, mouth open in a delighted smile. Gif 4: Emily laughs, hitting her fists together and bouncing. Gif 5: Brennan stands laughing, hitting one fist into the other palm. End ID]



This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!

Join us; we have snacks!

[Gif showing a male actor dancing down the stairs outside a house

End ID.]


tim drake as black bat

i wasn’t joking about black bat tim drake btw :)

edit: replaced background

[4 images of Tim as Black Bat. He has an all-black costume, with a gold bat-logo on his chest and white bandages around his forearms. His domino’s outside corners are curved up like pointy ‘ears,’ but stay flush with his face.

In one image he has his skateboard over his shoulders. In another, he’s making a limp-wrist gesture. In a third he’s kicking up into the air with his bo staff planted in the ground. In the final, he has a holo-screen open in front of himself.

End ID.]

brawltogethernow: daysfadeandnightsgrow: how… how did I not know abt this Completely unrelated to wh



how… how did I not know abt this

Completely unrelated to whether or not you like their music, you have to respect this energy.

[ID: An excerpt from an article that reads: “The 16 December issue of Kerrang! saw My Chemical Romance sweep the boards at the magazine’s annual end-of-year poll. Illustrating the polarising effect that My Chem have, the quintet topped the ‘Best Band’ and 'Worst Band’ categories, as well as the polls for the best and worst things about 2006. Similarly, The Black Parade was named as both best and worst album of the year, while Gerard was installed as both 'Hero’ and 'Villain’ of 2006. Additionally, the silver-haired vocalist topped the 'Sexiest Male’ category and made an unexpected fourth-place showing on the 'Sexiest Female’ category — from which he was ultimately disqualified, on the grounds of not actually being a woman.” End ID]

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riza hawkeye after the promised day with her neck bandaged. roy's bandaged hand is hovering close to her neck. the colors are bright and pastel.ALT
roy mustang after losing his eyesight on the promised day. one of his hands is covering his face. riza's hands are gentling reaching toward his face also. the colors are warm and muted with bright pink and teal accents.ALT

Royai week 2022: saudade (╥﹏╥)

(Id in alt text)

[ID copied from alt text:

1. riza hawkeye after the promised day with her neck bandaged. roy’s bandaged hand is hovering close to her neck. the colors are bright and pastel.

2. roy mustang after losing his eyesight on the promised day. one of his hands is covering his face. riza’s hands are gently reaching toward his face also. the colors are warm and muted with bright pink and teal accents. End ID]


i gotta do everything myself around here

[ID: A photo of Gerard Way performing on 6-9-2022. They’re wearing a floor-length poncho and are singing with their other hand flopped forward. Edited in front of him is the crystal orb and table from the “pondering my orb” meme. End ID]

gimme-that-felix-content:heather, heather and… heather [ID: Miraculous Ladybug fanart of Lyla, Chloe


heather, heather and… heather

[ID: Miraculous Ladybug fanart of Lyla, Chloe, and Félix as the Heathers. Lyla crosses her arms with a slight smile and is labeled with the word “Gaslight” in sparkly cursive font. Next, Chloe sneers and holds up a peace sign with the text “Gatekeep” overlaid. Finally, Félix grins to the side and is labeled “Girlboss.” End ID]

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mossy-rainfrog: [ID: A realistic traditional drawing of Hermann smiling and looking off to the side.


[ID: A realistic traditional drawing of Hermann smiling and looking off to the side. There is a small, stylized party hat hovering above his head. End ID]

I was debating whether or not to draw something for today but I couldn’t resist the urge to draw Him so :3 here he is!! HE’S THE BIRTHDAY BOY!!! :D I love him so much

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heartautisms: eden-the-ace-weeb:awkward-sunshine-and-rainbows:twinkgirlboywife:randomingoftherandomnheartautisms: eden-the-ace-weeb:awkward-sunshine-and-rainbows:twinkgirlboywife:randomingoftherandomn












miles “who’s morales” morales’s biggest weakness is the cover story

peter, lying out of his ass: i was, uh, married to his uncle aaron. he just never let you know

Jefferson, later: Do you think Aaron never told us because Peter’s…

Rio: …Tall

Jefferson: I didn’t think Aaron liked … Tall people.

Jefferson: “But listen: Aaron might have married a white boy just to annoy me, specifically. It’s a thing he would do!”

Rio: “I can’t hear you. I’m asleep.  I have a shift in four hours.”

I really wish there was a way Uncle Aaron lived and came back to meet his “husband” at some point now.

Aaron: …Miles…I love you, and I am proud of you…but you are somehow the smartest and dumbest boy I have ever known.

Miles: Says the man who used his big brain to become a criminal when he could’ve been a black Tony Stark with that gear he made. And thought working for the Kingpin, who everyone knows will throw his minions away like tissues, was a good idea!

Peter: He makes a good point, babe, you did kind of mess up first–

Aaron: Call me babe again and see what happens. I’ll whoop you with a collapsed lung.

All I see is “fake marriage au, but it’s also enemies to lovers”

If I ever stop reblogging this post, assume that I have yeeted myself off this mortal coil

Miles: Peter I think we can stop pretending you’re gay, my parents already know I’m Spider-Man.

Peter: Who said anything about pretending?

Miles: What! You can’t do that! You’re supposed to be Spider-Man, not my gay uncle.

Peter: Well congrats kid! Now I’m Spider-Man AND your gay uncle

I’ve reblogged this before but im reblogging it again because i literally love this

This is everything I have ever loved

[Image description:

Three panels of a comic of Miles Morales, his parents and Peter B. Parker from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse.

The first panel shows Miles and Peter smiling. A speech bubble from outside the frame asks: “Miles, who is that?” Miles points at Peter and his speech bubble says: “Uh, this is my uncle, Peter.” Peter waves at the people outside the frame.

The second panel shifts to show the people asking the question: Miles’ parents, Jefferson and Rio. They are both drawn in their work clothes (cop and nurse uniform, respectively). They appear confused and somewhat incredulous. Jefferson’s speech bubble just says: “…” Rio’s speech bubble says: “What?”

The third panel shifts back to show Miles’ face up close now. He is smiling tightly out of apprehension. Text above his head reads: “Shit.” He is sweating now.

End of description]

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really love imagining a bunch a kids and teens on their pokemon journeys staying the night on the couches and floors in the lobbies of pokemon centers, having long talks about their experiences and feelings sharing funny and scary stories and myths about legendaries and trading items and sharing TMs along with sugary snacks and pokedex chargers all while their pokemon are out of their pokeballs and all bundled up in blankets sleeping soundly next to their trainers while they stare up at the stars shining through the glass ceiling over their heads

#this is what pokemon’s all about

#this is…so nice

I just…really like this idea man. So I drew a thing.

Trainer life,,,

[Image Description: a Pokemon Center lobby with multiple trainers. There’s one trainer curled up in a sleeping bag with their Munna resting on top. On one of the couches, a trainer with dark brown skin and afro textured hair and glasses on her laptop, patting her espeon. Next to her a young man with short brown hair and a fluffy coat is asleep with his Flaafy leaning on him also asleep. On the other there is a brown skinned young man in a blue hoodie with a blanket wrapped around him as he leans on the table asleep. His Seviper is laying on top of him. A girl with bob-length red hair and a green long sleeved shirt is leaning against the couch with a coffee in hand smiling at her sandshrew playing with a poliwag ]


[ID: A product listing for plushes of Sonic the Hedgehog characters. The name of the plush is listed next to each picture. It reads:

  • Shadow: Black Sonic
  • Knuckles: Red Sonic
  • Sonic: Blue Sonic
  • Tails: Yellow Sonic
  • Amy: Pink Sonic
  • Silver: Gray Sonic. End ID]


*Ominous monologue

[ID: A digital painting of Jon Sims recording under a blanket. Jon is a thin brown man with long hair who looks very tired. In his other arm is the Admiral, a smiling gray cat. The lighting is soft. End ID]


Sorry Boys… This ARCHIVIST is TAKEN

[ID: A TMA comic with Jon and Martin. Martin holds out a sweater with a delighted expression as Jon stands in front of him. The sweater says “Sorry Boys… This ArchivistisTaken.”Jon says, “No.” The next panel is of him crossing his arms and wearing the sweater, looking very tired. End ID]



*dry food crunches* Ridiculously small kitten: “Myam myam myam. Njam njam njam njam njam njam njam! Myam myam myam nyam nyam myam. Mmmam. Mrrrrram. Meep!”

Oh here it is again. The best video ever


krazy kat-esque mousekat comic written/published/distributed by ‘joys in the zones feat. an armadillo love interest a la ignatz mouse albeit with less brick-hurling….party does a run of mk comix when they’re ~17 and projects literally all of their problems onto this little blue creature (kinnie) (<- affectionate)

+ a bonus doodle of party’s mk helmet

[ID: 3 pencil drawings of mousekat.

1. mousekat is a catlike creature, drawn in a cartoony somewhat old-fashioned style. they have a white face, front paws, and tummy, as well as spots above their eye and near their mouth. their nose is heart-shaped, and they have a star-shaped patch on one cheek. they are looking off to the side and standing on all fours, with a heart above their head, and their tail is stylized to be shaped like an exclamation point.

2. mousekat is the same cartoony catlike creature, though this design is a little more finalized with one eye having a heart-shaped catchlight and the other having a triangle cutout as a highlight, similar to how the mousekat mascot head has a dark patch on one eye, and a round patch on the cheek opposite of the star. they are sitting up like a person, resting their front paws behind them, and there are paw pads visible on the bottom of their back feet. this one’s tail is drawn as a zig-zag. they are looking at their companion with multiple bubble-hearts floating above their head and stylized lines for blush over their cheeks. next to them is sunny, an armadillo drawn in the same style, also sitting like a person, looking back at mousekat. they have their front feet/claws folded in front of them, and their tail held up behind them. behind both of the characters is a very simple desert background, consisting of the silhouette of mesas and cliffs with a sun and clouds above them.

3. party poison’s mousekat helmet, designed to look like a slightly more realistic version of the above character. it is a fluffy fursuit head with pointy cat ears and a friendly, smiling expression. it has mesh mascot eyes that are looking up and to the left (our right), with heart-shaped catchlights, as well as a heart-shaped nose. there is a spot in the middle of its forehead and on its right cheek, with a star on the other cheek. a plastic base where the head would fit into the rest of a fursuit is visible at the bottom, along with a knotted loop of cord to hang it around one’s neck when not wearing it.

end ID]



i drew this as cover art for a character playlist i made for my dear friend jordan @sleevesareforlosers and i’m pretty happy with it so i thought i’d share it with you guys!

[Image ID. A coloured pencil drawing of Party Poison. They have light skin, dyed red hair with one side shaved, yellow nail polish, and a long scar running down the left side of their face, cutting through their eyebrow. He’s wearing ripped white jeans, a blue Dead Pegasus jacket, brown fingerless gloves, a string of bad luck beads and four knotted commitment bands around their wrist, each with yellow string and a blue bead, as well as string of another colour, respectively red, purple, green, and orange. They’re leaning back with their elbow on top of red booth seating, looking at the camera out of the corner of their eye and eating a yellow popsicle. End ID.]

[ID continued: they have dark ginger brows, brown eyes, and there is a golden star next to their head. in addition to the other bracelets on their wrist, there is a string of greenish clear beads, strung on a black shoelace with one aglet missing. end cont ID.]
