#dialogue prompts


10 coffee date dialogue prompts

requested by: anon

Feel free to use and reblog!

#1 - “How do you know how I like my coffee?

#2 - "I had to think of you when I first bought a coffee here.”

#3 - “You’ve got a crumb right there.”

#4 - “Let me choose a coffee for you!”

#5 - “I’m so glad you could find the time to do this with me.”

#6 - “You still need more sugar?! But isn’t it already making up half of your cup?”

#7 - “They really all know you here. Do you come here this often?”

#8 - “You look extra happy with a cup of coffee in your hand.”

#9 - “Why are you taking this napkin with you?” “Because I want something to remember this day by.”

#10 - “We have to do that again!”

1. “Try that again, I dare you.” 

2. “Don’t look at me like that I didn’t ask to be the savior in the prophecy!” 

3. “I won’t apologize. I did what I had to do to protect my family.” 

4. “This wasn’t the plan!” 

5. “You sure do spend a lot of time out here.” 

6. “Stop it! I can’t just forget what you said! Nothing is the same between us stop acting like it is! How am I just supposed to go back to acting like normal after last night?” 

7. “I swear to god if you ruin this for me-” “I know, I know, you’ll kill me, no one will ever find my body, blah blah blah.” 

8. “If it weren’t for you maybe none of this ever would have happened! Did you ever think of that? Maybe mom would still be alive!” 

9. “I just wish things could have turned out differently between us, you know?” 

10. “Wherever you go I’ll follow.” 

1. “Wait here!” 

“You know I’m not going to do that.” 

2. “Who are you? What are you doing here?” 

“To be completely honest I was going to rob you but it seems you and I have bigger issues to settle.” 

3. “Officers, you have to understand, we were dumb grad students. We had no idea what we had created we just knew that no one could ever know.” 

“And have you heard from him lately?” 

“No. No, I haven’t seen or spoken to him since the incident.” 

4. “You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into!” 

“Well maybe if you and dad hadn’t kept so many secrets I wouldn’t have to get myself into anything!” 

5. “Just rest. Everything’s okay. You’re safe now.” 

“But I have to get to-” 

“Shh, rest. You can’t save the world in this state.” 

“Why are you helping me? I don’t trust you.” 

“I know.” 

1. “I’m starting to think you might not have told me the whole truth.” 

2. “I don’t work for you anymore.” 

“No, but you are in desperate need of money–oh, don’t give me that look, I have ears everywhere. Listen, if you want to have any hope of finding your brother, do one last job with me, I promise, I’ll make it worth your time.” 

3. “Do you still think about her?” 

“Your mom? Honey, I think about her every day.” 

4. “How long has it been like this?” 

5. “Don’t even think about it! We had a deal–goddammit, wait for me!” 

6. “I swear to god, I will burn your kingdom down.” 

7. “You are the last of your bloodline and thus, this responsibility falls to you.” 

8. “Have you talked to him?” 

“Not since the incident.” 

9. “He was one of the greatest writers of his time. His treasure, his game, it’s like his last story but instead of reading it, he left it for us to live.” 

10. “Don’t get any ideas.” 

“Too late!” 

“I’ve always wondered who you are under the mask.”

“What a coincidence! I’ve wondered the same thing about you. How about you untie me and we’ll pull each other’s masks off on the count of 3?”

“You know that’s not how it works, darling.”

“It’s not funny!”

“It kind of is. I mean, of all the things, that’s your kryptonite?”

“What a coincidence, that we keep bumping into each other.”

“Coincidence? It’s my job to stop you from taking over the city.”

“All this time, I’ve been happy with what I can do with my powers right now, when I know I can do so much more if I put my mind to it.”

“Is that why you took care of me? Were you hoping to raise me into being your super weapon?”

“Would it kill you to put a shirt on, man?”

“Don’t listen to him! You look great just the way you are.”

“Sure, and I’ll bet you’ll look really great when you get stabbed or shot right through the heart.”

“You have to stop, before you hurt somebody!”

“When I stop, the only one who gets hurts is me.”

“I don’t know whether to be disturbed or impressed. Actually, no, I’m disturbed. Just very, very disturbed.”

“Oh, sure, it’s always fine for the token robot to get smashed to pieces, but totally wrong for the humans to get hurt.”

“You know that’s not what I meant.”

“Save it. Just keep track of where my pieces land this time. I don’t want to wake up later with half my head missing.”

“I’ll be whatever the kid needs me to be, and if that means I have to play the bad guy so the kid gets to be a hero, I’ll do it.”

“As a new volunteer of the supervillain reform program, you’re now obligated to use your superpowers for good.”

“I didn’t volunteer for anything! You’re crazy!”

“Nah, I just truly believe that everyone can be good guys. I also believe that some people, like you, only need a little friendly encouragement.”

“What do you mean by that? And why do you have to say it so creepily cheerful?”

“My parents aren’t dead! They left for outer space to save the universe from being destroyed.”

“Okay, and how’s that working out?”

“Considering the universe hasn’t been destroyed yet, I’d say they’re doing a good job. They just haven’t finished yet, that’s why they’re not back yet.”

“Hey, listen, it’s okay.”

“It’s not okay! I’m the most powerful hero, I’m supposed to keep everyone safe.”

“Not even you can save everybody.”
