#dick grayson robin


Battison Batman patrolling Gotham with Dick Grayson Robin. It’s less patrol and more of Dick showing off all his flips to an impressed Bruce who hands him a treat after every trick because he believes Dick deserves the treats (i.e Cookies, Fruit Gummies, Really whatever he can fit in the utility belt) and it’s positive reinforcement!

Selina’s back in town finally and she sees a familiar silhouette on a roof so she decides to go surprise her Vengeance. She fully planned on sneaking up behind him and putting her hands over his eyes but she stops when she sees the practically neon kid doing a flip and Bats politely clapping.

Selina pointing at Robin: “Vengeance! What the fuck is that!?”

Battinson happy that Selina is there but not showing it, but also unhappy because she cursed in front of his child: “That’s my child.”

Selina: “Who gave it to you!?”

Bruce: “I found him at the circus.”

Dick: “I impressed him with my cool moves! Also my parents are dead.”

Selina: •-•

Bruce handing Dick a chocolate chip cookie: “Your moves are very cool.”


I love Dick but I wanted to make his nightwing outfit more fun so I brought aspects of Discowing back. Also I think he should have brown eyes :)

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