#din djarin x reader


Din Djarin x Reader 

Modern AU

Words: 1990

Summary: Din Djarin is the most influential man in the entire world. But even the most influential needed something more, something he found in a place he never expected to.

Din Djarin is one of the most influential men in the entire world, he has everything a person could ever want and more.

He was rich, he had power and people were afraid of him. He was a true leader who feared no one but everyone feared him.

And just as they say that behind every successful man there is a woman it was true in his case as well. 

It all began when he was on his way home from a job, his driver vent into a part of the city which was really dangerous, not that he cared because no one would even dare to look at him let alone attack or rob him. As they were driving through the streets Din was looking outside looking at the people out on the street, he saw prostitutes, drug addicts, drug sellers and many homeless people.

Then as they stopped at a red light he saw someone, a young woman carrying a small child in her arms as she was making her way through the streets. Din Didn’t know what was about her that caught his eye he was sure he had seen many women like her but there was just something about her, something he couldn’t quite understand but he was interested. But as the light turned green again the driver began to drive and Din could only see her getting smaller and smaller and then he took a turn completely losing her sight.

The next time Din saw this woman was in a different part of the city, but she still looked the same, same coat, same shoes, and the same child. He was sitting at a coffee store, enjoying his lunch when he saw her. Again Din found himself being interested. But she soon left.

Then the third time Din asked his driver to go the same route they went a couple of weeks ago, he wanted to see her he wasn’t sure why but he wanted to, and he did. She was getting out of a convenience store when he saw her. However, he also noticed the couple meant that was heading her way, he made his driver stop the car he got out and as the man saw him, the smirks disappeared from their faces as they looked down and quickly walked the other way they came from.

Din didn’t talk to her, but she did look at him, she offers him a warm smile before she walked away.

This is when Din realized that he wanted to know more about her, he wanted her, and he will always get what he wants.

So, he called up one of his most trusted men, Boba Fett, who was an assassin, Din explained to him that all he wanted was more information about the woman he didn’t want her dead.

Boba I know better than to question his bosses requests so he nodded and went along to carry out the job.

Din couldn’t wait, he was good at many things but patience was not one of them.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long for Boba to find out everything about her and so he gave all the information to his boss.

When Din those final left alone in his office he opened up the envelope, it was possibly the thinnest envelope he has ever seen in his entire life.

Her name was Y/N Y/L/N, an orphan there was very little information about her a couple of schools she attended, a couple of jobs that he had during her life, however, there was no mention of a child anywhere, no birth certificate for the little one no hospital entries or anything like that. Which made him even more curious, did she hide a kid from someone in that’s why there was no information about the kid or what was going on? Could it be that she stole the kid from someone or found him?

From her papers it was clear that she wasn’t a harmful person which he already knew just based on the smile she gave him, he knew when someone recognized him he knew when someone knew who he was but she had no clue, the smile she gave him was genuine not out of fear or respect it was a genuine smile something Din hadn’t seen in a long while.

The story of him talking to her for the first time was completely by chance, he was at his usual place in the café then he saw her once again when he saw her pass on the street as she was walking past the many people someone ran into her knocking her over and no one even looked at her everyone just walked past like nothing happened. Din didn’t even recognize his legs moving, he only realized that he was standing right beside her when he began talking.

“Are you okay?” he asked he offered his hand to her so she could stand up again. 

She smiled at him again, “Yes, thank you I’m fine.” She said as she took his hand and got up. She checked the kid and so did Din. The baby looked nothing like her, still sleeping as if nothing happened.

“Is he okay?” Din asked.

“He is, thank you. He is a heavy sleeper. Thank you again,” she said before she smiled at him, and started to leave. But Din grabbed her arm. She immediately looked at him, scared.

“I-I just.” he stuttered. Din Djarin just stuttered. For the first time in his life. “I like you.” he said.

“Thank you, Sir, but you don’t know me.”

“Let me get to know you. I want to know you!” the desperation in his voice was clear. He guessed she felt bad for him, and she agreed to meet him tomorrow same place.

You still couldn’t believe it.

What would a well-dressed handsome and rich man like him want from you? You were almost homeless, with a child. Why would he want to know a person like that?

Did he think you were some kind of prostitute or something? No, he wouldn’t have offered you lunch in that case.

Then, the next day, with Grogu in your arms, you made your way to the place you agreed to meet the man, who you learned was named Din. After many long debates about whether you should go or not, you decided to go.

There was something in his eyes which told you that you could trust him.

So, your first date came. At the time you didn’t even know it was a date.

And what a disaster it was.

You were a mess, lost in the luxury that seemed so evident to him. People looked at you with disgust in their eyes.

At least your son had a fun time, eating whatever he wanted and Din was really affectionate towards him.

In Din’s eyes, the date went amazingly. You looked beautiful and he loved hearing you talk, you weren’t so different from him, the difference was that now he had money in the bank.

Din Djarin was your savior.

He saved you from the awful world, he gave you shelter and loved you.

You realized you were in love during your fourth date with him when he took you and Grogu to the Zoo. The way he lifted Grogu so he could see the lion warmed your heart.

That was the first night you spent at Din’s place. And although you knew he had a completely different lifestyle, when seeing his mansion, you were left speechless.

But you also knew that was only the outside. Inside Din was much more than a multimillionaire with a gang to his name.

He was kind, affectionate and loyal. He wasn’t much of a talker, but he listened and remembered.

It was the first time you could properly celebrate your son’s birthday.

“He is getting so big.” Din said as he watched Grogu running around the backyard. He rented out three bouncy houses, a giant ball pit and there were way too much food considering no one was invited. You watched the man you love smile at your son, and you decided this was the time to tell him.

“Three years ago, I found him by a dumpster. He was just a newborn, crying. The most terrible part is that someone placed bags on him either to hide him or they didn’t even care that a kid was there and just left their garbage on him. He is not my blood but he is my son.”

“It always amazes me how strong you are, My Love.”

Din was not expecting that the kid was treated so poorly. Thankfully you found him, and Din found you.

Only after two years of getting to know Din was enough for you, you knew he was the one. The one you wanted to live your life with.

And only just one year later, Din finally gathered his courage to ask you to marry him. You made it official with a beautiful ceremony.

“Do we really have to go?” asked an annoyed Din. “We could celebrate our wedding anniversary from here, why should we go to a theater?”

“Because I heard great things about this play and I want to see it. I told you if you don’t want to go, I could have gone with my friends!” you said from the bathroom as you were finishing up with your hair. The dress you had on was pure perfection as you knew your husband loved seeing red on you.

“Okay, okay. And then we go to that restaurant, as I wanted to.”

“Exactly, theater, dinner, and then when we get home we can have sex.” you said as you got out of the bathroom. “What do you think? Do I look nice?”

“Can we maybe start with the last option on your list?” he said as he headed over to you, smirking.

“Nooo, we’ll be late, let’s go.”

Din let out an annoyed groan. You would always win.

Din had to be honest, he enjoyed the play, although he wasn’t a big fan of musicals, this one was actually rather good, but he was too proud to admit.

During dinner, he couldn’t take his eyes off of your breasts. The dress that you wore was covering them, but he just couldn’t look away.

“My eyes are up here Mr Djarin,” you said as you took a sip from the lemonade you ordered.

“Did they grow?” he asked looking into your eyes finally.

“I have a new bra. Maybe it’s that.”


He knew you too well.

And during dessert, you were ready to tell him about your surprise.

“I do have something for you.” you said as you watched him sip his champagne, you didn’t even touch yours.

You pulled out the small box from your bag and handed it to him.

“I thought you said no presents.”

“In a way, this is for both of us.” his eyes widened. “Not like that, you pervert! Just open it.”

Din opened the ribbon and the box, he took out the pacifier from it.

“I’m pregnant.” you said before he could ask anything. “The doctor confirmed yesterday.”

“We are going to have another little one?” the way he said that made you want to jump at him and kiss him.


He smiled at you, tears gathered in his eyes.

“Don’t cry love please, I know you are happy but someone could see you. The fearless leader might lose his reputation.” you laughed, trying to make him laugh as well, but he only smiled.

The house of Djarin grew, he was now a husband and a father. Something he was rather proud of instead of his fearful title.

From having one child to having two and now his wife was pregnant with their fourth, Din couldn’t believe his luck. He had a family now not only his empire.

Taglist:imreadinggoaway@fleursirvart​ @v-2buckyehsebastiancrunch-time-sports @pxstelrainbowablogbypeteparkerliamssmilersmexylemony@greenarrowheadfeelingsareharddd @thisismysecrethappyplace@sincerelyfan@theoneanna@aestheticsandmarvel@rororo06@castellandiangelo@avengers-r-us@destynelseclipsa @spilledinkindumpstercelebsimagine @capsiclesdollsnoopy3000@firstangeldragonranch@puknowcrazzyter @alwayshave-faith@soleil-dor@alex12948scream-kiwi79 @lxdyred @imagines-by-a-typical-fangirl​​​






Pairings:Din Djarin x f!reader

Warnings:Fluff, mutual pining, Din being clueless, Established sexual relationship, live sick idiots, mild reference to smut.

A/N:req by @sturkillerbase for idiots in love. “You’re so cute. What did you just say? I said you look like a boot.”

Comments and reblogs really appreciated

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God I love these two idiots. And the reader’s concern over breaking Din’s creed is so sweet and I love that they jumped into saying the vows it’s a perfect ending.

Gotta give Din his little family he deserves it after everything he’s been through. Thank you my darling for reading. ILY


Dorne Part 2 - Boxer!Din AU

A/N:A cheeky birthday gift for my darling CiCi @astroboots I hope you have the most wonderful day, filled with laughter, love, lots of Riley cuddles and gifts galore! Thank you for being one of the most precious friends I’ve been lucky enough to meet and spend every day annoying, being a menace to, chatting with you and getting a glimpse into that beautiful brain of yours. Hope you enjoy it my love! I’m sorry it’s a bit of a mess asdfghj.

Word Count:2.7k

Rating: 18+ (NO Minors)

Warnings: SMUT! MFF oral sex (female receiving).

Main Masterlist|Boxer Materlist|Dorne Part 1

“I wanna see if she’s as greedy for pussy too, baby—”

“Mm, you’re just full of good ideas today, sweetheart.”

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Remember when I said #seriously considering dividing my life into ‘before dorne by tumblr user djarinsbeskar’ and 'after dorne by tumblr user djarinsbeskar’ Guess I need to add a 'after dorne p2 by tumblr user djarinsbeskar’ phase

Cause Rachel………….. This was already such a concept, and then you flipped this around by making Din say, “First… I wanna see how greedy you are for pussy,” and I

Your description is so rich. The scents, the fabrics, the make-up, Reader still taking up so much of Din’s attention even when they have company like this; LIKE IN, “his eyes were just as easily pulled to your form as your legs extended with each step in an effortless prowl, without the bolstered force of a male—but softer, deadlier. A lioness—a hunter. His.” – GOD. And how after she says ““Come taste,” you mention how he’s parched but needs Reader’s mouth first???

Something I loved in this, as I did in the first Dorne, is the way Din lets Reader have the control, but takes it back so effortlessly. For a while you think she’s the one in charge but with one growled, ““Back to work,”” and “his free hand tugged your panties to the side to give your pussy a series of quick slaps,” (), AND “even receiving pleasure from another—it was his name you moaned,” () it’s very clear who’s in charge here…

And the ending, Rachel…………………. The, “Avoid her clit—”  and “Slower, slower—she likes to be edged, don’t you, sweetheart?” THE STOP!!!!!!!!!!! THE GOOD GIRLS!!!!!!!!!! Your Din, much like your writing in general, is so fucking superior, and I am so sorry this took me so long to read because I know I requested this a lot from you and god, did you deliver (But, that’s no surprise) Thank you for wiriting, Rachel



Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader

Summary: Mando offers a lesson in restraint. And blasters.

Word Count: 4000

Warnings:Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, grinding, descriptions of male and female bodies, allusions to sexual acts, female masturbation, descriptions of PiV sex, we’re fantasizing about one (1) sexy space dad in this house. 

Notes: Don’t we all just love some weapons training? Someone explain to me why it is so attractive when Mando does it, because I have never found it sexy in real life. I’m also dedicating this installment to my Star Wars sister @amywritesthings because we just keep yelling at each other about how much this trope worms into our brains and I feel like she’s owed this as a treat.

Takes place directly after A Sweet Response to Tragedy. Like literally the next day. 

Cross-posted on AO3

I Think of You Series Masterlist

The blaster in your hand is warm, sweaty along the grip and sticking to your palm. Your wrists are tired, your trigger finger stiff, but you raise the barrel to aim again before firing a bolt.


“Miss,” Mando says, and you sigh comically, dropping the blaster from its durasteel target and tilting your head up to the sky.

“I don’t think this is a ‘practice makes perfect’ situation, Mando,” you huff, looking over at him. He’s sitting on a fallen tree, one elbow on his knee as the child stomps around in the dirt.

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Someone please kidnap the kid or something so they can be alone

Kidding, kidding. Or am I?

This is pretty much how I looked while reading

FUCK. Mando says kneel, you kneel ‍♀️ I will be thinking about that scene tonight.

These two have had such terrible pasts but they’ve finally managed to find some beauty. Here’s to hoping the flowers just continue to bloom for them.

Phenomenal as always. I get so happy when I see you’ve tagged me in another installment. I could read about these two all day everyday.


Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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Thank you for reading and reblogging!


Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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help I need AIR

whew ok

that was delightful bby I am awaiting my tin man rescuer to treat me JUST like this pls and ty

AH THANK YOU KAYLIE BBY I want my own tin can man to rescue me too. We deserve it!!! Thanks for reading and for your comment!



Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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Everyone being hornt for Din again has me like

It’s also my reaction to this fic, I love it

Oh man it’s always horny for Din hours on here. Tin can smut is my bedtime story for real. You should see my ao3 history. ‍ Thanks for reading and reblogging, Nicole!!!


Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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Hehehehehe I can’t help you I’m drowning in simp too for this tin can. Thanks for reading and reblogging!!!



Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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AHHHHHHH THANK YOU BBY I’m so so happy you liked it especially that tin can’s manspread. ‍ And for reading and reblogging!



Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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this is so good ❤️

Eeeeeeee thank you so much for reading and reblogging!



Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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This was very good, I love the build up and affection between them!!!!!

I mean I’m very interested to know which part prompted such a physical response

Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment and for reblogging!!



Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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oof….yes please. 

Same, Keri, SAAAAAAME. Thanks for reading and reblogging!!


Heat Signature


Pairing:Din Djarin x f!reader

Word count:3.7k

Rating:Explicit (18+ ONLY, minors this is not the fic for you)

Warnings: unprotected sex (this is fictional wrap it up irl), cum eating, Mando’s manspread is its own warning tbh, attempted assault (grabbing your arm until Mando intervenes), f! masturbation until interrupted how dare, the helmet doesn’t come off until it does, cursing, I think that’s it but as always let me know.

Summary: You realize Mando has a feature in his helmet that lets him see how hot you are at a really inconvenient time. That’s it. That’s the plot.

A/N: Some of you may recognize this as a sneak peek I posted months ago and never posted. So yes, it’s finally here.



It didn’t happen all at once.

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Pairing: Din Djarin x f!reader

Summary: After learning something new you want to toy with him even more…

Rating:Explicit (18+ only!)

Warnings: f!reader, dom reader dynamics, dom din dynamics, established relationship, p0rn with very little plot , male masturbation, oral sex, unprotected piv, cum play , dirty talk, praise kink ❤️ , c0ck worship , din’s breeding kink pops out.

AN: @beskarprincessjenny and i are back hehe did you miss us? Loosely based after season 2 of mando.

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