


On a Roll Episode 2! Or is it technically 1.5 since it’s sort of just a follow up to Episode 1?!? Well, you decide!

I’m so excited for this wee adventure program of mine. This episode is a bit different to what I plan for in the future (hopefully there’ll be more talking and less gratuitous scenery). It’s still early days for this little video maker though, so I welcome any and all feedback ^_^


My newest youtube video is up! Snacksidents:My version of a food adventure.

I had so much fun making this one, for obvious reasons. I swear I will get less awkward soon!

Features Lucky’s Doughnut’s limited edition Sakura Doughnut… It was the best doughnut of my life so far. It’s over now and just thinking about that brings a little tear to my eye *sniff*.

Click the youtube link for a better description than this, closed captions and 1080HD viewing. Optimized for headphones!

[thumbnail image description: a composite of Cherry blissfully biting into a beautiful looking doughnut with their eyes closed. Over-layed is text with the title: Snacksidents Sakura Doughnut in a peaceful blue-green with a picture of the really cute pink box the doughnut came in. The box is bright pink, says Luckys and has cartoon cherry blossom flowers. In the background of the composite is a tray of Lucky’s famous fritters]


Please submit photos, videos, illustrations, visual posts that show your real life, every day experience of the world as a disabled person. Whatever that may be! It can be anything from mundane every day things, your fashion, your selfies, your food habits, the things you enjoy doing, to the adventures you go on, basically anything anyone would ever share about themselves. It doesn’t have to be a 100% positive experience, though, as that is not real life. Any emotion, any experience. I’m interested in presenting what it is like for disabled people to live their lives.

Photos, videos etc. should probably include you, a part of you, or your actual Point of View to be a true depiction of you and your experience. They should also be clear, the subject matter should be recognizable, and relatively interesting to look at (if not downright hilarious commentary on the mundaneness of living life as a human being). If we want this project to make a difference it should be something that all kinds of people want to look at.Let’s burst out of our echo-chamber and refuse to be ignored!

Whatever else, you should be presenting yourself and your experience how YOU want to be presented. This is about both education and empowerment. I’m not here to dictate how you depict your life and what “Disability Is Normal” means for you.

No photos or videos of disabled people that are not you, please, unless it is a group shot that includes you and you are also disabled.

If you know a disabled person who wants their experience to be shared as part of this project please have them submit. If they are not physically able to submit, then please message me with a copy of their explicit consent - this would be either in physical signed form (a photo of a signed note), a video of them consenting, or a voice recording. A simple YES answer to a ‘do you want this to be shared on Disability is Normal’ - a physical nod, or thumbs up etc. is good enough for me if the person is non-verbal.

I want to try and be inclusive as is absolutely possible, but this is a place for us to be represented exactly how we want to be. These are our voices!

This is a project for all disabilities, all genders, all ethnicities, all skills, all lifestyles, all perspectives, all social classes and all disabled experiences. We are numerous, we are everywhere and we WILL be acknowledged <3

Please reblog, follow, boost and tag with your disabilities! Let’s get this off the ground - we can only do this together!

If you’re not disabled, please also consider boosting and following! Posts are queued at no more than 4 per day, will be absolutely personable, real, enlightening and interesting. Some posts may even hit your aesthetic tastes or personal interests! (;

I’ve been busy starting a new YouTube channel (more on that later!). Essentially, a large part of it

I’ve been busy starting a new YouTube channel (more on that later!). Essentially, a large part of it is wanting to share my experience of the world but also to try and normalize disability! ( https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCnETew92-OPnj4w2S-03a0g)

Which brings me on to my point! I started a new tag! #DisabilityIsNormal I’m going to be using it on YouTube and all platforms I can get my grubby mitts on. Disabled friends, feel free to tag your photos, posts, videos, everything of you doing normal things, just the same as everyone else! Let’s normalize disability together. Let’s show the world we exist, from our own perspective, and we are people just like everyone else! Take up space in the world with me! Let’s make everyone else start to acknowledge that we exist and our experiences are real and valid.

{please don’t remove my words}

Post link