#disney theory


Encanto Thoughts #7

When Abuela got the candle, the Casita was her gift. The reason Mirabel didn’t get a gift like everyone else, and is also the first person on the door of the new Casita is because she is replacing Abuela’s place as the head of the house.

Encanto thoughts #2

In Bruno’s vision for Isabella he says her power will grow “like the grapes that thrive on the vine”. It’s a plant without flowers. Anyone else think he was trying to give her a hint?

Encanto thoughts #1

You realize when Pepa gave birth to Dolores, Camilo, and Antonio that the village had both the worst and best weather ever?

Theory on the fire bugs from Atlantis the Lost Empire:

I love world building and began theorizing about things in the movie Atlantis the lost empire one of which was the fire bugs.

Though they may seem like something out of fantasy they are evolutionary possible. The bombardier beetle for example ejects a hot noxious chemical spray from the tip of it’s abdomen as a defense mechanism.

The fire bugs must likely evolved a similar defence mechanism only they secret a chemical that combusts with the air and would normally use it to fight off invading hives.

Their bodies would produce the chemical as a result of their food source which would most likely consist of either cave mosses, the excrement from the monster that lives in the eye of the giant stature milo’s group passed through, and/or the plants in Atlantis.

When the light from Milo’s flashlight shined into their hive the fire bugs mistook Milo and the camp for an invading hive and began defending themselves.

That’s my theory let me know what you think.
