#fan theory


Charlie and the chocolate Factory fan theory: Candy is made from Children


<<Willy Wonka is a pretty creepy character, no doubt. The book is known for a rather dark nature in how it handles naughty kids. In the story, other candy makers are jealous of Wonka’s success and send spies to uncover the secrets of his factory. In fear of being ruined, he fires all of his employees and closes the factory. Five years later, it reopens with a new staff comprised of discolored and identical African pygmies called “Oompa Loompas”. I understand hiding a secret recipe to making candy, but it isn’t that difficult. Thousands of people work for Coca-Cola but only two people know what the recipe to coke really is. What kind of terrible secrets could Wonka be hiding in the factory? This theorist believes that Wonka’s various candies are made from children.

Wonka is not necessarily evil; he just has a very messed up scale of morality where he designs his tour to try and tempt each children with a karmic fate to evaluate if they are worthy of living or not by setting up traps or gambits which kills them. Augustus Gloop can’t control his gluttony when he gets to the Chocolate Room and falls into the chocolate river, and is sucked up a large pipe. That’s a fairly large pipe.Large enough for a Human being. Why would you make it that big for the chocolate river? Wonka set it up so that children are easily transported throughout the factory through these pipes to the various rooms.

huWe see a similar mechanic again with the Nut Room, where there is a large tube that connects to an incinerator. The Nut Room has a bunch of squirrels testing walnut out to see if they are a “bad nut”. Veruca Salt wants to have one of the squirrels, but Wonka denies her the request, so she tries to take one for herself. Wonka hardly tries to hide his murderous intents with this one and Veruca is thrown into the chute by the entire squirrel squad. The squirrels are trained to work together in dragging people into the chute, apparently. Also, in the 2005 movie adaptation, when Wonka is asked to quickly find the key to the chute from a huge bunch of keys, it takes him ages to try and see which is the correct one, but as soon as Veruca has disappeared down, it turns out that he knew the right one all along, since he immediately opens the gate.

Before this, the group travels to the Inventing Room where Wonka shows off the “Three-Course Dinner Chewing Gum”, a dangerous, experimental candy which has the side-effect of turning people into blueberries. Violet, boasting she can consume it and being prideful, grabs the gum and turns into a giant blueberry (she remains a Human but she has become large, blue, and juicy). Wonka has some Oompa Loompas take her to the Juicing Room to get back to normal. Turning into a fruit is a pretty big effect and doesn’t seem like some kind of mistake and showing it off to a bunch of careless, candy-loving kids is not a smart idea. When Wonka captured children, originally, in order to make a child even more useful, he fed them these dinner gums so they can become different fruits and taken to the juicing room to get an endless supply of “natural” flavors. The Television Room’s original use may be obvious: turning kids bite-sized in order to harness all of their flavors for a candy. The shrunken kids could of also been used for manufacturing tiny aspects of small candies, like molding them.

Going back to Augustus – neverbinkles on Reddit noticed an odd thing about the boat: “Willy Wonka knew those children would die in his factory. After Augustus gets sucked up the shoot, they all hop on board the boat through the tunnel of doom. The boat doesn’t have two extra vacant seats though. It was designed with prior knowledge that they would lose two participants before that point. Later they drive a cream spewing car with only four seats. Did they have another car waiting in the garage in case the others made it? Of course not. Willy Wonka uses children to make candy.”

Still think this idea is crazy? Well, in the original version of the novel, there was an omitted chapter and sixth child named Miranda Piker, who seemingly falls down the “Spotty Powder Mixer” to be chopped to death, screaming. The screams turn into laughter as Miranda survives. Why would a mixer, which seems to be easily traversed and below a large area, be necessary? Mrs. Piker calls Wonka a murderer, “I know your tricks! You’re grinding them into powder! In two minutes my darling Miranda will come pouring out of one of those dreadful pipes.” Guess what Wonka replies. “Of course, that’s part of the recipe!” Wonka notices that Miranda is still alive and is joking around with Mrs. Piker. Sure, its like Wonka to joke around, but this is a bit messed up.

And what about the Oompa Loompas? Not only are they fine with helping Wonka out with these murders, but they take joy in it, singing and dancing. Well, I’m trying really hard to sound racist here, but cannibalism in Africa is the rarest of things.

The 2005 film adaptation cranks Wonka’s creep factor up to eleven. In this version, Wonka has a personal reason to hate people, as they bullied him for wearing a large mouth brace, his father prevented his creative freedom, and, like the other versions, the other candy companies were greedy and attacked Wonka’s factory.>>

i’ve been thinking about this post (i can’t find the original one).

if super powers begin manifesting in the womb, does that mean that with Violet sometimes Helen would go to the doctor for a check-up, and on the ultrasound the baby would just…….. not be there?

because can you imagine??

“Mrs. Parr, i don’t know how to tell you this, but…. you don’t have a baby anymore. i don’t know where it went, or how the hell this is possible, but— wait, what the fuck? okay. the baby is back now.”

okay, so The Matrix.

The Oracle to Trinity: “You will fall in love, and the man you fall in love with will be the One.”
The Oracle to Neo: “You are not The One.”
Neo: *dies*
Trinity: “please don’t be dead. i love you.”
Neo: *comes back to life, and is clearly The One.”

i don’t think that Neo was The One. he only became The One when Trinity fell in love with him.

Do you think there are 2 The Devils/ actually The Devil we fight is not the real one?

Find out about my project in my note

Ok so this is just my theory, no assumption though happy to hear your opinion.

Do you ever think about how different The Devil (tarot meaning) is comparing to the archetype in The Arcana?

In tarot meaning, The Devil simply means indulgence and material pleasure. It also contains attachments, restrictions, commitment and limitations. Sounds like what? Yes Lucio in his golden times, party and such, with contracts and all. Nothing about being evil or malevolent. The Devil, like every other Major Arcana, is just an idea, a form of pure and ancient energy in human subconscious. He shouldn’t be bad or good since he doesn’t really reflect human emotions or desires but the spirit and thoughts. Though if he really reflects them, he should be somewhere like a party animal with crazy all days and nights celebrations, maybe sometimes gains contracts with human as exchange for commitment - not necessarily beneficial to him because does he actually care? Curiousity and entertainment may not the thing because it actually doesn’t fit his archetype if we sticks to the card meaning.

Those are the features of human. You can say maybe he attaches too much to human he might gains those characteristics but think about this: what if The Devil we see in the game is actually not the real Major Arcana? What if it really actually is just a human?

In Julian’s route, The Devil appeared in the Masquerade to offer a deal to both MC and Julian. Devs did mention before that The Arcana realm is separated from our human world, why can he travel to our world? That’s when I came up with this idea, that he’s not actually the real one.

Since Lucio is confirmed to possesed the same skill like The Fool, some of you might argue that The Devil uses his ability to travel to this world. There are some reasons that I’m still thinking about that this can’t persuade me. Lucio doesn’t train to use that ability, even The Fool still has to practise a lot (Nadia’s Reversed Ending) before they can actually open a gate from this world to another world. You may say The Devil might know about this but depends on his lack of fondness when working with Lucio, I suppose not.

Tldr; The Devil we know is not The real Devil.

The Anime Community Experience (My Story)

I’ve been part of the anime community for the last 6 years and I have experienced many forms of emotions. Out of all of those my most dear ones were with the Tokyo Ghoul and 5 toubun no hanayome. I share my experience with you in the hopes that it may remind you of the good days of when you were passionately following the series or of right now if you are following any anime or manga Just like I did with Quintessential Quintuplets and Tokyo Ghoul.

Cosplayer in the thumbnail: https://www.instagram.com/neneko.n

Songs used:

1. Imagination [Instrumental] (Haikyuu!! OP 1)

2. Chelsea (Your Lie In April)

3. Satan (Devilman Crybaby)

4. Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso (Your Lie In April)

5. ヴィヴァーチェ!(Wind Orchestra Ver.) (Hibike! Euphonium)

6. Days in the Sun (Made in Abyss)

7. Koshi Tanatan (Hunter X Hunter)

8. Walking the Streets (Made in Abyss)

9. doublelead,girls,i (Liz and The Blue Bird)

10. Skip (Sakamichi no Apollon)

11. A Resort Life’s Poem (Gurren Laggan)

Find me at:


Apparel Designed by me: https://teespring.com/stores/metahulk-collection


Discord Group: https://discord.gg/v8fZtEr




Spy x Family Theory: Loid’s Mission Is Fake (SPOILERS)

Spy x Family is a popular manga series that has received an anime adaptation. The main premise of the series is a nameless spy (codenamed Twilight and later “Loid” to masquerade as a psychiatrist) is given the assignment “Operation Strix.” His target, Donovan Desmond, is the leader of the National Unity Party, a political party that could threaten to escalate tensions between Westalis and Ostania.

But seeing that Donovan was a recluse, Loid has to adopt a child to enroll them into the esteemed Eden Academy (while unaware that his adopted daughter has telepathy) and later “marries” Yor who herself hides a dirty little secret: that being a professional assassin.

With that being said, there appears to be something off about the mission. For one, while Donovan is billed as being the main antagonist of the series, he rarely appears despite being a crucial person of interest. In fact, he is never actually shown performing “nefarious” acts. At best, it could be said that he is a neglectful parent who seemed to not really care much that his second-son Damian got decked across the room by Anya. Later chapters in the manga have him outright say that he finds his family strangers.

Where I am getting at overall is that while Donovan looks like someone drug up Edgar Allen Poe’s corpse and left it to dry for ten days, it is more than likely that the organization Loid works for is overplaying his threat level. But the question, obviously, would be why?

I am suggesting that WISE fabricated Operation Strix so Loid could get a life outside of his spy work by settling down.

Sounds ludicrous, but thinking about it, it does make some sense. I always thought Loid had to specifically get a kid (and later saw that having a spouse would be mandatory for the interview). But considering how Donovan himself isn’t close to his kids since he viewed them as “strangers,” it makes getting intimate with him for the mission more implausible. So what if Loid adopting Anya was actually NOT really important?

You may ask when they decided to fake the mission? I believe we’ve been clued into it from the beginning. As you may recall, Loid was doing one of his missions until eventually he outright goes “screw it” and tells his date they should break up.

So, once that plan goes wrong, they decide to do the next best thing. As for why they are so preoccupied with getting their best spy hitched and/or adopting a child? Would have to go with his backstory: in the manga series, Loid did not have the best upbringing: his home was attacked by Ostania and his mother was killed. He was left all alone to fend for himself undoubtedly giving him a good bit of trauma. That’s pretty much the reason why he becomes attached to Anya: because he would see some of himself in her especially after finding out she was consistently taken back to orphanages.

But it is also because serving WISE would be a long-time commitment. With all that pressure, it is really another ploy by the organization to ultimately get Loid to retire.

The biggest piece of evidence that Operation Strix is really just a front comes when Anya finally does get into Eden Academy after being placed on the waiting list: to commemorate it, Loid has to pull a few strings to recreate the scenes from Anya’s favorite spy show.

Of course, several agents are in on it largely because they were fanboying over being in the same room as Loid, but what if they were also informed about the true purpose of Strix and are playing along? Could also explain why Handler is ticked off: because they are putting in such a MASSIVE budget just because they can’t just be outright and say “Hey, Loid, we appreciate all the work you’ve done for us for years, but we feel you need your own life so maybe retire please retire?”

Loid would obviously not take the bait if they were upfront with him. So, what better way to get him to “retire” and settle down than to create a false story by claiming that this guy Donovan is dangerous so you need to get a kid and put them into Eden Academy. That is not to say that the political party is NOT dangerous or threatens the peace, but they could be deliberately demonizing Donovan just to make the lies stick.

So, in short, the mission Loid thinks he is in is not real and was an elaborate ploy to get him to retire and have his own family after suffering trauma and things no man should ever suffer when he was a kid. He would take the bait hook, line, and sinker, but not realize that by doing so he would actually grow attached to his “fake family” until he could no longer tell the difference?


Yeah, I also feel this way.

Twilight is that kind of perso who only know how to work. So how to tell him to relax a bit and find himself happiness? By making him work a mission to get a family, and fall slowly for the family without him realizing.

This will be the biggest twist ever

However, in a sxf way, somehow the Forgers will be caught up in a real trouble that will ensure the peace between West and East. Troubles always follow that family anyway

In the next spiderman Im convinced the way that Ned is gonna remember Peter is they’re gonna do their handshake based on muscle memory and Ned is gonna be really confused but Peter will try and explain. Ned is also exactly the Sci fi nerd who will believe it.

I’ve watched Encanto twice in the last two days and I’ve started developing this theory that Mirabel is actually the result of her father having an affair, and that’s why she doesn’t have a gift. And, out of pride the family hid it from everyone including Mirabel. The only grandkids who know are Isabella and Delores, Luisa was too young to notice what happened and that’s why she always treats Mirabel like a sister and Isabella doesn’t (until the end). And, the movie is actually about realizing that family is more than blood. But, the problem is

Augustin would never.

fireroyals:sunlightmoonlightstarlight:kingedwardelricofxerxes:morganalefay:Beforeby *Nymrefireroyals:sunlightmoonlightstarlight:kingedwardelricofxerxes:morganalefay:Beforeby *Nymrefireroyals:sunlightmoonlightstarlight:kingedwardelricofxerxes:morganalefay:Beforeby *Nymre





Beforeby *Nymre


Isn’t this rather out of character?

No. No it’s not. Because of this:

Do you see that?^

Because the rivalry wasn’t always there. 

Because she was little once. 

Because there was a time when she wasn’t a strategic genius and a firebending prodigy. 

Because he didn’t always have to live under her shadow just ‘cause their scumbag of a father said so. 

Because once they were just kids.

So no, dear, it’s not out of character. Not at all.

Reblogging because this goes with my Azula theory quite nicely

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Skylanders existed at the same time as Avatar the last Air Bender. Only reason you don’t hear of them is because they were on an isolated continent. You can’t change my mind.

In The Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter was poisoned and I have proof! Okay, here me out before you bust out those tinfoil hats. I seriously believe he was being poisoned, and the most glaring clue is literally (figuratively) punching you in the face. 

Be warned, there be spoilers ahead.

Let’s look at our facts first, shall we? In OftP, poor Harry is severely depressed by what has happened. He’s seen Voldemort return and no one will believe him, he watched Cedric die and had to magically get his dead body back to Hogworts, his aunt and uncle still suck, no one will answer his questions, puberty has struck..

Oh… and this bitch showed up.

Let me be clear - Harry has every right to be mad. Anyone would be in his situation. But he’s more than mad, he’s unable to control himself. His friends keep telling him to watch his temper, to not make outbursts that will get him in trouble, to keep quiet. He can’t. He tried, but it just comes out of him. And it’s only in this book that he’s so mad, despite him having even more reasons to be pissed in Half-Blood Prince.

The we get about 2/5th through the book and a passage stands out. During chapter 18, Dumbledore’s Army, Harry is trying to study, but is completely exhausted. He reads the same passage on scurvy-grass, lovage, and sneezewort over and over again, but doesn’t absorb any of it.

These plants are moste efficacious in the inflaming of the braine, and

are therefor much used in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts, where

the wizard is desirous of producing hot-headedness and recklessness…

This is our clue. He’ll, it’s more than a clue. Harry then goes on to think about Sirius’s recklessness, and then that the Daily Prophet would accuse him of having a swollen brain to try to cover up his insistence that Voldemort had returned. In his worries about what others think and what they are doing, he misses that he himself might be the one being poisoned.

But by who? And why?

Several reasons, really. Fudge, in his ongoing desire to discredit Harry, would have a much easier time of it if he was expelled. Umbridge is another likely culprit. She loved to punish him, and every time he had an outburst, she got to do it again.


Many people end up poisoned in the Harry Potter books. Even Ron almost dies with a simple swig of mead. A little bit slipped into his food by a house elf and he would be as hot headed as any. Dobby couldn’t possibly keep an eye on every single thing that Harry ate or drank, so someone might have gotten it in there.

So there you have it. Harry Potter was being poisoned by someone who wanted to keep him angry. J.K. Rowling left a huge, full page hint right there for us. It explains so much!

Avatar: The Last Airbender and the post apocalypse theory

A little disclaimer: a theory is a theory, defined as an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true. Nothing is being confirmed and should be interpreted as a confirmation. This is just my summary of the fan theory I discovered along with my thoughts on it. (Here’s the source of this theory) source: Nickelodeon We all know Avatar: The Last…

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This SpongeBob fan theory about Krabby Patties just might be true

Disclaimer: This theory is only a theory and has not been confirmed by any official source. Please continue reading at your own risk. Read my full site disclaimer here. source: Nickelodeon There has always been something in the pit of my stomach that tells me that there is some truth to the name “Krabby Patty”, and now this fan theory is explaining it all. What do we know about the most popular…

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Did Richie Rich die and become Casper the Friendly Ghost?

Are you ready to get spooked? You just might have to prepare yourself with this cartoon theory that has crossed many minds for years now. Before we dive into the dark theorizations, I must make an important disclaimer that this article will contain some talk about death and some stuff that may be too macabre for those sensitive to such topics. Also, keep in mind that a theory is a theory. Whether…

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Avatar: The Last Airbender and the post apocalypse theory

A little disclaimer: a theory is a theory, defined as an idea that is suggested or presented as possibly true but that is not known or proven to be true. Nothing is being confirmed and should be interpreted as a confirmation. This is just my summary of the fan theory I discovered along with my thoughts on it. (Here’s the source of this theory) source: Nickelodeon We all know Avatar: The Last…

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This SpongeBob fan theory about Krabby Patties just might be true

Disclaimer: This theory is only a theory and has not been confirmed by any official source. Please continue reading at your own risk. Read my full site disclaimer here. source: Nickelodeon There has always been something in the pit of my stomach that tells me that there is some truth to the name “Krabby Patty”, and now this fan theory is explaining it all. What do we know about the most popular…

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This SpongeBob fan theory about Krabby Patties just might be true

Disclaimer: This theory is only a theory and has not been confirmed by any official source. Please continue reading at your own risk. Read my full site disclaimer here. source: Nickelodeon There has always been something in the pit of my stomach that tells me that there is some truth to the name “Krabby Patty”, and now this fan theory is explaining it all. What do we know about the most popular…

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Did Richie Rich die and become Casper the Friendly Ghost?

Are you ready to get spooked? You just might have to prepare yourself with this cartoon theory that has crossed many minds for years now. Before we dive into the dark theorizations, I must make an important disclaimer that this article will contain some talk about death and some stuff that may be too macabre for those sensitive to such topics. Also, keep in mind that a theory is a theory. Whether…

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a very, very long time ago, @darnestdungeon said this:

Now what was this bloodied neckerchief (and the shameful locket) actually doing in the courtyard, I have no idea. If anyone has any headcanon that makes sense of it, please share, it haunts me.

and well, i can try to share mine, if you’re still interested? not sure about it but… eh, might as well put it out…

it is mainly based on how the Light is seen in the DD universe:

so it’s humanity’s delusions and faith, right? “I believe, thus it is true” in a way. it mends wounds, it pulls people out of graves, it gives peace of mind and power to hits. i think you know where this is going already, but…

in my headcanon, all of those trinkets are, well, just that. trinkets. some random, useless, frequently small things or junk or baubles that get meaning only because they have meaning in the hands that hold them. Ancestor’s pen, for example, doesn’t do anything besides being fancy and writing on a maybe, but you give it to your adventurer and convince them that it holds great power because it belonged to the dick who started it all, and - BOOM - your slugger guy suddenly has a surge of confidence and manages to land that crit. they believe those things hold great power - and they start having said power. the harder the thing to get, the more rumors there are, and the stronger it becomes. but also it means it passes from one adventurer to the next, and not all come unscaffed after using it, thus a lot of fabled things having +% stress on them. “someone had this power before - and did it help them, huh?”

and Crimson Court trinkets are the same in my mind; they’re not foundin the Court per se, you don’t magically get Dismas’ locket in the chest when he already has one, no. it’s the things your heroes already have, for years at the time in most cases, that they finally see for the “hidden power” that is in them. that’s why they’re bound to class and class’ backstory. because Shameful locket isn’t shameful to anyone but Dismas - to Audrey, for example, it’s just a random locket with a random picture, it holds no power over anyone but the man who knows what it is and still wears it. Same goes for Reynauld and his Signed Conscription. it doesn’t mean nothing to anyone but him - everybody knows he’s a crusader, duh. what about it…? but to Rey, those are reminders of his sins, they slow him down, yet steel his resolve.

could also explain trinkets in DD2; missing finger, rat skull, diary of research… they have weight to the person who holds them, they have a particular meaning behind them, and thus, are bound to the class/person who can use them and draw their power - because it’s *just* a Rat skull for everyone else but it’s *THE* Rat skull for Dismas.

so, those trinkets you find in Court aren’t the *things* your heroes find - because they had it all along. it’s a revelation, of sorts, that the heroes get while going deeper and deeper into the cursed estate with all its insanity and shadows and being forced to relieve all the horrors of their life and worse. they finally see their past for the power that it can give them, for living through it, not just the pain and torture it gives their minds.

at least, this is how i explain it to myself and how i explained it in my fic

Oooh I really like this explanation for the Crimson Court trinkets!! The Ancestor trinkets I could see having some fucked up leftover eldritch powers imbued in them, but the class exclusive trinkets having meaning only for them makes a lot of sense, loved this ‘revelation’ angle! Thanks for tagging me, you have no idea how this being left unanswered used to haunt me.

Theory on the fire bugs from Atlantis the Lost Empire:

I love world building and began theorizing about things in the movie Atlantis the lost empire one of which was the fire bugs.

Though they may seem like something out of fantasy they are evolutionary possible. The bombardier beetle for example ejects a hot noxious chemical spray from the tip of it’s abdomen as a defense mechanism.

The fire bugs must likely evolved a similar defence mechanism only they secret a chemical that combusts with the air and would normally use it to fight off invading hives.

Their bodies would produce the chemical as a result of their food source which would most likely consist of either cave mosses, the excrement from the monster that lives in the eye of the giant stature milo’s group passed through, and/or the plants in Atlantis.

When the light from Milo’s flashlight shined into their hive the fire bugs mistook Milo and the camp for an invading hive and began defending themselves.

That’s my theory let me know what you think.

So our Lead Artist decided to throw her hat into the ring on the theory match.

She theorizes that Hunter was not made for the purpose of being a replacement brother, but a replacement body for the Collector. She predicts that Hunter was suppose to be a sacrifice for the Collector to possess, only Luz pushes him out of the way at the last minute and gets possessed herself.

Her thought is that the final episode will end with Belos escaping with Collector!Luz and Season three would be the gang going after them to save Luz. Hunter, of course, would be facing a personal crisis of knowing that Luz suffered his fate that he was literally created to do, all the while Amity blames Hunter for Luz’s situation while Willow and Gus stand up for Hunter and we have more Dad!Darius moments, It would then go into depth more about Phillip’s brother and his relations to the Clawthorne family.

Based on our editor’s latest theory regarding Luz’s Palisman- Luz never carves her own Palisman but Based on our editor’s latest theory regarding Luz’s Palisman- Luz never carves her own Palisman but Based on our editor’s latest theory regarding Luz’s Palisman- Luz never carves her own Palisman but Based on our editor’s latest theory regarding Luz’s Palisman- Luz never carves her own Palisman but Based on our editor’s latest theory regarding Luz’s Palisman- Luz never carves her own Palisman but

Based on our editor’s latest theory regarding Luz’s Palisman- Luz never carves her own Palisman but is taken on by the Bat Queen as her new “witch“. This theory was based on the fact that Luz has been shown to have bats represent her a lot in the show, such as her phone cover and her digital icon being a bat alongside Amity’s cat icon.

“But what about the Palisman Wood that Eda got her?“ we asked, only for her to grin.

Her theory is that given this possible “foreshadowing” is signifying that Flapjack- who is going to be revealed as PhilipBro’s palisman- is killed, leaving Hunter without a Palisman.

She continued to predict that Luz would give the wood to Hunter, who would then be taught to carve by Eda and would create his own palisman- a bluejay- signifying that he’s not just a copy of Phillip’s Brother, but his own individual witch with his own palisman. He mourns Flapjack, but he also knows that it’s what Flapjack would want.

Anyways, what do you all think?

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