#dnd 5e homebrew

  1. A gigantic flying Horse skull.
  2. A Giant Hummingbird.
  3. The hollowed out eggshell of a Roc.
  4. An Animated Bathtub that walks using Spider legs!
  5. A magically preserved chunk of a rune-covered Iceberg.
  6. An enormous metal thimble.
  7. An overly large mortar and pestle.
  8. The spoon from a Storm Giant’s soup bowl.
  9. An over-sized and animated garden gnome.
  10. An empty coffin.
  11. A huge bird’s nest.
  12. A wicker basket carried by an elven knight.
  13. A magic broom.
  14. A blanket made out of a Griffin’s bladder.
  15. A banana peal.
  16. The helm of an Iron Golem.
  17. The taxidermized hand of a Giant.
  18. A human-sized child’s doll.
  19. A giant smoking pipe filled with foul-smelling burnt herbs.
  20. An enormous jagged stone knife, which the hag rides like a surfboard.

This Post was made possible thanks to the contributions of our Discord Community!

  1. You touched a strange rune-covered stone and was engulfed by its glowing energies.
  2. You were bitten by a strange creature that then disappeared into the wilderness.
  3. You hugged a tree that was attuned to a place of great power.
  4. You ate a immortal insect that still sits in your stomach.
  5. You accidentally transported yourself to the Astral Plane after consuming a strange magical substance.
  6. You spoke to a phantasmal being while you slept.
  7. You accidentally entered the ceremonial chambers of a lost temple.
  8. Your ancestor claimed to be a powerful medicine man, but in fact worked with otherworldly magics to heal others.
  9. Your skin became fused with a strange alloy metal dust, which was actually the ground up scales of a metallic dragon!
  10. You found an ancient idol of unknown origins buried in an old field.
  11. You took part in an arcane military experiment to develop a humanoid war machine.
  12. You were exposed the strange energies of a glowing meteorite.
  13. You breathed the magical spores of a prehistoric mould recovered from an amber chunk.
  14. You fell ill from a mysterious illness that rode to earth on the surface of an alien space capsule.
  15. You discovered a cave filled with giant crystals that released pulsating, glowing energies.
  16. You were stung by several transmuted wasps that had been warped with a new form of magic.
  17. Your father or mother was secretly an inter-dimensional traveller.
  18. You were born of a failed cloning experiment and escaped the grounds before being destroyed.
  19. Your grand-father was a performer who made some dark deals to gain fame and fortune.
  20. You survived a magical explosion!
  21. You were exposed to wild cosmic powers while picking through the remains of fallen space junk.
  22. You accidentally breathed in the dust of a King’s tomb while exploring a ruined structure.
  23. Your body was transformed after breathing in a toxic alchemical smog.
  24. You consumed some unknown fruit found deep in a savage jungle.
  25. You came into contact with a strange sludge flowing out of a flooded ditch near an old alchemist’s shop.
  26. You participated in a strange experiment involving man-made magical fields.
  27. You performed a magical ritual found in a strange, dusty old book.
  28. You drank the waters of a mystical fountain.
  29. You had a strange, almost allergic reaction to an experimental magical potion.
  30. You consumed a strange tasting herbal tea while visiting an cackling old fortune teller.
  31. You great grand-mother was the high priestess of a savage tribe.
  32. You were taught ancient secrets of mind over matter by an elderly mage.
  33. You survived a fall into a vat containing a strange new alchemical substance.
  34. You were struck by lightning while visiting a historical site during a brewing storm.
  35. You were bitten by a lizard while visiting a series of old magically ruined towns located far away from any modern civilization.
  36. You were exposed to a previously unknown mineral ore during a mining accident.
  37. You were kidnapped by strange creatures and forced to participate in bizarre experiments.
  38. Your latent magical powers activated when you were accidentally electrocuted.
  39. You snorted a bizarre looking ash while getting high on street drugs at a dive bar.
  40. You consumed a bizarre tasting elixir purchased from an old alchemist’s shop.
  41. You fell into a bizarre, dream-filled trance when visiting an old medieval tower.
  42. You rode in a boat that was in engulfed with strange energies from a magical sea storm.
  43. You survived the accidental release of a magical modified disease.
  44. You purchased a mysterious ancient war mask from a back alley antique store.
  45. You survived being struck by a falling crystalline meteor, with a shard still buried in your back.
  46. You were once an Imp, but a strange surge of magic during your “Promotion” trapped your Soul in a Mortal Humanoid body.
  47. You were once part of an illegal gambling ring, winning a Wizard’s Spellbook in a Game of Chance. Sometimes you find yourself writing in that old Wizard’s hand-writing.
  48. You were grievously wounded by a powerful Dragon, but not before landing a blow on the creature. Your bloods mingled and some of its powers were shunted into you!
  49. Your Soul wandered the depths of the Shadowfell, before arriving at the Fortress of Memories, where pity was taken upon you and you were reincarnated as a second chance at life.
  50. You worked at an old clock tower. One day time seemed to stop for just a moment while you stood before the gears, but then it ticked along once more…
  1. The love of your young life died in your arms during a raider attack.
  2. You bravely fought off several bandits as a young teenager.
  3. You went into a series of ancient ruins on a dare and almost died — a family member or loved one saved you.
  4. You went on a hunt with your village and landed the killing blow on a great beast.
  5. While resting under a tree, a spirit appeared and talked to you.
  6. Your village was ransacked by a group of strangers and most of the villagers were taken.
  7. The Local Nobility took everything you had as “Tax”.
  8. You used your powers to bully those in your village; eventually they rose up against you and you were exiled.
  9. You came across a demon in your youth and battled it in a test of wills. Somehow you survived, but at what cost?
  10. You were a loner and shunned in your village. Only a friendly ally stood by your side and eventually died defending your honour.
  11. You have used your powers many times to protect your fellow villagers. The village considers you a hero.
  12. You unknowingly entered the borders of a mysterious country or realm. Their peoples immediately arrested you.
  13. You battled another great and powerful creature in your youth and won, but part of their consciousness somehow lingers within you.
  14. Your family abandoned you in the wastes and local timberlands, but somehow you survived.
  15. As a child you lost your temper and “accidentally” set fire to several of the houses in the village.
  16. You travelled with a Ruin-Robber for a few years. The two of you discovered many interesting ancient ruins and trinkets during your travels.
  17. Your seven sisters and five brothers were transformed into statues by a powerful mage after you angered them.
  18. One of your loved ones was a brilliant mind and wrote any helpful stupendous articles and tomes on magic. Eventually they wronged a powerful mage and was killed in front of you.
  19. You messed with one of your people’s priceless artefacts and broke it. You have been exiled by your people for your crimes.
  20. You joined an order of worshippers who believed they had a higher and more powerful calling. You found them far too extreme and have since left, however they still desire you to return to their fold.
  21. You became possessed by a vile spirit and killed several innocent people. You have been attempting to atone ever since.
  22. You used your powers to pull the life force out of a group of rampaging raiders. Even though you saved your fellow townsfolk, they are deathly afraid of you.
  23. For a brief time you ruled over a small village of people, before being pushed out by a another.
  24. You were forced by an influential person to use your powers to cause much harm to many people.
  25. By using calm judgment and consulting with the spirits you were able to quell a feud between families that had been going on for generations.
  26. You fell in a crevice and nearly died!
  27. You became lost in your environment and called out for aid. A spirit heard your pleas and guided you out. Sometimes the spirit still comes to visit you.
  28. After falling into a mud puddle, you slept for centuries. You killed the person that woke you and hid their body.
  29. You fought off kidnappers who were attempting to take your loved ones.
  30. While on a hunt you came across the lair of a dragon. It emerged, talked to you, and let you leave.
  31. You won a championship fighting contest in your youth and are considered a celebrity in your tribe.
  32. You were chased out of your village after causing too much trouble with your childish pranks.
  33. You were imprisoned for a crime you didn’t commit.

WithChapter 2andThe Red Star Arc of the World of Vaire soon to come to an end, our Official Discord Server is looking for D&D lovers old, new and everything in between to become Characters and Players in the upcoming Chapter 3 of the Story, currently titled “The Clarion’s Call”.

Chapter 3 is scheduled to begin in mid-to-late October of 2021, and this Arc wishes to be the most brutalyet, as not only is the Material Plane on the line, but the whole Multiverseand every Creature in it could be facing utter Oblivionat the hands of the Villainsfor the Next Chapter of Vaire’s Story!

And when we say brutal, we mean it!

From the attempts of assassinations on Important NPCs, to turning NPCs (and even PCs!) into Creatures fighting for the Bad Guys, this upcoming Chapter hopes to be the highest stakes anyone in the World of Vaire has ever seen!

So, if you’d like to get in on the action as a Player, or just listen in as the new Chapter starts, be sure to head over the Official CreativeRogues Discord Server, where we’ll be holding Q&A about Chapter 3 as we get closer and closer to Chapter 2′s end.

And a casual reminder that Player Slots for Chapter 3′s Games are limited, so be sure to show your interest by joining our Server: Right Here!

After the last instalment of highlights, a lot has happened, from negotiating with immortal Death Knights to winning big in a Feywildfighting pit, to now wanting to talk to the Queen of the Feywild herself, so let’s get into some explanations, shall we?

Shattered Souls: Bustin’ Heads & Winning Big!

After arriving in the Feywilda few sessions ago, the Party gathered and discovered that the famed Cultist of the Red Star that they had been hunting down was working in the Feywild Fighting Pits of the Starlight City, and after pulling off a few displays of daring dauntlessness, the Party challenged the Gladiator himself, going by the title of “The White Ram” due to his albino tiefling skin, to a Fighting Match on the Day of Mid-Summer, when Lady Shandria,Leader of the Starlight City andNiece to the Queen of the Feywild, could observe their fight.

Following some more preparations and a few bets made of the Party’s behalf, Ibernia, a Former Champion of the Fighting PitsandMonk of the Astral Self, stepped forward to duel The White Ram, but quickly fell to his blade…

That is until Blanche, the SorcererandWarlockof the Group, abused her knowledge of The White Ram’s True Name to rack his mind with psychic pain, allowing Iberniato recover from her near lethal injuries (thanks to a Natural 20 on a Death Check) and rise up after nearly being bisected horizontally, now able to turn the pretty face of The White Ram into a bloody caved-in mess of broken bones.

Now, with their fight won and their spoils of war received (as well as a few tens of thousands of Gold Pieces in bets), the Party finds out that Blancherequires the body of The White Ram in order to complete a sinister deal she made with “An Old Swamp Witch”, who just happens to go by the name Baba Yaga.

What does Baba Yaga have in store for Blanche, how will the Party cross a Feywild Swamp the size of a small sea to find this ‘Old Witch’, and how will they leave the Feywild if they don’t even know how they entered?

Looks like the only way to find out is to listen to Shattered Souls Live in our D&D Discord Server

Heaven & Hel: Making Friends & Crossing Planes…

When we last left our heroes, they were floating around in the Astral Sea looking for a Lost Library, carved from the skull of a long dead goddess.

Well, as it turns out, they found it!

And after completing their travels through the Astral Plane, and managing to find a Colour Pool back home, the Party quickly realised they needed some rest and relaxation, as their time away from the Material Plane quickly caught up with them as soon as they arrived back, causing the Party to gain a whole 5 Level of Exhaustion (let’s just thank them for not staying in the Astral Sea any longer…)

But after a short amount of Downtimeand rest, the Party had finally awoken in their forest camp outside of the small forest town of Thanlo, feeling refreshed and rid of their Exhaustion.

And so, after recovering from their time away catching up with them, the Party now plans to investigate the local ruined Farmhouses and Mill to the north of Town, with the hopes of finding a Fey Crossing into the Feywild, so that Maltuul, the Elven Wizard of the Party who has been trying to convince the World that the Prophecy of Ragnarok (Known also as “The Old Apocalypse”) is real, may cross over into the Feywildand convinceThe Summer Court of his Homeland to aid him in his Quest to halt Ragnarok.

Will Maltuul and the Party be able to convince the many Archfey of The Summer Court to aid them in their time of need, or are these Demi-God like powers a-ok with the destruction of the Material Plane?

Looks like the only way to find out is to listen to Heaven & Hel as it happens, Live in our D&D Discord Server!

Debt & Darkness: Welcome to the Jungle…

After exploring the many rooms of the Demi-Plane DonjonofTulkaz the Lich’sAstral Dreadnought, and dealing with its many traps and dangers therein, the Party discovered a Concealed Room within the Donjon, finding within a Grey Gateway into the Ethereal Plane.

With some hesitation, the Party entered and fought off a few denizens, before finding the forgotten mass of bones described in Tulkaz’s notes.

Following a few conversations with the denizens of the town’s twisting necropolis, the Group was directed to a Man known as “Lord Ran”, an undying Death Knight who spoke to them of his life in Tulkaz’s service, and how the KeytoThe Second Ward of Tulkaz was magically tethered to his Life Force, and his Body bound to the town itself.

However, after a flash of genius and some quickly planning, the Party was able to use Tulkaz’s own magical Wards against him, as they brought the floating Grey Gateway of Tulkaz’s Astral Dreadnought into the civilization known as Bonetownand convinced Lord Ran to step through, where upon his first steps into the Aura of Anti-Magic that surrounded The Second Ward, the necromantic energies that sustained him were stripped away, leaving only a corpse that crumpled to the floor, while also rendering Tulkaz’s Puzzle Box nothing more than a piece of mundane wood, which was then broken open to reveal a serrated Key.

This is honesty one of the proudest and funniest moments there’s been in the Campaign so far, as absolutely zero Party Members wanted to fight Lord Ran, a CR 19 Death Knight, and so had to “Get Creative!” to find a way of getting the Key from him without fighting him…

Using this Key, the Party was able to open The Metal Door that was The Second Ward of Tulkaz, where they found an empty space beyond, with a single pink jewel suspended in place.

Carina, being the bold scientist of the Group and willing to test her hypothesis, touched the pink gemstone and was scattered into a Pocket Dimension, as she was then shortly followed by Innocence, as they both found themselves falling into a deep blue ocean.

And so, after a brief stint of panic from falling into the ocean, CarinaandInnocenceswam to the shore of this otherworldly jungle, arriving on the beaches of an Otherworldly Isle in the middle of a vast blue expanse, where they now hope to navigate the new place they find themselves in, still on the hunt for Tulkaz’s Hidden Phylactery.

Like The Highlights? Join The Server!

Do you like what you see? Want some more context on the Party’s shenanigans or an end to those massive cliff-hangers?

Well come on down and enjoy the Games as they happen by joining the Official CreativeRogues Discord Server, and perhaps even join or create your own Games!

You can join the Server as a New Member right now by using our Link: Right Here!

  1. Discombobulated. You become Incapacitated for 1 round.
  2. Revealed Intentions. You suffer disadvantage for your next attack. 
  3. Psychic Nose Bleed. You gain 1 Level of Exhaustion.
  4. Exposed Defences. Your attack unbalances you so much that your target may take one attack against you as a reaction. 
  5. Shook Up. You are stunned for 1 round. 
  6. Bad Timing. You drop to last in the Initiative Order for the combat and do not act again this round. 
  7. Wind knocked out of You. You gain 1 Level of Exhaustion. 
  8. Costly Mistake. Your target may re-roll all 1s and 2s on the damage roll for the next successful melee attack against you. 
  9. Your own worst Enemy. You suffer the effects of a Banespell for the next three rounds. 
  10. Slipped. You must make a successful DC 10 Dexterity Saving Throw or immediately fall Prone.
  11. Lose your grip. Your drop anything you had in hand and it falls 10’ from your location in a random direction. 
  12. Give them hope. Your target’s allies within 30 feet gain a d6 inspiration die that can be used on their next attack. 
  13. Thrown weapon. You lose your grip and throw your weapon. It lands 30’ from your location in a random direction. 
  14. Loss of confidence. You gain disadvantage for your attacks against this opponent for the remainder of the encounter. 
  15. Bruised knuckles. You suffer disadvantage for the rest of the encounter. 
  16. Stuck!Your foot becomes lodged in the floor or a nearby object. You are Restrained. You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action. 
  17. Panic attack. You immediately suffer the effects of the Confusion spell for 1 round. 
  18. Overcharged. Take 2d6 force damage.
  19. Shattered.Your weapon breaks if it is non-magical. Enchanted weapons must make a DC 8 Save, and gain a +1 to the roll for every +1 of the weapon.
  20. Bad recoil. You lose your grip and your weapon recoils back behind you. It lands 10’ behind you.
  21. Bruised.You injure yourself slightly; you take 1d6 damage every round until healed.
  22. Did you see that? Your attack ricochets back and you hit yourself. Apply the maximum damage to yourself as if you had hit your target.
  23. Self-inflicted wound. Your missed attack is costly. Roll your damage as if you had hit your target and apply it to yourself.
  24. Deep cut. You start bleeding. You suffer disadvantage for the rest of the encounter and take 1d6 damage every rd. until healed.
  25. Lodged weapon. Your weapon becomes stuck in the floor or a nearby object. You must make a DC 14 STR check to remove it as an action.
  26. Dropped weapon. You fumble and drop your weapon and ammo at your feet.
  27. Draining Spell. You lose one additional spell slot.
  28. Wicked backswing. You strike yourself slightly on your backswing and take 1d8 damage. 
  29. Oops!You clonk your head or hand on something, take 1d4 damage. 
  30. Faerie Fire. You are afflicted as if by the faerie fire spell for 1d6 rounds.
  1. You leave a trail of mushrooms in your footsteps.
  2. You have thorns growing out of your skin where the bone is close to the surface.
  3. You have long hooked fingernails.
  4. You are always followed by birds and forest creatures, they deeply disapprove of most of your life choices.
  5. You cause all creatures within five feet to hear faint whispers of bizarre and alien things.
  6. You have the horns of a ram growing from your head.
  7. You are always followed and surrounded by a low glittering mist.
  8. Your eyes - pupils and irises - become entirely white.
  9. You constantly surrounded by swarming butterflies.
  10. You have flower petals for hair.
  11. You can crudely mimic others, like a raven or a jackdaw.
  12. You have mushrooms which grow out of any scars or wounds. They are psychedelic, of course.
  13. You can sing like a bird almost perfectly.
  14. You have golden or amber eyes.
  15. You are covered in a sleek coat of fur, like a hunting hound or a deer.
  16. You have seven-inch-long fingers.
  17. You have pair of elegant and delicate butterfly wings. They are functionally useless and will require clothing to be specially tailored.
  18. Your skin changes colour with mood, like an octopus or a chameleon.
  19. You leave a trail of flowers, growing in your footsteps.
  20. You have the tail of a fox and will require clothing to be specially tailored.
  1. You thirst for knowledge and wisdom.
  2. You’re searching for something specific; A place, person, god, thing, etc.
  3. You wish to one day rule a kingdom of your own.
  4. This adventure was a quest given to you by a mentor, church, king, family member, etc.
  5. You simply want to help the helpless.
  6. This adventure is a part of your rite of passage into adulthood.
  7. You’re adventure just for the fun of it!
  8. The glory and fame of it all has enticed you to stay in the adventuring business.
  9. The world needs a hero, and you’re willing to give it a try!
  10. You’re escaping from something, someone, a purpose, a calling, etc.
  11. You’re obsessed with danger, mystery and the unknown.
  12. You drift from town to town, with no real home and making money no matter the danger.
  13. You were dragged along on this adventure to keep someone you care about safe.
  14. You were forced into adventuring by the will of circumstance.
  15. You were indentured as a servant to your traveling mentor, learning their ways as you adventure together.
  16. You were sentenced by the law or religious beliefs to adventure and prove your worth.
  17. You really like to kill things and take their stuff.
  18. You adventure to take out your frustration on creatures you’re sure deserve it.
  19. You adventure to gain money and support those that supported you in your youth.
  20. You adventure in the hopes of gaining new allies and friends after years of lonely wandering.
  1. The wind is strong, causing loose belongings to tumble down the streets.
  2. There is a torrential downpour of rain.
  3. The wind is light, causing the trees to sway gently.
  4. There is surprisingly, no rain.
  5. The wind is almost nonexistent.
  6. There is a light spattering of rain.
  7. A storm rolls in across the sky, causing the surroundings to grow darker and darker.
  8. It’s cold, but bearable for a trained adventurer.
  9. The temperature is just around freezing, frost and ice are forming in some places.
  10. The remnants of nearby storms funnel through the surroundings like a wind tunnel.
  11. In a matter of minutes, a few inches of rain or snow will fall.
  12. A thick haze has rolled into the surroundings, causing some colours to become muted and making the view even more mysterious.
  13. Lightning arcs through the sky at random intervals, lighting up the surroundings in bursts and flashes.
  14. Tons of dust has blown into the surroundings, covering everything in a thin layer of dirt.
  1. Several dwarf stars are dotted around you, shining with spectral light.
  2. You gently drift towards a dense orange nebula cloud, surrounded by intense magnetic fields that spark lighting across the sky.
  3. You spot a young star incubating in a molecular cloud.
  4. A comet with a tail of ionized gas whizzes past the outer edges of your vision.
  5. Two stars in close orbit, connected by fiery tendrils of energy, light a path ahead of you.
  6. A hypergiant star generates a turbulent solar wind that threatens to blow you away!
  7. A shower of metallic and crystalline asteroids pelts your Party!
  8. A turbulent gravitational wave that rips spacetime apart causes you and your allies to experience some strange warping sights.
  9. A distant star emitting waves of plasma causes you and your allies to begin to feel lightheaded.
  10. A swirling storm of ionized gas, thousands of times more massive than the sun, is on course to collide with your and your allies!
  11. A star that flickers with bursts of intense plasma, creating a brilliant, rapidly moving point of light in a dark night sky.
  12. A giant molecular cloud that burns hot and bright, sending out strange waves of sound and light.
  13. An asteroid that glows with white hot molten metals leaves trails of burning lava in it’s wake.
  14. Chunks of metallic silver wreckage, along with torn off pieces of a blackened purplish rubber-like substance, float past the Party at a speed just slow enough to catch.
  15. A battle scene of years past has left several dead floating, perfectly preserved, along the banks of a dense fog cloud.
  1. Locals claim to have found treasure within a newly discovered dungeon. However, it is a complex trap intended to harvest souls, magical power, or life energy.
  2. Something has cursed a local villager to live their entire life in a single day. Every morning they wake up a newborn and age a single year every 20 minutes.
  3. A hag has cursed a small town due to a deal made with one of the residents. As time goes on, the residents discover they are unable to cast any sort of healing magics.
  4. A young couple has gained immense fame from their macabre sculptures. They ask the players to be their new models. However, the eccentric couple turns out to be two Medusas in disguise.
  5. A traveling circus has come to town and proceeds to put on a fantastic show. However, they disappear in the morning without a trace, taking several children with them.
  6. A wizard NPC must be raised from the dead to act as a living key to open his tower, but a demon has kidnaped the only cleric powerful enough to do so.
  7. An water elemental has taken residence in the sewers. The crazed creature has waged a personal war on the citizens above for polluting its domain.
  8. Treasure hunters recently unearthed a powerful artifact that allows teleportation in and out of the Layers of Hell. Demons and devils have begun to raid the town in search of the item.
  9. After returning from another kingdom, the nobleman’s wife begins acting strangely. The doppelgänger put in her place was meant to kill the nobleman, but has fallen for him instead.
  10. A massive rift in reality appears in the skies above. Strange entities from alternate planes begin to emerge. It is up to the players to discover the intent of the invading individuals.
  11. A blacksmith has asked the party to retrieve a recently fallen meteor. However, the players find were-beasts and lycanthropes worshipping the fallen star.
  12. A local mage has mysteriously passed away, and all manner of creatures and magic has begun to creep from their tower into the surrounding cities.
  1. A brilliant criminal mastermind who is distinguished by a strange tattoo or birthmark.
  2. The leader of an underground organisation, who’s minions are distinguished by a particular sigil, badge or piece of clothing they always wear.
  3. A cult venerating a black dragon. They want to construct a worthy lair.
  4. A peerless and nameless archer, who hires out their crew as a long-range assassins.
  5. A corrupt magistrate of a large city, who helps release caught thieves from the guild in exchange for goods and wealth.
  6. A Dragon of immense power, who uses others as pawns in their great game against another Dragon.
  7. A witch living in the mountains, who seeks a way to maintain eternal youth and beauty.
  8. An Orc Shaman, who entered into a pact with a dark god to bend the weather to their will.
  9. A rebellious Freedom Fighter, who seeks to raise an army to defeat a leader that once humiliated them long ago.
  10. A Giant from a lost and ruined Tribe, seeking to rebuild an army to conquer the lands of the small folk.
  11. A devilish Rakshasa infiltrator that acts in disguise as the royal advisor to corrupt from within.
  12. A jealous student of the arcane arts, who uncovered a book of forbidden spells belonging to Mages long past.
  13. A former high priest to the god of the dead, now turned necromancer at large.
  14. A kobold seer who divined a great victory for their people while using strange chemicals, and now attempts to command them to victory!
  15. A Fallen Angel who seeks those who can enact revenge on their old church.

Ever wondered what Tulkaz’s grand plan was for the Multiverse, or how he came to such power only to be struck down by our heroes?

Well now is your chance to get those in-depth explanations and so much more in our Campaign Wrap-Up and Q&A, featuring the Players and DM of “Debt & Darkness”, so we hope you’ll ask your questions and listen in to the discussion live in our Discord Server!

Ever had a burning question about the stories and adventures of the Shattered Souls Group? Ever wondered what possible fates they could have met if they had not chosen to become the liberators of Shekpia’s corrupt political elite, or what could have happened should they themselves have turned to darkness…

Well now is your chance to have those questions answered!

The Shattered Souls Group will be doing Live Q&A Session on our Discord Server

For those of you who have any questions about the Shattered Souls story, or for those of you who would just like to ask how the fates of the Party and the Allies could have unfolded, you are all invited to listen in!

It’s been so long since we’ve had an update on here about the wonderful World of Vaire and it’s Adventures, and with Arc 2 of the World’s Narrative coming to it’s climatic close, we figured it was time for some kind of catch-up.

I’ll just get right to the point: We’ve been having so much fun lately, with the last Campaigns of Arc 2 coming to their ends, we’ve had Boss Fights against Campaign-spanning villains, dramatic discoveries of ancient mysteries and lost lands, and all in a wonderful world and a timeline that seems to be constantly expanding. 

We’ve just been blown away by what everyone has been doing, so much more that we don’t have time to fit all of it into a single update.

I personally feel that this second arc of the world and its narrative has had the most fun and wacky storylines, from plane-hopping puzzles to stop a Lich, to finding the pieces of a Dead God, all the way to hunting down and getting revenge on a very mean Archmage that stole some Magic Items, these stories have been great and I just wanted to thank everyone for making it as great as it was.

Now, after all that, it’s time to talk about the upcoming endings of Arc 2 and the beginnings of Arc 3!

Arc 2′s Climax! 

This is it! The Second big Story Arc of the World of Vaire’s Narrative is finally come to its grand conclusion.

As we’ve been anticipating for a while now, with the destruction of the final vestiges and remnants of The Cult of the Red Star and their schemes to drown the World now destroyed, the World’s been left to return to its own, peaceful cycle, with new stories to arrive on the World’s periphery.

Shattered Souls: A Glowing Finale!

After what could be years of conflict and over a year of games with this group, the strife, political intrigue and corruption they’ve been facing finally seems to be defeated, with the citizens of Shekpiaand the World at large finally able find some peace after the death of the evil and amoral Queen Tuala, the defeat of the scheming Archmage Vekey, and the destruction of what seems to be the last of the Soul-swallowing magical stones the Party has been hunting down since their adventures began so long ago….

But the question remains, with their duties done and the world left in peace, what will our heroes do now, and how will this chapter of their lives come to its close?

It seems the only way to find out right now is to listen in to the  penultimate and final chapter of Shattered Souls in its Campaign Finale on our Discord Server! 

Debt & Darkness: Crescendo!

With the nightmare of the Tulkaz the Whisperer’s reign of terror now over and the future seemingly secured after the Lich’s defeat, our heroes return to the Underground Dark Elf City of Maydeen, where they take advantage of the situation to return to their normal lives, and finally rekindle their relationships with others, as this chapter of their life’s stories plays out to a final crescendo!

But can our heroes truly grow so comfortable, knowing that the Soul of Tulkaz has been sent to the depths of the Infinite Abyss, and that the Lich’s evil has only been temporarily contained? 

Will this period of peace be merely the lull before the storm of Tulkaz’s return? Or is their a worst nightmare just beginning?

It seems the end will only be known by those that join in on Debt and Darkness’s Campaign Finale in our Discord Server, as these final chapters of our ongoing adventures reach their climactic conclusion.

Arc 3 Begins!

Arc 3 is so soon to be in just a few short weeks of this Post going live!

As mentioned before, Arc 3 hopes to be one of the biggest, toughest and most interesting Arc of Games that the World of Vaire and its storytellers have ever seen: From a whole Crew of Sailors charging into the Astral Sea, to Divine Champions hoping to gain the favour of the very Gods they worship, these Games will take us across the Planes of the Shadowfell, Feywild, The Astral Sea and more as our heroes race against time to stop a New Cult and their malformed creations of un-life from completing their chaotic mission to release the powers of a Mad God upon the Multiverse!

And if you’re interested in joining us, either by listening in on the live sessions, chatting with the Players and DMs or even becoming a Player in the Games as they happen, check out Discord Server for more information on how to get involved and save the World of Vaire from the clutches of a Mad God’s Cult!

You can join our Discord Server right HERE and check out the schedule of what is going on and how to join in on the fun!

Heaven & Hel: Season 2 Begins!

With their acquisition of the Petrified Head of the Old God known as Baldur the Beautiful, our heroes head in Arc 3 with the hopes of reuniting the scattered Pieces of Baldur’s Body and Soul, so that the fallen god may return to the Halls of Valhalla and stop the quickly approaching darkness of the coming Ragnarök…

Season 2 of Heaven and Hel promises to be the toughest yet, as our duo of heroes, Maltuul the Elven WizardandSaeunn the Tiefling Ranger, face the strongest forces of the Multiverse: From sailing the Astral Sea of Stars on a Githyanki Void Cruiser, to hunting down the Soul of a Fire Giant and even entering the Palace of the great Hela, Goddess of Death, with the hopes of stealing away Baldur’s trapped Soul from her grand banquet halls.

The time of cold and darkness is approaching, and there may not be easy victories for our heroes in the coming months of their adventures, but it seems they are the only hope for a Multiverse that doesn’t devolve into a chaotic, violent battlefield…

And if you’re interested in listening along to their adventures and hearing their latest news, be sure to join us on the Heaven and Hel channel of our Discord Server, and join in on our live sessions every week to hear of their latest adventures as they happen!

Skin & Fog: A New Story Begins!

With a Demonic Cult quickly rising in power to the West, Archmage Eitha Carandol-Norgalad, theArchmage of Benlochia, rushes to her country’s aid, hiring some of the greatest sailors and most knowledgeable scribes to sail the waves of the Astral Sea of Stars and bring back a collection of sacred tomes from the very depths of the otherworldly ocean.

Not much can be said right now about this Campaign (to avoid spoilers), but it definitely looks to set off the new Arc of Games in a big way, with a lot of focus on the Astral Sea of Stars, the Crew of ‘The Vendetta’, a magical star-sailing ship, and the powerful artifacts, experiments and space junk left behind in the Astral Sea from before the Wars of the Gods…

And if you want to jump right on this new Arc of Stories of Games, with no need to know of the previous Arcs, then hop on in to our Discord Server and join as this new Campaign starts!

Well that was a big ol’ update on my part, but with so much happening and the World of Vaire transitioning from the climatic finales of it’s current games into the exciting beginnings of new games, I hope you’re just as excited as I am for the next chapter of this wonderful story, whether you’re a big time player or just along for the ride…

As Arc 2 and the Story of the Red Star and its Cult is slowly coming to close, why not take a look back at the last few weeks of Games and Story?

Shattered Souls: A Breakdown In Negotiations…

Following some Downtime while the Party waited for Archmage, they finally heard word from him, as he agrees to their invitation for a “Diplomatic Meeting” upon the Politically Neutral Grounds of Outlander Rock.

Initially negotiations were tense, with the Archmage making a demand that the Party’s Monk be brought forth in nothing but her skivvies and bound in chains, so that it is ensured she could not cause trouble before her trial in front of the Queen of Shekpia.

Eventually however, Blanche (the Party’s Warlock/Sorcerer) was able to persuade the Archmage into holding Ibernia’s Trial upon the Neutral Grounds of Fort Blaise-Hold, but only after they could ensure Ibernia was in a secure location, and only after the Queen’s Private Council unanimously agrees on such a thing, with the Archmage even extending an offer to Blanche to join him in the Private Council’s meetings.

However, negotiations soon turned to the topic of Ibernia’s current status, as the Archmage grew increasingly suspicious as to her true location during this totallyDiplomatic Meeting, until he wished to view the Fort Donjon’s Security, where after entering the Fort, he noted that is was very clearly not to his standard, and he instead wished to bring Ibernia with him, as discussed before.

But those negotiations broke down rather quickly once an invisible Ibernia revealed herself in front of the Archmage, and after a few insults and threats from the Archmage, he disappeared in a spark of conjuration magic, before the sounds of Warning Bells quickly followed suit.

The Party and the Guards with them then quickly rushed to the front gates of the Fort only to witness a Gargantuan Red Dragon, truly ancient in size and stature, as it flew over their head, and with a beat of it wings sent guards flying from the Fort’s walls, and though they tried their mightiest to stop it, a wave of enchanting magic compelled and forced them to simply watch as the Red Dragon set the Fort alight.

With Blanche and Ibernia both knowing the potential for hundreds of innocence lives lost, the Party watched the Fort burn and crumble, as Archmage Vekey revealed himself behind them, his charming magics compelling them to remain open-eyed and staring at the Fort as he teleported both the Party and himself elsewhere, leaving the fate of Outlander Rock and its Fort unknown…

Where is Archmage Vekey taking them, will they be able to even escape his Grand Scheme, and will Ibernia survive her Trial in front of the Queen of Shekpia?

It seems all these questions and more will be revealed live during Shattered Souls as it happens,  Live in our D&D Discord Server! 

Debt & Darkness: To Acheron!

After peering beyond one of the many illusory walls within Tulkaz the Lich’sMirror Donjon, the Party found not only some hideous experiments, but the Severed Head of an Old God, with which Tulkaz was experimenting in order to achieve some form of divinity, all in order to avoid Death.

After choosing not to leave the Severed Head behind, they strapped the head to the Party’s Cleric using the leather straps from an old baby carrier… I’m not joking.

And so, as they came to the Final Room of the Mirror Donjon, they managed to defeat the last of Tulkaz’s Phylactery Guardians, rid the room of traps and magics, and finally, after solving one last riddle, the Party was able to obtain and eventually destroy the Phylactery of Tulkaz the Whisperer, but not without alerting him in the process.

Now the Party is in a race against time, with what could be only days before Tulkaz crafts a new and far more unbreakable Phylactery, but with the aid of the Queen’s Council and Archmage Nogastreth, the Party was able to finally locate the Physical Body of Tulkaz, and after finding out his home within the 3rd Layer of Acheron, the Party prepares themselves as they fight across an Infinite Battlefield, trying desperately to stop Tulkaz before he regains his immortality…

Will the Party survive the Infinite Battlefields of Acheron, will they be able to infiltrate Tulkaz’s Lair and bring him down before he crafts his new Phylactery, and will they finally face the Lich himself in the spooky month of October?

Looks like the only way to find out is to listen to Debt & Darkness as it happens, Live in our D&D Discord Server!

Like The Highlights? Join The Server!

Do you like what you see? Want some more context on the Party’s shenanigans or an end to those massive cliff-hangers?

Well come on down and enjoy the Games as they happen by joining the Official CreativeRogues Discord Server, and perhaps even join or create your own Games!

You can join the Server as a New Member right now by using our Link: Right Here!

Skin & Fog 

  • Campaign Length: ~8 to 12 Sessions.
  • Campaign Themes: Space, Travel, Space Opera-Like.
  • Pillars of Play: High Exploration, Medium Roleplaying, Medium Combat. 

Campaign Pitch!

Lady Eitha Carandol-Norgalad, The Archmage to the Kingdom of Benlochia, wishes to hire some highly talented explorers to go into one of the deepest parts of The Astral Plane, navigating and sailing the Sea of Stars quickly in order to find the fabled Lost Library of Gyann the Scholar, where they can read through (or even walk away with) the Books containing the magical True Names of several Wizards and Priests working for the evil Cult of Tharizdun known as “The Unchained”

Additional Information

This Adventure is for Levels 5-10, and will mostly be taking place upon a Sailing Ship known as “The Vendetta”, captained by Miss Arson Azar, a quite fiery freedom-fighting Fire Genasi Pirate with a love of trickery, charms, and a mutual dislike for authority…

And this Adventure will also be quite nautical themed, as the Party works together with the Crew of The Vendetta to navigate and avoid many of the Astral Plane’s dangers, and so it is recommended (but not absolute) that Players create a Character with some kind of sailing experience, or some kind of knowledge of The Astral Plane.

If you are interested in joining this Adventure (or future adventures) as a Player, we recommend you Join our D&D Discord Server, or speak to CreativeRogues on Discord for further info!

With Arc 2 of the World’s narrative coming to its grand finale and the next Story Arc of the World to soon begin, I thought that it’s about time to catch the newer Readers up on the events in the Story so far, and where the Story could be going in the future…

So without further interruption, let’s start, as most stories do, at the beginning…

Arc 1: The Raging Tides

In this first chapter of the World’s Story, the Heroes of Vaire discovered the existence of a secretive Cult to an Old and Powerful Demon Lord. 

The Cult was so devoted in their efforts that they were willing to drown the World of Vaire in saltwater and blood, in order to keep alllands under the control of their Dark and Demonic Master, Dagon…

Arc 2: The Red Star

During the second Arc, the World of Vaire is still recovering from the massive damages done to the lands and people at the hands of Dagon’s Cult, but a sickly Red Star, forged by Dagon’s Cult during a ritual-gone-wrong, still hangs in the sky.

And with it, the fragmented remnants of Dagon’s Cult form again under a new name: The Cult of the Red Star.

Arc 3: The Clarion’s Call

In the upcoming 3rd Chapter of the World’s Story (scheduled to start soon), the World of Vaire seems to be finally rid of The Cult of the Red Star, and with it they destroy the last parts of Dagon’s influence.

However, a greater threat from the demon-filled Infinite Abyss rises, and a New Cult known only as “The Unchained” arrives to attack Vaireonce again, with the hopes of breaking their Chained Mad God free from the walls of his Prison at the very bottom of the Infinite Abyss, and using his “Gifts” to set him upon the World of Vaire and send the Multiverseitself into a spiral of chaos and oblivion!

I hope this short and sweet summary of the World of Vaire and its Storyis helpful to both new Readers or veteran Game-Masters.

This world is a fascinating place full of both mystery and secrets waiting to be uncovered!

We have a long history behind us and a vast amount of history that’s about to start; The coming adventures of the World of Vaire are about to begin, and we can’t wait for you to hear all about it and get involved!

And if this little post has peaked your interest in the World of Vaire and its many tales, you can always join the rest of us by joining our Discord Server(Link Here!), where we’d be delighted to help you get involved in our stories! 

With many of the World of Vaire’s Campaigns reading their own endgames, let’s have a look back at the events of the last few sessions, shall we? 

Shattered Souls: There & Back Again, I guess?

After returning from the Feywildinto the Material Plane, the Party is immediately caught trying to sail through a Sea to a Foreign Land, and after being placed in a Holding Cell (with Ibernia the Monk specifically being chained up) a figure gained entry into their cells in the middle of the night, before banishing and teleporting the Party elsewhere, scattering them across the Planes before they finally reconvened once again in… you guessed it… The Feywild!

Now after finally making it back to the Material Plane, the Party finds themselves on the small Isle of Outlander Rock, where they found out the mysterious figure is none other than an Archmage to the Kingdom of Shekpia!

But with Outlander RockbeingNeutral Ground, they now plan to bring the Archmageto them, and perhaps get an answer for why he wanted to abduct some of the Party for his nefarious schemes…

Heaven & Hel: The Training Arc…

After barely managing to convince the many ArchfeyofThe Summer Court to aid them in their time of need, the Party was sent to the Starlight City of Astrazalian, under the rule of Queen Titania’s Niece, and told to train there for the time being as the Court deal with other matters.

With that, Maltuul the Elven Wizard brought the rest of the Party to the Private Estate of Lord Haleth, Maltuul’s Uncle, who after a somewhat awkward reunion, agreed to train them in his Private Grounds…

However, with Maltuul’s relative asking question after question, it seems it won’t be long until they have to reveal their intentions, or face a very awkward family dinner…

Will they spill the beans about their God-hunting adventures, will they even survive the upcoming family dinner, looks like the only way to find out is to listen to Heaven & Hel as it happens, Live in our D&D Discord Server!

Debt & Darkness: The Phantom Zone…

After surviving Tulkaz the Lich’s Demiplanar Island and the monsters within his Arcane Volcano, the final chest of Tulkaz’s Third Ward was opened, and within the Party found  a full length, brass-framed mirror, which after staring at for just a little too long, they were transported into Tulkaz’s Donjon of Mirrors and Mist, awakening inside their own private extradimensional Cells…

But they weren’t stuck for too long, as Innocence was able to dispel the illusions of the mist and mirrors thanks to a well-spoken prayer to Forseti, and after escaping the confines of their cells, the Party found themselves inside a Mirror Zone Donjon where every surface had a mirror-like sheen.

Following some investigation, they found some new Allies in some of Tulkaz’s many Prisoners, including a millennia old Storm Giant known as Eenar, and another Experiment of Tulkaz: A Clockwork Dark Elf Woman by the name of Zilvrathel'Llar, who had several self-sustaining, self-generating organs placed in her to “Test the limits of Reincarnation”…

With these new allies, the Party navigated the many properties of the Donjon, eventually entering a new floor of the Mirror Donjon where Eenar halted the Party, and after dispelling some of Tulkaz’s magics, the Party found an illusory wall leading to another one of Tulkaz’s work rooms, with what Eenar says is “An Old and deep Wrongness” held within.

So how many more arcane atrocities can the Party uncover in this Final Ward against the Party’s hunt for Tulkaz’s Phylactery, and what is this “Old and deep Wrongness" in the next room?

Looks like the only way to find out is to listen to Debt & Darkness as it happens, Live in our D&D Discord Server!

Like The Highlights? Join The Server!

Do you like what you see? Want some more context on the Party’s shenanigans or an end to those massive cliff-hangers?

Well come on down and enjoy the Games as they happen by joining the Official CreativeRogues Discord Server, and perhaps even join or create your own Games!

You can join the Server as a New Member right now by using our Link: Right Here!

  1. A phantom rider who sweeps through the village, stealing victims who disbelieve their legend.
  2. A priestly cleric obsessed with creating an impenetrable shelter that will preserve them through the coming apocalypse.
  3. A former paladin driven insane and delusional by their fall from grace.
  4. A lich king whose dark ascent to godhood was cut short by their own untimely death.
  5. A poisoner who seeks to manipulate history through targeted killings.
  6. A crime boss that steals souls of those who cross them.
  7. A malignant spirit that commits its atrocities through possessed pawns.
  8. A wraith that torments both living and dead out of rage at their pointless death.
  9. A treant who demands living limbs to replace the branches of trees cut down by an ever-expanding town.
  10. A desperate general who unleashes otherworldly armies that they can’t control.
  11. Someone who loves a monstrous creature and does anything to keep it fed and safe.
  12. A serial killer whose murders follow a highly complicated mathematical sequence.
  13. The animated mind of a dead necromancer that seeks to regrow their body.
  14. A devil that appears when youngsters speak a rhyme into a darkened mirror.
  15. An artist who manufactures terrible accidents to provide inspiration and reference for their art.
  16. An astronomer, broken and enraptured by what they saw in the stars.
  17. A great sage who seeks to solve an endless war by preventing anyone from dying.
  18. An aging king obsessed with creating a new body so they can continue their reign indefinitely.
  19. A night hag that dwells in the dreams of those who drink a special soporific tea.
  20. The spirit of a long-dead murderer who stalks the same types of victims in death as in life.