

smut [18+] prompt - [dialogue] : “I’m not wearing any panties

–▸ pairing: nct 127 x reader
–▸ word count: 2.3k



–▸ an immediate reaction: his skin heats, and there’s no way of hiding it. He’s scandalized, thrown completely off guard. Will look for something to calm himself down, likely water, and swallow thickly before he can even think of responding to you

–▸ if you’re in public, he’ll likely be unable to respond with many words, and if you want to get any kind of satisfaction, you’ll have to guide his hand to your core yourself. He’ll tense up, but over time, he’ll begin to caress your thigh, might go as far as toying with your panties or feeling how wet you are, but it would take something like a spark of jealousy to push Taeil to finger you in public.

–▸ and if you’re at home, where no one can catch you, Taeil would have a more resigned reaction to you telling him you’re “not wearing any panties”. he’d sigh, as if you’re a nuisance, but collect you in his arms all the same, asking “what should i do with you then, hmm baby?” with every intention to follow through with whatever you ask of him.



–▸ don’t test him like this if you’re not willing to take what he gives you as retaliation. saying something like “i’m not wearing any panties” to a big, hot blooded male like John J Suh will always get you somewhere, it’s just not always the place you expect, and it will be on histerms. 

–▸if you’re in public, John will find a way to check that you’re not lying to him. If at dinner with the boys, he’ll slip his hand up your skirt, but if you’re at an event where it’s hard to be inconspicuous, one mention of not wearing panties will prompt John to excuse you both asap. The longer it takes for him to be able to excuse you both, however, the bigger ‘punishment’ you’ll receive for being his ‘needy little cock slut,’ who is ‘insistent on teasing and being naughty.’

–▸and if you’re at home, good luck :) “You know all you had to do was ask, right gorgeous?” he’d say, one hand applying force to the back of your neck and pushing you face down against the dining table while the other lifts your skirt up to reveal your bare ass. “But because you teased me like this-now I have to punish you.” sometimes he’ll go easy on you, after all, what else can he expect from his needy baby when he walks around shirtless half the time too? 



–▸ flustered as hell, instantaneously. he never knows what to say; does he go for being seductive and dominant? or more submissive about the fact that you’re teasing him like this? reactions will vary based on a number of things, but he’ll always, 100% of the time, without fail, ensure that you get off, if that was your goal in going commando

–▸ if you’re in public, he might actually pull his hand away if you bring it to your thigh and try to show him that you’re not wearing panties under your skirt. The type to tense up, ears turning red, eyes widening- making this man flustered while he’s around his friends will almost never lead to much, because Taeyong is so focused on being a leader- can you imagine what the dreamies would say if they found out he left the table in the restaurant to finger fuck you in the bathroom? or if he finger fucked youthere?out of the questionlol

–▸ and if you’re at home, Taeyong has more ability to follow through with your cheeky words. “really?” he’d ask, dragging you to his chest by his hips. if he’s feeling more submissive, he’ll ask you “why?” and listen patiently while you tell him you need him, riling him up and getting him eager to please. and if he’s in a more dominant mood, he might pull you in for a kiss and lead you to the couch or the bed, fingers exploring while he praises you for knowing exactly what to do to make him feel good



–▸ this is the guy who doesn’t care what you two are up to, if you tell him you’re “not wearing panties”, he drops everything to fuck you. He won’t even pretend it’s for another reason- seven times out of ten, he’s going to straight up repeat that you’re not wearing pantiestowhoever else is near you as he drags you to the closest private room. 

–▸ if you’re in public, he’ll find a way to excuse you both. even if you’re in a place where he could get away with finger fucking you under a table, or during a movie, Yuta’s not the kind of guy who’s into quiet sex. he might tease you and make you cum once while you hold in the moans, but it’s always about finding a second location. “where are you two going?” “to the bathroom to fuck, you said they’re down that hall right?” “just make sure you’re both back before your food gets here!” “i might not even be hungry by then.” 

–▸ and if you’re at home, get ready for a long night. if you’re dating Yuta, your pussy is his pussy, and by not wearing panties, you’re pretty much ringing the bell for an open buffet, and this man is starving. as soon as you tell him you’re not wearing panties, he’s throwing you onto the closest horizontal surface and attaching his mouth to your core, won’t stop until you’ve cum multiple times and are begging him to stop using his tongue and just give you his cock



–▸ do you want to die? Doyoung will be in shock if you tell him you’re not wearing panties; like ice water dumped on his head. He doesn’t know how to react for a moment, malfunctioning before he jumps into high gear, assessing all the pros and cons to decimating you right then and there for doing such a thing to him- because that’s what this is: you did this tohim. you know how he reacts- and now he has to do something, the only question is: what

–▸ if you’re in public, he’d be very adept at coming up with a nonchalant excuse as to why you both have to leave. he has a list of excuses in fact, that range from ‘you look cold darling, how about we run to the car and grab you a jacket?’ to ‘can you excuse the two of us just for a minute, y/n’s mom is calling me’ - a personal favourite of his that makes you a little annoyed every time, because Haechan always asks ‘why is your mom calling him, what is he? your keeper?’ - but for all intents and purposes, when you don’t wear panties, that’s what Doyoung becomes: your keeper, and he intends to keep you and your pretty pussy, all to himself

–▸ and if you’re at home, it’s a toss up on how he’ll react, depending on how his day went. If you’re sitting at dinner and happen to mention it, he might continue eating and make you tell him why you’re so needy. he may even make you touch yourself, chastising you for being an impatient whore- but he always folds one way or another.



–▸ is always a little taken aback when you tell him you’re not wearing panties. he sees it as teasing, and as someone with a dominant personality, he’s forced to assess how bad you’re being before deciding what he’s going to do with you. not wearing panties always leads to rewards, it’s just that sometimes, he makes you wait.

–▸ if you’re in public, there’s a good chance Jaehyun will cut the entire event short to take you home and fuck your brains out. He’s not as into exhibitionism as some, and prefers to take his time with you, to chastise you for being such a “needy little thing-” but if he thinks you’ve been good, or if you’re dressed particularly sexy and others have obviously noticed, Jaehyun will make you cum on his fingers, but no good deed ever comes without it’s consequences

–▸ and if you’re at home, out of everyone, I think Jaehyun’s going to be the one who’s the most mean about it. if he’s had a rough day and you aren’t wearing panties, get ready for long drawn out sex where he makes you touch yourself till you’re on the edge, only to stop so he can chastise you by calling you impatient. but if he’s in a good mood, he’ll rail you over the closest horizontal surface, your skirt flipped up to your waist, his hands balled in the fabric while he fucks you.



–▸ wide eyed honey can’t believe it whenever you say these dirty words to him. you’re not wearing panties? his pupils blow with lust and his mind goes a mile a minute, flashing through with all sorts of sinful ideas- but the main one that keeps coming up is how badly he wants to burry his face between your legs and suffocate from your wet heat and the skirt trapping him in with you.

–▸ if you’re in public, teasing him like this will make him as whiney as ever. he’ll start touching you, toeing the line of what’s acceptable, leaning in and pressing a kiss below your ear before whispering something naughty; “why are you so mean to be baby? telling me your pretty pussy is all out and ready to be touched but i can’t touch you here- let’s go somewhere, please?” 

–▸ and if you’re at home, he doesn’t care what you’re doing, boy is on his knees, trying to get between your legs, before you’re even done telling him you’re not wearing panties. “i wanna see-” he’d insist, pressing a soft kiss to your thigh before applying a bit of pressure there. he doesn’t care if you’re seated or standing, he adjusts you to be comfortable before diving in, groaning at your taste and the way his breath comes out hot, making it a little stuffy under your skirt, but oh so delightful-



–▸ stammering. he’s not sure he’s heard you right. “you… what?” “i’m not wearing any panties Mark.” “oh-” wide eyes as he looks around to make sure no one’s heard you, and he always swallows thickly to collect himself before looking to you again. you can always tell based on his expression what’s going to come next, because this man wears his heart on his sleeve, and when someone he adores tells him they’re not wearing panties, well… there’s only really one way this can go

–▸ if you’re in public, he’s probably the most likely to ditch the entire event as soon as you say you’re not wearing panties, because how is he supposed to get through any socialization now? poor man is going to be completely distracted- and also, he worries a lot about accidental flashing- is shocked you feel so comfortable teasing him and yourself this way. wants to get you home so he can have you all to himself- but this sort of thing makes him mad horny, so don’t be shocked if he can’t keep his hands to himself during the ride home, and he might jump the gun in the elevator up to his apartment, but what else do you expect from a guy who gets heart eyes whenever he looks at you

–▸ and if you’re at home, he’ll collect you in his arms immediately, cupping your face and asking “what do you want me to do first?” because do you want his fingers? or his mouth? he wants to give you exactly what you need, and he’ll even thank you for it when you let him give you the whole world and more.



–▸ he’d go crazy if you said this to him. it doesn’t matter the time or the place, if you tell Haechan you’re not wearing panties, it’sgotime- he doesn’t care who the fuck sees or hears it. but at the same time, this is a game to him. you toy with him, so he toys with you, and his mood is very changeable on just how he enjoys to toy you in retaliation for being naughty like this. 

–▸ if you’re in public, you have to be prepared for anything. He’s the type to head you’re not wearing panties, and insist on finger fucking you to completion multiple times right then and there in front of his friends. even if you try to excuse yourself, he might stop you, just to torture you and keep this long drawn out. but other times he’ll be so worked up that he can’t help himself, grabbing your hand and dragging you to the closest private space without much of an explanation for his friends, besides, they all know what he intends to do with you

–▸ and if you’re at home, you’re in for a wild night. no panties, wearing just a skirt- you’re opening yourself up for all sorts of things: thigh riding, mutual masterbation, mirrors, being forced to top while he controls you from below and plays with the pleats of your skirt- he has a full on kink for all of this. the aesthetic of his baby being a little panty avoidant whore gets Haechan going like nothing else, and he’ll let you know it with hours of teasing, toying your pussywhile telling you how dirty you are


JaeHyuck –▸patreon bonus teaser

–▸ Haechan’s used to having full dominion of your thighs at dinner with the boys, so when he reaches down to squeeze the flesh exposed by your pretty pleated skirt, he’s a little shocked to find Jaehyun’s hand there already. 

–▸ out of your two boyfriends, Jaehyun generally keeps his hands to himself when multiple pairs of eyes are watching, and Haechan usually reaps all the benefits, which is why he’s so annoyed to find his access blocked.

–▸ and he gets increasingly agitated when he realizes why Jaehyun is so interested, today of all days. Leaning in, Haechan lets his lips ghost past your ear, and he lowers his voice so only you can hear him when he says, “no panties, baby? Someone’s just looking to be ruined, huh?”

To read the full 1 thousand word mini oneshot: Subscribeto my Patreon -then - click here


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© smileysuh — all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any fic, reaction, or piece of original writing posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed


word count: 2.7k

warnings: none! i recommend reading snowflake before this bc this has major spoilers for snowflake

extra info: heavily based off yet another otome game, ayakashi: romance reborn ; bc of this, all the lore used in here is inspired by/based on/taken from the lore of the game, not the actual lore of traditional ayakashi/yokai stories. there is a poll at the end for you guys to vote for which routes you’d like to see!

DISCLAIMER:some aspects of plot and character traits are directly lifted from the game and utilized in the character equivalents in this story; the base lore, plot, and characters were heavily inspired by the game, however it has all been transformed into my own story. there are no spoilers for the game by reading this series

⇁ merry chrysler + happy holidays from me and our favorite lil snoni duo!!

⇁ [masterlist]


Qian Kun was in his father’s home office that morning, eating breakfast and discussing the business. They did this every so often, less once Kun had found his footing in the company some years ago, and only getting more infrequent as his father became less and less involved in Oni Group Holdings. Kun didn’t mind it, knowing that it was only a matter of time before his father finally retired and left the top floor empty for himself to move into. He relished the thought, but in that moment he relished the warm, buttery, flaky croissant he had bitten into even more.

The butler—servant? aid? assistant? walked in then. Kun never quite knew what to call the Itachi who worked and resided in the Qian home. Or mansion, rather. It hadn’t been Kun’s home as a child, so it felt odd for him to call it such, but “mansion” made it feel so impersonal. He’d spent a considerable amount of time in and around the estate, even had his own quarters there, technically. Most nights he would prefer to stay in his own place, but every so often he would stay for a few days in the mansion, mainly to visit with his mother. He saw his father enough at work, and it wasn’t like the older Oni was very sociable anyway.

Heejun said nothing, and Kun almost immediately saw why the man had stopped just at the doorway. He was holding the door open for a flying note to come in, this one taking on the delicate form of a bird of some kind. A jay, perhaps. The note landed right on Kun’s father’s waiting palm. He dismissed Heejun with a wave of his hand before opening the letter.

Kun watched with intrigue as his father read the paper—it wasn’t often he got flying notes, even as an Ayakashi. Many of his business partners these days were humans, or Ayakashi trying to keep a low profile in the human world that was constantly developing new ways of making memories and happenings permanent and provable. The younger Oni took another bite of his croissant, contemplating if he should leave his father with the note and go find his mother to chat with her. She would probably be out of the house by now, though, off at whatever organization she was volunteering at today. Animal shelters, youth outreach programs, homeless shelters, any place his dear mother could possibly help at, she would. His father’s considerable wealth from Oni Group Holdings ensured she never had to work a day in her life, but she still wanted to keep busy, doing anything she possibly could while refusing a single cent. Kun loved that about her.

He often wondered if he was more like his father or his mother. He reckoned that he was more like his father: calculating businessman with a taste for the luxury his wealth afforded him and only saw people and conversations in terms of their value to him and the business. But he also reckoned he’d like to try to be more like his mother: a warm, caring person who wants to help people who she owes nothing to and who owe nothing to her.

His attention was caught by his father folding the paper in half, then in half again before tucking it away into a drawer of his desk. Kun’s eyebrows raised expectantly, wondering if he’d be privy to the contents of the letter.

President Qian wiped his mouth with a black napkin before announcing, “Let’s go on a drive.”

This definitely caught Kun off-guard, but he stood along with his father nevertheless. Curiosity kept his mouth shut, wanting to see exactly why his father was having them go on a drive at seven in the morning on a Tuesday, and knowing that if he questioned it outright, he might not be able to go with.

In the black SUV, Kun sat in the backseat with his father, Heejun driving the two of them. They hadn’t gotten in a car together without an express purpose other than to just ride around the city since he was a young man, perhaps a hundred and thirty or so, freshly out of graduate school with two degrees under his belt. Forty years was a terribly long time for humans, less so for Oni, but long enough for this outing to feel strange and almost foreign to him.

And what was stranger was where his father was directing Heejun. This wasn’t the picturesque villas or stylish condos or even scenic roads that the older man had preferred before. This was a sketchier part of town, dirt caked into every crevice and unsavory figures in every darkened alleyway—human, Ayakashi, and Wraith alike. All in all, quite a bit to look at, but nothing that one would want to look at. He couldn’t fathom why his father would want to come here, except for whatever the contents of that letter had been.

“Heejun, stop the car,” President Qian suddenly ordered, and the Itachi immediately complied, smoothly bringing the SUV to a stop.

When Kun looked around, he saw that they were in front of an abandoned laundromat. His father opened his door and exited the car, prompting Kun to follow him. The building was decrepit, the painted lettering of the name on the storefront faded from years of neglect. The windows were boarded over and the alleyway right next to it had discarded needles and syringes and just absolutely reeked of piss. Kun was about to call off this whole excursion there and then when he saw something move in the alleyway. Something small.

A child peered out of the shadows, no taller than Kun’s chest, dark black hair making him nearly blend in with the darkness around him. Nearly, because his clothes were a pure snow white, and glittered like diamonds when he finally stepped into the sunlight. His father seemed wholly unsurprised by the boy’s presence, beckoning him closer.

“Hello,” the older Oni greeted the boy. “I’m Qian Jian, I’m a friend of Chanshik’s.”

Kun had heard the name Chanshik a few times before, one of his father’s friends from his youth, before Kun was ever born.

The boy’s eyes widened upon hearing the name, “I’m Doyoung, Prince of Erethulia. My parents are dead, they were killed. I can’t go back.”

This time Kun couldn’t hide his surprise whatsoever. Just as he had opened his mouth to say something, anything, his father spoke up again.

“You may live with us.”

The finality with which he said it wasn’t what floored Kun—his father was always like that, his decision absolute—but instead the actual content of the statement. His dad was just going to take in some random kid off the street? Well, not a completely random kid, the Prince of the Snow Kingdom, a place Kun had only heard of in stories. It had to be some kind of strategic move, surely.

“What’s your name?” The kid speaking directly to him broke Kun from his thoughts.

“Oh, I’m Qian Kun,” he said, opening the door to the backseat for the boy, who climbed right in. He wondered if Doyoung was just this trusting, or if his father mentioning Chanshik was what made him this willing to get into a stranger’s car and accept their offer for him to live with them.

Kun got in after the boy while his father sat in the front seat this time. As President Qian instructed Heejun to return to their house, his son engaged the boy in conversation in the backseat.

“How old are you, Doyoung?”

“Eight.” His eyes were glued to the passing buildings, and Kun imagined that it was rather different than whatever the Snow Kingdom had looked like.

“So what do you like to do for fun?”

“Hockey! And I like playing games with my mom…”

Doyoung’s face fell, and at the glistening of his dark eyes, Kun’s heart leapt to his throat. Shit, crying kid, crying kid. He was not equipped for this. He wracked his brain for a moment, trying to figure out what his own mother would do when he would cry. Hug him, but would this kid really appreciate being touched by some dude he doesn’t know so soon after losing both parents? For once, Kun didn’t have an answer, didn’t know exactly what move to make. So he did the one thing his father told him to never do: half ass something.

Kun reached a hand out to pat the boy’s head, not expecting the child to then launch his small form right into the Oni’s lap. His shock was increased tenfold at the chill that emanated from every part of him that touched the boy. This kid was an icicle. An icicle who was crying into Kun’s neck, and he didn’t have the heart to push him away. Instead, he wrapped his arms around him, holding the child to him tightly. His mom’s voice was in the back of his head, telling him that he should have buckled Doyoung in properly. Well, really, he probably should’ve had a booster seat of some kind and buckled him in. Kun made a mental note to make sure several were bought and stored in the various cars they owned.

By the time they had arrived at the Qian residence, Kun was shivering, and Doyoung was sniffling. He wiped at his tears with the equally cold sleeve of his clothes, still not moving from the Oni’s lap.

“Hey, Doyoung, we’re here,” Kun told him softly as Heejun opened the door for him. His father had already gotten out and disappeared inside the mansion to god knows where. “Do you want to walk in, or I can carry you if you want?”

At this Doyoung sat up straight, serious pout overtaking his features, “I’m eight, I’m not a baby, I can walk.”

“Right, my bad,” he easily held up his hands in surrender.

Doyoung clambered off his lap and out of the car, and Kun made sure to follow close behind. Kun’s father wasn’t far, in the living room just past the foyer. His mother was there too, having been called there by her husband from the car, her face lighting up at the sight of the small boy. Kun knew she regretted not having another child after him, which only made her even more doting on him in his youth. He was glad she would have a kid in her household again.

“Mom, this is Doyoung,” Kun made the introduction. “Doyoung, this is my mom, Qian Liyan.”

“It’s wonderful to meet you, Doyoung,” Mrs. Qian was positively beaming, holding a hand out towards him to shake.

“You too,” Doyoung stared blankly at her hand. Did they not shake hands in the Snow Kingdom?

“You probably shouldn’t shake his hand without gloves, Mom,” Kun informed her, still chilly from the car ride there. “He’s a snow spirit. Cold to the touch.”

“Oh!” She retracted her hand, still grinning. “Well, it’s a joy to have you in our home, Doyoung.”

The young boy looked up at Kun again, grabbing onto the sleeve of his button-up shirt, “I’m hungry.”

“We’ll need to get him in some manners classes,” Mr. Qian grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “I’m sure Madame Yeri is still in business.”

“I’ll teach him,” Kun immediately offered, having vivid flashbacks to when he himself had manners lessons with Madame Yeri. It sent a chill down his spine worse than Doyoung could give him.

“Very well.”

And Qian Jian left the room, presumably to do things much more worth his time than the eight-year-old he had randomly decided to adopt. Both Kun and his mother were unfazed by it, too enamored by the young boy with them.

“Well, let’s get you some food then,” Mrs. Qian declared, leading both her boys towards the kitchens.


Kun gave Doyoung a discrete thumbs-up of encouragement as they sat at the dinner table in the Qian residence some weeks later. It was somewhat rare for the four of them to all eat together, usually it was just Kun, his mother, and Doyoung, or sometimes Kun would just take Doyoung out to eat as part of getting acquainted with the city. The younger Oni watched the snow spirit’s chest rise and fall with a deep breath before he spoke into the silence.

“Mr. Qian,” the boy’s voice was mostly level. “May I please play hockey, sir? I’ve looked into it, and sign-ups for teams here start next week. I had a lot of fun playing it back home, I want to do it again. Please, sir.”

“No,” was the immediate, flat response from the patriarch. “Humans don’t play hockey like snow spirits, they don’t manipulate the ice or fly across it at superhuman speeds. They wear padding and knock into each other and break each other’s noses.”

At Doyoung’s crestfallen features, Kun couldn’t help but speak up for the boy.

“Father, he can learn the rules and not use his powers, he’s gotten much better at controlling them.”

“But not good enough. He’ll either slip up and use his powers or he’ll be too good for his own age and be branded a child prodigy and draw a host of unnecessary attention to himself. I cannot risk him exposing who he is to humans or Ayakashi. That’s final.”

The rest of the meal passed in tense silence interspliced with tart conversation that Mrs. Qian would awkwardly try to engage the others in.

A couple days later, and Kun was knocking on Doyoung’s bedroom door. The boy had been given the room right next to Kun’s and was usually knocking on the older man’s door at o-dark thirty in the morning on Kun’s rare days off, so for the Oni to have to knock on the child’s door was unusual. Ever since they had taken the little snow spirit in, Kun was spending most of his free time at his parents’ place rather than his own. In fact, he couldn’t remember the last time he’d spent more than a few hours at his own place, actually. Sometimes he’d steal Doyoung away to let him play on the gaming console Kun had, his father would never allow such a “waste of time” in his own home. But without fail, every night he had been at his parents’ house.

The door was opened by a very sullen looking Doyoung. He’d been sulking ever since Mr. Qian had denied his request to play hockey.

“What did we say about pouting, Doyoung?” Kun prompted him tartly.

“A sour face doesn’t get you in anybody’s good grace,” Doyoung replied with something between a whine and a drawl, still not changing his expression.

“You’re still in your pajamas too?”

“It’s Saturday, Kun.”

“You’re lucky my father’s not home. Now get dressed, we’re going somewhere.”

This made the kid perk up, “Where?”

“It’s a surprise, get dressed.”

Doyoung was practically bouncing in his booster seat in the backseat as Kun navigated the car through the streets. According to the parenting books and pamphlets he had consulted, Doyoung was at the age where he might not need a booster seat anymore, but he was a little small for his age, which worried Kun, so he kept him in one anyway.

Every so often Doyoung would try to guess where they were going, but every single time he got it wrong. Until they finally pulled into the parking lot of their destination: Snowy Peaks Ice Rink. When Kun looked in the rearview mirror as he unbuckled his seatbelt, he saw those two dark eyes go wider than saucers.

“Ice skating?” He asked, voice pitching up with hope as Kun helped him out of the car and they started towards the building.

“Hockey,” the Oni announced.

“Hockey!” Doyoung repeated in a cheer, actually skipping this time. “But I thought I wasn’t allowed to play.”

“My father is worried about you exposing who you are to others,” Kun explained as they entered the cool lobby. The place was devoid of patrons and most staff, the ice itself being completely empty. “We’ve got the whole rink to ourselves.”



The little prince flew into Kun’s arms, the man barely having time to react to catch him, but eagerly squeezing him back just as tightly. Kun was glad he was wearing a million layers already.

“Thank you, Kun! Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!”

“You’re welcome, Doyoung,” Kun chuckled, pressing a kiss to the unruly mop of black hair on the boy’s head.


sharing kisses with the sevens.

feat. mentions of kissing, light touches, (light) anxiousness

unrequested ┊version with haechan (dream)

ʚ ⋮  moon taeil

  • as much as taeil tries to hide it, he’s easily excitable and completely wrapped around your finger. so if you’re looking for an easy way to get his lips on yours all you have to do is tug on the sleeves on his sweater with a pout and he’s done for.
  • even with the rush from the excitement, he’s so so so gentle with you. he’ll take his time playing with you (read: rubbing the tips of your noses together? like those little nose kisses?) before finally giving you what you really wanted.

ʚ ⋮  johnny suh

  • his absolute favorite thing to do is lean in for a kiss only to turn his head at the last second leaving you all sad and pouty, he thinks you look adorable! (he ends up kissing you a million times to make up for it).
  • like that one time you tried to kiss him during movie night and he thought to himself: this feels like a great time to mess with my s/o. he inched closer to your lips only to redirect right before the kiss, pretending to look past you and reach for the remote.
  • he’ll see you staring at his lips from across the room and shoot you a judgmental and wiggle his eyebrows.
  • or, he’ll pull you in by the waist and tickle you until you’re on the verge of complaining and kiss you right when you start to open your mouth to tell him off. then, he has the audacity to break away asking you, “oh, what were you saying?” with a smug smile on his face.
  • but, as much as he tries really hard to keep his cool guy composure during the kiss, we all know he’s not fooling anyone—especially not you—when he has to pull away because he can’t stop smiling like a lovestruck dummy.

ʚ ⋮  lee taeyong

  • if there’s two things for sure, 1) what tae wants: tae gets and 2) your boyfriend is mr petty.
  • if you’re busy he’ll follow you around the house like a lost puppy whining, “y/n, kiss me! i know you want to! please, just one kiss and i’ll leave you alone~”, until you give in (and you do, duh).
  • not to mention, you forget your morning kiss one time and suddenly all his members know and he’ll be bringing it up forever.
  • he lives for when you kiss him out of the blue, even if he lies through his teeth when you ask him about it. if he’s had a tough day at practice and you’re at the door waiting to give him the world’s most healing kiss™, tae will for sure melt in your arms and maybe even tear up a bit.

ʚ ⋮  nakamoto yuta

  • now yuta is a gentleman through and through, so he’ll never do anything you’re uncomfortable with and he’s not even thinking about touching you until he gets the green light.
  • even with the smallest of pecks he has to hear you say you want it. you might think it’s stupid or repetitive, but you’re the most precious thing he has in his life and if he makes you the slightest bit upset he is not going to be able to live with himself.
  • yuta is in love with everything about you and your body is no exception. he’ll always have his hands over you leaving soft touches over your lower back or lightly grasping the skin of your elbow. if he’s being a bit daring he’ll pull you closer to him with a hand behind your head and there’ll be no doubt that by the time you’re done you’ll be gasping for air with swollen lips as yuta stares back at you with an innocent, shit-eating grin.

ʚ ⋮  kim doyoung

  • when it comes to anything you, doyoung tends to panic and forget that he doesn’t have to put on an act to impress you anymore. no matter how much he’s dying inside to be close to you, he can’t help but play hard to get.
  • he sees you lean in towards him and goes !!! and his hands work ahead of his brain, pushing you away. you’ll try again, but he can’t seem to get it together and after a while you get discouraged, readying to leave without the thing you came for. luckily, the one braincell that showed up for work that day kicks in and doyoung grabs your hips, pulling you onto his lap. he lets you get comfortable, leaning you against his chest while mixing whispered apologies and soft kisses into your neck.

ʚ ⋮  jung jaehyun

  • by nature jaehyun is so kind hearted and caring and when it comes to you? he becomes almost completely selfless. your comfort and consent are always first in line for anything he does. he’s always checking in on you and asking how you’re feeling or if it’s alright if he places his hand a certain somewhere.
  • his kisses are soft and slow! he takes time to cup your cheek and stare at your lips before leaning in. most of the time, he has a track running in the back that helps establish whatever mood you’re going for!

ʚ ⋮  kim jungwoo

  • choose your character: a complete sweetheart or a complete tease. only i lied, and it’s not a choice with jungwoo, you get both at the same time.
  • jungwoo has got it bad for you and he’s one-hundred percent ready to give you everything you’ve ever wanted… except for when it comes to kisses.
  • you’re cute, but he’s not gonna fold that easily.
  • he’ll kiss you everywhere but your lips just to have you whining with puppy eyes and shaking his arm, begging him to give up the act and kiss you. lucky for you, jungwoo is not built as different as he says he is nor is he god’s strongest soldier and he ends up crumbling at your puppy eyes.

ʚ ⋮  mark lee

  • he’d kiss you all the time if he could.
  • you could’ve been together forever and he would still be getting giggly over the close proximity. you’re just so pretty? and he’s so in love? he can’t help but feel giddy.
  • that being said, mark takes forever to actually kiss you because he can’t stop breaking away to laugh. he gets two centimeters away from your face and he just falls into a fit of giggles before softly slapping your arm as he apologizes
  • (“sorry, sorry, i’ll do it for real this time! i swear! stop looking at me like that!”)
  • the only exception would be if he’s in a rush or running late to his recording session after a restful night at your place. he’d grab the bagged lunch you made for him just minutes before and rush towards the kitchen island to press a swift kiss to your cheek before running out the door, yelling his goodbyes.

220531 DOYOUNG

220604 DOYOUNG IG Update

“At Tokyo.”

— 96'l!NE == [ ★ ] | D0Y0UNG __ users !?

  • @ / d.0do-yng⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀@ / ilyodo
  • @ / bunnoyoung⠀⠀ ⠀@ / jm_l0ver
  • @ / d00ngs⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀@ / guri.b0Y
  • @ / young_do⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀ @ / D01D02
  • @ / wangpe4ch⠀⠀ ⠀ @ / d0_ilysm

Im getting carried away…. Anyway hope you like it.

☆ [nostalgic] summer romance!au doyoung
late birthday post for mr. kim! i am never on time for these posts, apologies. 
find others here: johnny|haechan|taeil|taeyong|mark|jaemin|yangyang|yuta|sicheng|chenle|kun | yukhei

  • a sinking feeling has you rooted to the floor. staring at the lock of your front door as someone knocks politely over and over again.
  • “what are you doing?”
  • your mother’s voice gusts past you like a breeze, she leans over your frozen figure and turns the knob.
  • you step back to avoid being hit by the door and dread the light that washes over your mothers face
  • “doyoung! come in!”
  • he steps through and all you catch is a bit of side profile, hidden behind the gigantic plant he’s holding
  • “oh! that’s the orchid your mother was just up in a fit about? come here sweetie, place it on the kitchen table -”
  • his footsteps echo and you shrink a little, he didn’t even look at me. 
  • you’re thankful for your mothers insolent obsession with being a good host and trudge your way back to your room
  • doyoung is in your house. 
  • which is weird, the first time he was in your house - you knew, obviously, but he was uninvited. your mother didn’t welcome him through the door.
  • now - for the past month - after both his mother and yours had come to a unbreakable bond over their indoor houseplants 
  • doyoung has very much been a presence, an invited presence, a presence everyone but you seemed to be delighted about
  • “he’s such a nice boy, he’s spending his summers tutoring younger kids and i see him biking all around town.”
  • your mother gushes almost every time at dinner after doyoung leaves - delivering whatever ailing plant his mother has sent to yours to fix and play botanist with
  • you pick at your food
  • yeah, he’s a nice boy. that’s what makes this all so much worse.
  • now - you’re laying on your sheets with your hand on your stomach and staring up at the wall thinking very much the same thought.
  • he’s so nice, and so perfect, and everything anyone ever dreams of. why am i such an idiot for not wanting that?
  • you drum your fingers and again spiral back into the memory that keeps itself wedged between you and him like a piece of food that’s stuck so sternly between teeth, no pushing at it with your tongue helps.
  • summer starts in ten days, officially you know - by the university calendar.you’re supposed to be focusing on a final paper for some elective politics class you took, but you’re not. you’re staring at the back of doyoung’s neck. he sits in front of you for most lectures.
  • “hey, do you know anything about this military-first politics and nuclear armament essay prompt the professor gave us?”
  • doyoung turns slowly, blinking at you from behind his thin-wired classes, “yeah - it’s been the topic of discussion and reading for like a week.”
  • you know you sound kind of stupid to even ask - but you will admit, politics isn’t your thing and it seems to really be doyoungs - so you smile, with a please pity me kind of look in your eye. doyoung sighs, but he gets up and slides into the seat beside you - opening up the half blank word document on your laptop.
  • that’s it. that’s all it was going to be. doyoung helping you skid by, so that your summer isn’t ruined by a shitty grade. 
  • but that’s not what happens. at all. 
  • doyoung instead spends a lot of time helping you write a good enough paper to pull through a B-. 
  • that means a lot of alone time in the library, in study hall, in the empty halls of the school buildings where classes have ended and no one is around.
  • it’s a lot of being shoulder to shoulder with him, realizing how nice he always smells - how long his fingers are when they type - how he doesn’t have a significant other because no one except his friends ever end up interrupting you.
  • it’s the day after you get your grades for the semester, something about getting the paper back sparks a fire in you
  • you scope doyoung out at the coffeeshop and exclaim that you and him did it!
  • a couple of heads whip around, did it?, you quickly add some mumbling about the paper.
  • doyoung laughs, it’s the first time you’ve heard the genuine sound, because most of the time he just makes a half-sided smirk or chuckle.
  • you buy him an iced latte as repayment and somehow end up walking out of there with side by side.
  • doyoung asks if you live near by if you don’t dorm, you say you do. he does too. that’s weird - you’ve never seen him around the neighborhood.
  • after that you pretend it’s a blur. because truth be told it isn’t.
  • you and doyoung are going to be taking the same train anyway, why not take it together. you and doyoung are going to know the same little places around town, why not talk about them.
  • why not? why not? why not? 
  • why not invite him inside when you’re back in your hometown, why not lead him up to your room just so he can see it and why not kiss him when he leans over you.
  • people your age do it all the time, they hookup. that’s the only answer to that stupid hanging ‘why not?’
  • so when you felt doyoung’s fingers graze down your side and he’d clumsily gotten his glasses off just in time for you to pull his shirt up over his head 
  • you were convinced it meant nothing. you were convinced he thought the same.
  • then it all happens and you can’t take it back. 
  • especially not the part where you’re laying on your bed, just like you are now, waiting for doyoung to start gathering his things and instead a hand loops around your sweaty waist.
  • “aren’t you going to leave?”
  • the words blurt out of your mouth before you even think about it. 
  • the tension that stalled in the room had been so horrible you swore you’d felt it seep into every pore, damn near trickling itself down the walls.
  • doyoung had darkened, pulled himself away from you, and disappeared before you could string together your next thought.
  • part of you had been relieved, the other part felt like the biggest asshole on the planet.
  • you were just grateful the rest of the summer could easily be passed by keeping away from each other - until your mother had found her new best friend.
  • downstairs you can hear doyoung shuffling around with your mothers plants, you can’t make out what they’re saying, but you’re sure your mother is inviting him to stay and eat with you. asking doyoung about his amazing future plans to become a lawyer. enthralled by everything he is as a child and that you, most likely, are not.
  • when he finally leaves and the commotions die down you can’t get up
  • this is the most confusing moment. 
  • not the whole ignoring each other when he pops over, not the whole reliving the past from just a glimpse. 
  • it’s why - when it happened, you had been so content with it just staying nothing - you had been the one to make that decision for the both of you
  • yet
  • why does it seem like you’re wallowing in it, clinging to it, imaging it all over
  • every time he comes over
  • because you didn’t just want a hook-up. you wanted doyoung and were playing it off because having a crush on him isn’t worth it right?
  • your mind coils itself through a storm
  • you thought he only wanted to sleep with you too, because the thought of someone as good as doyoung liking you just doesn’t make sense?
  • despite the summer heat, you feel cold
  • you’re not good enough to actually be liked, to be the person doyoung chooses for something more than just your-
  • your phone rings and you sit up so fast it gives you a headache, you feel around and bring it to your ear without checking the number
  • “hello?”
  • “our mothers are trying to set us up on a date.”
  • you want to be anywhere in the world, but here. 
  • doyoung’s blank expression doesn’t let you know if he feels the same, but the way he won’t get in at least eight feet of you is telling enough.
  • you’re in his backyard, well technically you’re in his neighbors backyard, because he doesn’t want to be visible behind the hedges
  • rather be caught dead than be next to me, right? 
  • you shrill at yourself and try to bury the wince you make internally
  • “i think you should just tell them you have another boyfriend.”
  • “i can’t lie to my mother.”
  • you start and doyoung watches you chew on your lower lip and retreat defensively a step back
  • “why not?”
  • “she’s noisy - she’ll find out. she’ll insist until i die to meet this ‘other boyfriend’. plus i’m not a good liar.”
  • “really? could have fooled me.”
  • doyoung straightens himself as he says that, eyes unblinking behind the frames of his glasses
  • i probably deserve that. well actually-
  • “doyoung, i never promised you anything when we-”
  • the words wilt and doyoung suddenly looks over his shoulder.
  • “you’re right, you never promised me anything. im the one who was a fool for ever thinking it was something.”
  • you look at the grass. 
  • you wonder, if you had not said that one sentence - aren’t you going to leave - would this summer be different?
  • would you and doyoung be spending every second together, holding each other at the beach? kissing under the fireworks? sharing ice-cream and diving into pools filled of water and your laughter?
  • the thought blooms something in your chest
  • i wish - i wish it was that.
  • “you say i should lie, but you’re pretty good at it too doyoung.”
  • “excuse me?”
  • “it’s not like you - it’s not like you really wanted it to be anything more than it was.”
  • you think the grass is going to burst into flames with how hard you’re concentrating on it.
  • “what, you’re telling me-” you swallow “you’re telling me you actually wanted to be with me after? our mothers are trying to get us to go on a date and you called me out here just to avoidthat.”
  • he leans forward
  • “if you are trying to make me the only guilty party here-”
  • he’s closer and you feel your voice shake a little, but you try to push to the end of your thought.
  • “im not, you never made any effort to make it seem like you had any genuine emotion so am i so wrong for just assuming it was just se-”
  • his hands, large and gentle, manage to find your shoulders and doyoung presses his lips to yours 
  • you stiffen from the external shock, but then relax under the light grip
  • his breath smells sweet, like he’s been chewing bubblegum, he’s wearing the same cologne he does at university
  • “i don’t just sleep with people.” 
  • he whispers against your mouth
  • “nothing against it, but i don’t think there’s a point to sharing something intimate with someone who i don’t want in every possible way.”
  • when you and doyoung agree to go on a date - both your mothers lose it. they’re convinced you’re soulmates.
  • although you and doyoung both agree they’re thinking way too far ahead in the future - it doesn’t mask the fact that the attraction that ends up forming between you two is undeniable
  • doyoung is so determined and intently goal orientated that you would think there isn’t the capacity to have fun in one bone in his body, but that’s not true
  • when he’s comfortable, he’s charming and full of humor - he makes you double over with laughter more than you could have imagined
  • and you aren’t as spacey and shy as doyoung might have assumed either, you have a competitive streak and you make doyoung feel like this is the summer of his life
  • the summer of his life that someone could probably make a decent coming of age film out of
  • he brings it up after you two exit a movie that was just about the same topic and you look down at your hands intertwined and shake your head
  • “no they’d never cast the right people to play us.”
  • doyoung sees the reflection of the milky way in your eyes, but he doesn’t say it
  • “no one on this planet is like you.”
  • he returns this sentiment with a small kiss that bumps this glasses against the bridge of your nose.
  • you get nervous sometimes when you think about how the summer started, it’s not like you’re living in the middle ages where intimacy is a sin before eternal commitment or anything
  • no you just get nervous because the reason you ever even made that situation as bad as it was, was because of your insecurity
  • does doyoung actually like me? did two weeks of being together at school make him realize something about me is worth it?
  • you can’t ask him that - even though sometimes you want to, so you can explain why you hadn’t just rolled over and nuzzled yourself into the dip of his chest
  • much like you do now - you fit so perfectly right between his arms
  • instead it sometimes gnaws at you until doyoung is cleaning his glasses over your sink and you’re sitting in the bathtub looking at him
  • your parents are ironically over at doyoungs for some wine party or whatever and although your mothers are in awe about you two being “a cute lil couple” 
  • they see that - cute, part of it makes you snort. you and doyoung sometimes act more mature than they do.
  • “i always knew you were staring at me in lecture.” he starts and a little smirk pulls at his long lips
  • you flick some of the water at him and he leans against the counter
  • he doesn’t like baths, he prefers showers, but he still stays in the room with you when you take them 
  • “i wasn’t staring at you.”
  • “you were staring at the back of my neck.”
  • you look away because fair, not like he spends a lot of time looking away from the professor.
  • “so i knew you liked me, or something about me. that’s why it hurt.”
  • “when we-”
  • “yes and i like being logical, so not having a real answer for why that all happened like it did still haunts me.”
  • he tilts his head and you see the line of his thin collarbones through his shirt
  • “i thought you’d say it first.”
  • he blinks
  • “i thought you’d say something like, that was cool. ill see you at uni come fall. and then leave. so i mean, i didn’t even say go leave - i asked, aren’t you going to leave?”
  • doyoung is smart so he gets what you’re saying in the most roundabout way possible
  • he walks over and squats down, leans over the ridge of the bath to kiss you and doesn’t complain when you bring your soapy hands up to cradle his neck
  • “im sorry i did leave, i should have just said what i felt right there.” 
  • he mutters and you nod. you should have said it too.
  • when you and doyoung graduate and he goes on to law school and you start working, you almost break up - twice - because of the stress
  • but somehow neither of you can ever ask the other one
  • aren’t you going to leave?
  • because neither of you ever really wants to.
  • so you don’t, you stay through all the hardships, through every argument and bump in the road. 
  • you stay, you choose to stay and so does he and you might not even fall asleep next to each other on some days but the heat of the person you love is always there.
  • and then doyoung gets his first big promotion at his job, runs all the way home with the news and ends up breathing hard and talking nonsense to you in your shared kitchen
  • “you need a shower.”
  • you say, wiping the sweat from his forehead as he shakes his head, no. he needs a bath.
  • you lean back against his chest, stronger and broader as he’s aged. 
  • he looks down at you and even the eyebags that have gotten darker with all that work he does don’t do anything to make him less attractive
  • you peck his chin, because it’s what you can reach.
  • “if we sit here any longer we’re going to prune.”
  • “are you going to be the first one to leave?”
  • he asks and you shake your head. 
  • you’ll sit here forever if that’s what it takes.
  • on the counter of the bathroom, there’s one of the houseplants your mothers keeps shipping to you. 
  • you don’t notice that it’s the same orchid that doyoung carried into your house all those years ago, when you thought he hadn’t even looked at you when your mother opened the door.
  • he curls a strand of your wet hair around his finger.
  • he had looked at you, quickly, but he had done it. 
  • even half covered by orchid leaves, you’d made his mouth dry. 
  • “no seriously though - we will prune.”
  • “i’ll get up if you get up?”
  • i’ll never leave, the only way i’ll leave is if it means im taking you with me. 


220604 DOYOUNG IG Update

“At Tokyo.”

Aries: The 7th Sense (NCT U)


Taurus: Taste The Feeling (NCT 127)


Gemini: Switch (NCT 127 ft.SMR15B)


Cancer: Cure (Taeyong w/ Yoo Youngjin)


Leo: Cherry Bomb (NCT 127)


Virgo: Without You (NCT U)


Libra: My First And Last (NCT Dream)


Scorpio: Limitless (NCT 127)


Sagittarius:Fire Truck (NCT 127)


Capricorn: We Young (NCT Dream)


Aquarius: Dream In A Dream (Ten)


Pisces:Chewing Gum (NCT Dream)


Aries:Mad City

Taurus: Another World



Leo:Fire Truck

Virgo:Back 2 U (AM 01:27)

Libra:Once Again

Scorpio: Baby Don’t Like It


Capricorn: Wake Up

Aquarius:Good Thing














Fire Signs:Ten

Earth Signs:Winwin

Air Signs:Doyoung

Water Signs:Taeyong

Cusps add:Jisung

kdongyoung:doyoung & jungwoo for cosmopolitan koreakdongyoung:doyoung & jungwoo for cosmopolitan koreakdongyoung:doyoung & jungwoo for cosmopolitan korea


doyoung & jungwoo for cosmopolitan korea

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