
The Dark Crystal - GelflingsThis show is SOOOO GOOD and I love all the gelflings it’s hard to pick aThe Dark Crystal - GelflingsThis show is SOOOO GOOD and I love all the gelflings it’s hard to pick aThe Dark Crystal - GelflingsThis show is SOOOO GOOD and I love all the gelflings it’s hard to pick a

The Dark Crystal - Gelflings

This show is SOOOO GOOD and I love all the gelflings it’s hard to pick a favourite!! 

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I’m still alive, just busy/exhausted and maybe experiencing burnout(?)

Here’s some IG questions I had done last-ish month that feature Ocs of other artists that have both an IG and Tumblr.

The first is a cute wedding sketch of Zela and Iryn with Fleur as one of the bridesmaids. Both Zela and Iryn belong to @stonewoodsifa

The second is featuring @fiercenaia Oc, Mara who I imagine has a lot of fun talking with Fleur about weapons!

The third is Maeve and @nurloxx Oc Eri. For anyone who doesn’t know, Eri is basically Maeve and Bhihaar’s second daughter lol

The fourth and fifth sketches are of Ocs who belong to @smaaenart , Tasia (Stonegrot childling) and Velan (Podling)

These are always fun to draw for IG and I enjoy sketching out the scenarios so many people create with their questions.

Watch out because I’m about to share some more to make up for not posting in a while lol

It’s our boy Gurjin, he is my favorite character from AOR and I am part of the thirst club. Happy one year anniversary Dark Crystal AOR and here’s to hoping we get a season 2

Look at those HANDS!!!! Haven’t been drawing because I felt like they were all turning out like shit

Look at those HANDS!!!! Haven’t been drawing because I felt like they were all turning out like shit! Maybe next time it won’t take me 5 days to sharpen my ****ing pencil Amri and Naia are super cute and I love the idea of protective bro Gurjin!

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I drew the Drenchen siblings as humans for my high school AU. I included Eliona and Pemma as well since I feel like they don’t get mentioned a whole lot.

So in this AU Maudra Laesid would be in charge of the swimming team with Naia being vice president. Gurjin is on the team and is currently their best team members.

Since Eliona and Pemma don’t really have a description in the books, I had to think up my interpretations of what they’d look like. It was harder to think of what they’d look like as humans than as gelfling for some reason lol. But anyway,Eliona would not be as involved in the swim team as her older siblings. Instead I feel like she would be more interested in Environemntal or geography class. And Pemma would be in the elementary school, which would be a branch off of Thra high school (that’s what I’m calling it for now).

I’m feeling like drawing human Amri just to pull together the entire book squad.
