#dustin henderson


It’s a question that many people have been asking themselves lately. Am I special? Does the world revolve around me? If you’re like me, then you’re thinking the answer is no. Maybe a few tiktok “put a finger down: main character edition” videos have you feeling like you’re not. Or you’ve realized your best friend is really the one with the spotlight. Some people just don’t fit the description of what we call being the main character.

Well first, we can argue that we’re each the main character in our own story. And that’s perfectly true. Every person is living, growing, and experiencing life in a way that no one else is. Everyone has their own story to tell, starring themselves.

But an equally valid way of thinking of it, is this:

Maybe you just aren’t the main character.

And really, that’s fine. Because there’s so many equally important characters in a story, who can bring even more to the table than the main character. AND, main character does NOT equal favorite character. In fact, of all the shows, movies, and books you fan over, in how many of those stories is the main character your favorite? I’m guessing not many. In many cases, the front-and-center character is not the one everyone is in love with. Elena Gilbert from TVD is hardly an audience favorite compared to the others. How many people watching Avatar say Aang is their favorite? Even Harry Potter is overlooked in favor of his friends.

The point is, the fan-favorite character is usually NOT the main character, for whatever reason. So who is?

Most of our favorites are actually secondary characters, who are not in the titular role but offer even more to the story by way of intelligence, humor, wit, friendship, interesting story-lines, relatability, etc… 

Ok, still not sure? Let’s look at some non main characters who have become highly integral parts to the story, maybe even moreso than the main characters themselves simply by possessing the traits I’ve mentioned:


so much more but I’m really tired so that’s all I will type out right now. But do you think any less of these characters because they’re not the “main character?” Does it make them any less significant? Don’t think so.

Just because you don’t relate to the Harry Potters or the Bella Swans, doesn’t mean your story is any less important.

The important part is that you’re the character you would want to see yourself as. Be that person.

And if anyone with main character syndrome picks on you, kindly remind them that Ebony Darkness Dementia Raven Way was also a main character :)



erica: id fuck my clone because who would know better how to fuck ME than ME?

lucas: it’s basically like masturbating, right? so no big deal.

max: no, it’s not like masturbating; it’d be like. fucking your twin. wrong and bad!

dustin: id totallly fuck my clone because i’d wanna know if i’m good in bed

will: i’m gay but i still wouldn’t wanna fuck my clone, that’s gross and weird

steve: not only would i have sex with my clone, i’d probably make a bunch of clones and just get it on with all of them at once because that’s how pro-clone fucking i am.

robin: i don’t want to fuck my clone because my self-loathing is THAT strong
