#early bird




Just allow me to vent for a second….

I’ve noticed that the amount of folks in the gym has increased over time in the 7am hour during the week. And because of that, I have visited less since the numbers are going up. But today I went to get a good walk in since it rained last night. I went in the cinema room on a treadmill. Fans going, maybe four people including me well spaced out. And then this dude comes in and takes the treadmill directly to my left. And I’m annoyed. Because there was a sign on the machine saying not to use it and it was ignored. This is why the virus is still spreading. Just blatant disregard for the simple rules to keep people safe. Like I was at the tail end of my workout and I put my mask on for my cool down. But WTF

Other than that…just another day for me. Maintaining consistency is the focus going into the winter. Might look into buying a mask I can feel comfortable working out in. Drop any suggestions if you have any



Exactly what I needed after a stressful night. I did not sleep well. Getting these miles in helped to relax my nerves. Now I’m ready to start my day…and all the meetings and kid questions that come with it

Making Remote Working Work

Making Remote Working Work

Remote working has been commonplace for many freelancers and small businesses for years; however, it seems like it is here to stay with recent global changes. 

And while you can enjoy the more flexible schedule, you might find it feels a little too lax. Time can run away from you; you can find you are focusing too much on the little details, extra admin, and having meetings that seem to just be…

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going to bed early is SO sexy

This ring-necked parakeet is enjoying an early morning lunch by eating the flowers of the cherry tree in our yard. Ring-necked parakeets are spreading in German cities, especially in North-Rhine Westphalia and are getting into conflict with humans. E.g. Cologne began in 2018 to actively expel the birds from its city center. Meanwhile ornithologists suggest beneficial effects of the parakeets, since their breeding burrows are being reused by other birds, e.g. stock doves, which are listed as threatened.

Early Bird This ring-necked parakeet is enjoying an early morning lunch by eating the flowers of the cherry tree in our yard.