
Jan 12 - Kiss a Ginger Day. Earthworm kisses are the best, amirite?

Jan 12 - Kiss a Ginger Day. Earthworm kisses are the best, amirite?

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5/10~5/14は第20候・蚯蚓出(みみずいづる)。 冬眠していたミミズが土の中から出てくる季節。 地球の虫、自然の鍬など、みみずは肥沃な土壌形成に欠かせない存在。 本来の名は中国語の蚯蚓(キュウイ5/10~5/14は第20候・蚯蚓出(みみずいづる)。 冬眠していたミミズが土の中から出てくる季節。 地球の虫、自然の鍬など、みみずは肥沃な土壌形成に欠かせない存在。 本来の名は中国語の蚯蚓(キュウイ5/10~5/14は第20候・蚯蚓出(みみずいづる)。 冬眠していたミミズが土の中から出てくる季節。 地球の虫、自然の鍬など、みみずは肥沃な土壌形成に欠かせない存在。 本来の名は中国語の蚯蚓(キュウイ5/10~5/14は第20候・蚯蚓出(みみずいづる)。 冬眠していたミミズが土の中から出てくる季節。 地球の虫、自然の鍬など、みみずは肥沃な土壌形成に欠かせない存在。 本来の名は中国語の蚯蚓(キュウイ



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This giant earthworm worm was found in extremely rich forest soil in the foothills of the Sumaco Vol

This giant earthworm worm was found in extremely rich forest soil in the foothills of the Sumaco Volcano in Ecuador.
It’s been identified as a Martiodrilus crassus, which is Latin for “worm which feeds on dogs.” Like other earthworms, these giants spend their lives sucking down microbes and decaying plant or animal matter in the soil.
Scientist @phil_torres said, “It had a surprisingly similar feel to the earthworms I dig up in my yard. It felt like a long, slimy, ridged muscle. It seems like it is 90% muscle, 9% dirt, 1% nervous system. If I were starving out there, I might be tempted to cook it.”
However, at five feet in length, it’s not the longest recorded worm, nor even the planet’s biggest species of earthworm. The Giant Gippsland earthworm, found in the clay soil along streams in Victoria, Australia, can stretch to an impressive 9.8 feet in length!
#science #philtorres #scientist #earthworm #garden #equador #southamerica #gardener #education #educational #learn #learning #cool #weird #natgeo #wild #wildlife #nature

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YES one of my favs of the designs, the earth wyrm!! I love them. Looong friend

YES one of my favs of the designs, the earth wyrm!! I love them. Looong friend

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