#easter egg hunt



Sis did an Easter egg hunt for me today! I got up, reached for my water…& there was an egg on my nightstand! I thought it was just 1, but then I saw another on my desk. They all had unicorn stickers on them & some had unicorns stickers *inside* them & some had jellybeans. Kirk was very excited by all the activity & followed me around the house while I hunted. Thanks, Sis! What delightful fun…for us both! And Kirk too, apparently. Happy Easter if you celebrate & Happy Sunday if you don’t!

Day 449, Happy Magic Egg-Laying Bunny Day!

Are you ready for an adult Easter egg hunt? There are 13 eggs hidden in this photo. Can you find them? Hints: some eggs are tiny and they’re all the same color. Good luck! Project Name: “Old Ojai.” Landscape Design by Paul Hendershot Design, Inc. paulhendershotdesign.com to and in collaboration with Sonny Ward junestreetarchitecture.com
