#eddie x venom


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And the Snakes Start to Sing (Part 1)

Pairing: Eddie Brock/Venom x former military/mutant!OC (Kasey Eliades)

Series summary: Eddie and Kasey go to a Society of Professional Journalists holiday party together, and their insecurities threaten to tear them apart. Featuring an appearance from the one and only James Buchanan Barnes!

Word count:3,200

Author’s note: Title from the Bring Me the Horizon song of the same name (highly recommend checking out the lyrics). We starting off mostly fluffy and then dissolving into a deep pit of angst. I love sweetheart Eddy as much as the next gal, but y'all, where is the brokenness?? The ego?? The flaws?? We stan an imperfect relationship in this house. Also, Kasey has geokinetic powers as a result of military experimentation that I may cover in some future piece

It was the perfect lazy Sunday morning, with no obligations and bright sunlight streaming in through the window blinds in Eddie’s bedroom.

Kasey smiled as she looked up at a still-sleeping Eddie. There he was, peaceful and sweet and dreamy in the early light that illuminated his full eyelashes, the soft lips she could never get enough of. Tattooed arms and inky-black tendrils encircled her waist, rising and falling with each breath she took.

She felt safe, secure. Home.

For a group that was well accustomed to, and even thrived in, chaos, these quiet little moments together were some of the ones they cherished the most.

Kasey sighed happily, savoring Eddie and Venom’s warm embrace for another few minutes before she untangled herself from them and slid out of bed.

She tiptoed into the kitchen, waving at the plants on the windowsill that swayed slightly as she drew nearer, her power stirring the energy inside them.

She opened the cupboards quietly, scanning for ingredients to make the perfect chocolate-chip pancakes to surprise her boys. She assembled everything in a few short minutes and had just opened a bag of coffee grounds when she heard her boyfriend shuffling across the living room floor.

She looked up and grinned at a half-awake Eddie, who had thrown on his tattered orange bathrobe over his pajamas. His hair was sticking up in all directions, and he gave her the kind of adorable, sleepy smile that softened every part of her, a visceral gratitude that they had wound up in each others’ lives.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” Kasey said. “I was just about to put coffee on.”

Eddie yawned in response and came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder as she turned her attention to the batter.

“Pancakes?,” he mumbled happily.

Venom’s head quickly popped out next to Eddie, his red tongue running eagerly over his teeth.

“With chocolate?”

“You bet.”

“You’re the best, babe.“ Eddie pressed his lips against Kasey’s cheek. "‘M gonna go check the mail.”

Venom was agitated. “But Eddie, she is making us pancakes!”

Kasey shook her head. “They aren’t done, V, and I don’t think even you would like raw batter.”

“We want a taste, now!”

Kasey rolled her eyes, simultaneously exasperated and amused about how the hulking symbiote so frequently behaved like a small child. She reached into the bag of chocolate chips, tossing a handful at Venom, who snatched them out of the air with a grin.

“Delicious. Thank you, sweetest.”

“You’re welcome.”

Venom then retracted back into Eddie, knocking him off balance as he flew from the kitchen to where Eddie was standing at the door.

“Jesus, V, would it kill you to be gentle?”


Kasey chuckled as the door shut, perfectly used to their squabbling. She turned the coffee maker on and started dolling out generous spoonfuls of sticky batter, letting herself savor the resulting sizzle on the griddle and the delicious, comforting aroma that filled the room.

She had just started stacking a few finished products on the plate, slathering them in butter, when the door flung open.

“Eddie Brock is not cancelled!”

Kasey turned to see a grinning Eddie waving a piece of mail around.

“What do you mean?” she asked, flipping another pancake over.

Eddie rushed into the kitchen, pushing himself up onto the counter next to where Kasey was cooking.

“The Society of Professional Journalists for North Cal does a Christmas party every year. All the big names go and hang out, swap sources, get drunk. I normally avoid these things like the plague, but after everything with the Life Foundation and my very public lobster tank breakdown, I thought I’d be in permanent exile.” He smiled wide, rapping the card with his ring-clad knuckles. “But I’m back in the game.”

Kasey inwardly shared his relief. She knew how devastated Eddie was after losing his show, and she saw how frustrated he was picking up light-hearted freelance pieces that were a far cry from his normal investigative work. But he worked his ass off on them just the same, and she respected him for it. Hopefully, this would be a chance for him to get back doing the work he loved.

She slid another pancake onto the plate and abandoned her post, jumping up onto the counter next to Eddie to bring him into a big hug.

“Hell yeah, you are!” She pulled back to kiss him, smiling at the hum of contentment it elicited from Eddie. “I’m happy for you. Now this breakfast is a celebratory breakfast!”

Venom emerged, planting a deliberately sloppy kiss on Eddie’s cheek. Kasey giggled as Eddie wiped his face, but he was still grinning. It was endearing, seeing him come so alive.

“Yes, congrats, you are not such a loser after all, Eddie!”

“Thanks, buddy.”

Eddie placed a hand on Kasey’s thigh, his thumb rubbing gentle circles against her sweatpants. “Will you come with me?”

“I thought it was a thing for journalists?”

“Yeah, but people bring their partners and spouses.” He paused, rubbing at the back of his neck, a particular nervous tic that Kasey noticed occurred whenever his ex-fiancé was about to come up in conversation. “I took Anne before. And I always feel better when you’re around,” he added hurriedly. A mischievous glint came into his eyes. “And I also selfishly wanna see you in a really hot dress.”

“Oooo, we cannot wait to see either and ravish you, pretty girl,” Venom purred.

“At least you’re both transparent,” Kasey replied. She dropped her head onto Eddie’s shoulder, interlacing her fingers with his. She didn’t want to admit it, but she felt nervous about going. Particularly as Eddie’s first relationship after Anne.

She didn’t have anything against Anne personally,—well, except her telling Eddie he was incapable of love. Which Kasey had firmly told him was bullshit and just Anne lashing out at not getting the reaction she wanted from him. But Anne was a good person. Kasey just found it hard to not compare herself to someone that beautiful, that accomplished, that witty. Someone that Eddie had fully intended to spend the rest of his life with. Someone he had still been in love with long after she had dumped him.

On the whole, Kasey did actually believe him when he said he had moved on and that it ended up being for the best, that he thought Anne was more in love with who she wanted Eddie to be than the actual guy in front of her. But still, the tiniest drop of gnawing, insecurity-fueled doubt would sneak in every now and then. And this was one of those times.

Kasey kept her tone light, feigning nonchalance. “You sure I can hang among the sea of the well-educated liberal elite?”

“What, are you kidding?” Eddie asked incredulously, tilting Kasey’s chin up to face him. “You’re easily smarter than 90% of the people that will be there, myself included.”

“And if anyone is mean to you, we will rip out their brains so they can see just how stupid they are,” Venom added in a growl.

Kasey relaxed a little, reminding herself that Eddie Brock wasn’t someone who forced himself to do things unless he genuinely wanted to do them. He wouldn’t have asked her to go if he didn’t want her there beside him.

The corner of her mouth lifted. “Ok. I’ll go.” Her grin widened. “I too would like to see you looking all professional and extra handsome.”

“Is that so?” Eddie asked in reply, dropping Kasey’s hand so he could slide his along her waist. He leaned in closer and Kasey embraced the dopamine surge as she breathed in his familiar scent, deep and warm and distinctly masculine.

“Mhm.” Their lips met and she framed his face with her hands, deepening the kiss, a soft sigh of pleasure escaping her as Eddie’s tongue slipped into her mouth.


The two of them jumped apart, startled, before realizing the source of the noise was the now-empty plate of pancakes clattering to the floor.

“V, you seriously couldn’t have waited?” Eddie huffed.

Venom swiveled to look at his host, narrowing his normally wide, milky-white eyes.

“You two were too busy eating each other’s faces! I wanted pancakes!”

Kasey sighed, smiling. “And I’ll make more, V, don’t worry your pretty little gooey head.” She reached out her hand and Venom slid past Eddie and right into her touch, purring as she scratched at him like a cat.

Eddie grimaced. "You are one hell of a spoiled symbiote, you know that?”

Venom just flashed a toothy grin, sticking out his tongue in response.

“You’re just jealous because I’m her favorite.”

Eddie opened his mouth to retort while Kasey flicked Venom against the side of the head and quickly slid her palm over Eddie’s lips.

“No, no, none of this. We are having a quiet, happy little Sunday together. Be nice.”

“I’malways nice,” Eddie replied.

“I’m nicer,Venom countered.

“You literally eat people!”

“Only the ones who deserve to be eaten!”

Kasey didn’t even bother to protest this time. She jumped off the counter, grabbing the plate off the floor before heading back to grab more pancake ingredients while the two continued bickering.

By the time she finished the next batch and loaded up three plates, the two of them had moved to the couch but were still at it – something about Venom wanting to go to the duck pond later to see if he could find a new friend for Sonny and Cher. She dropped their plates on the coffee table and took a bite from her own stack, pleased with the fluffy, syrupy final product.

“Thanks, beautiful,” Eddie and Venom said in unison.

A happy little Sunday, indeed.

Two weeks went by in a blink, and suddenly it was the night of the SPJ party. Kasey was nervous. She took the day off, knowing she didn’t want to be rushed when trying to get herself fully dolled up – something she was relatively out of practice with. If she wasn’t in her chef jacket, she was either in activewear or some kind of flannel and t-shirt, her hair tied in a high ponytail or bun. Sure, she could do her hair and some make-up on date nights and throw on a cute top and a real bra, but this felt different.

This was a full-scale professional holiday party, with dignified reporters and networking and social scrutinizing. This was something that meant something to Eddie, and while she normally didn’t concern herself with the opinions of strangers (outside of her cooking), tonight, she wanted to make a good impression.

She sighed, thinking of what Eddie had told her.

“I took Anne before.”

Of course, Anne would have been able to mingle effortlessly, gorgeous and eloquent and charming as she was – no one would question why Eddie was with her, it would be apparent. Kasey bit at her lip, then swore when she remembered she had just swiped on a creamy nude color that was now a quarter missing.


She grabbed the tube off her dresser and reapplied it in the mirror. Slapping her cheeks lightly in an attempt to fend off her sense of impending doom, Kasey took a few steps back to appraise her full reflection.

She turned slightly to admire the way the wine-colored dress clung to her curves, the asymmetrical cut across her thighs that showed off just enough skin, the muscle of her toned legs.

The sweetheart neckline and off-the-shoulder cut accentuated her breasts, and the dark mesh sleeves strategically only showed the faintest outlines of her litany of tattoos. Her long hair was done in simple waves, pulled back behind one ear to reveal sparkling studs. She finished the look with strappy black heels, borrowed from a co-worker.

She smiled. She had done it—she looked good, she looked sophisticated, and she felt pretty. Like she was worthy of being Eddie’s date to a gathering like this.

She clapped her hands, hyping herself up in the mirror.

“You are beautiful! You are strong! You are a Kelly Clarkson song! You have parleyed with hostile insurgents, surveyed genetic experimentation, and have been called up as a temporary Avenger! All before age 30! You can handle one fancy Christmas party with a bunch of strangers!

Kasey was pulled out of her pep talk by the rhythmic sound of knocking on her door. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror, she gave herself a quick hug of encouragement. Then she grabbed her jacket and clutch from the table, steadying herself as her heels clicked across the hardwood floor as she walked toward the door.

Eddie was nervous. He’d been working tirelessly to rebuild his career over the past few years, and he felt like this was his first chance in a while to show his peers that he still had it. That he wasn’t just some washed-up nobody.

It was also the first real chance Kasey had to see him around other people in his field, and even though she repeatedly told him how talented she thought he was, he still found himself feeling like he had something to prove. He desperately craved the certainty that he was enough for her, that she could be proud of him. Andjusthim, just regular old Eddie, separate from the Eddie with the swirling vortex of extraterrestrial power inside him.

Eddie stared at his reflection in the bathroom mirror as Venom floated next to him. Feeling his host’s apprehension, Venom did his best to be encouraging:

“Eddie, you need to relax. We are going to be the center of attention, Kasey will not be able to keep her hands off us! We look great!”

“You’re just saying that,” Eddie grumbled, but he was secretly pleased. ‘Formal’ for Eddie was usually just a leather jacket and his least-faded jeans, but tonight, he figured he might as well look the part of someone in a prestigious reporter crowd. He’d attacked his normally disheveled brown locks with pomade to keep them neatly in place and pulled out one of his rarely worn suits from the back of his closet. It was a deep navy color, offset against a grey t-shirt underneath.

He looked down at his phone’s lockscreen (a candid he took of Kasey gleefully devouring a massive pile of nachos on one of their first dates) and saw it was 6:30, meaning it was time to grab his girlfriend and head out. This was one of those times when Eddie was extra glad they lived in the same building – he didn’t need to fight the end of rush hour traffic, and his hair wasn’t about to get messed up from his helmet.

“Ready, bud?” Eddie asked the symbiote, who bobbed his head vigorously in response.

“Ready!”Eddie grabbed his jacket and walked to the door, waiting before Venom had merged back into his body before he exited and walked down the hall to the elevator.

His anxiety morphed into curiosity as he got off on Kasey’s floor, wondering what she ended up deciding to wear. He had asked a few days earlier, but she had said she wanted it to be a surprise.

Always in sync with his host, Venom filled his head as Eddie approached Kasey’s door, knocking in quick succession.

“This is the most exciting part of today! We have never seen our Kasey in a dress! We already cannot wait to tear it off her.

Eddie chuckled. “Easy there, Casanova, we still have the whole night ahead of us.”

But then Kasey opened the door, and Eddie was instantly on the same page as Venom. He thought his heart physically skipped a beat or three when he saw her standing there so pretty, so damnsexy. For him.

His wide eyes drank in every part of her, roaming over her breasts, her curves, her thighs. He was always attracted to her, but seeing her this girly was really doing something to him. He forced himself to focus on her face and that the two of them needed to leave, fighting against the growing hardness between his legs.

Venom, on the other hand, could not give two shits about the party.

“Eddie, take her. Now. Look at that beautiful, delicious flesh, just begging for us to taste it.”

“Later, V, definitely later,” he muttered, still awestruck at the stunning woman in front of him. HisKasey.

Kasey didn’t have to hear Venom to get the context of Eddie’s response – judging by the way Eddie was looking at her, the faintest hint of swirling black and white just around the edges, she could tell her boys were happy with how she looked. Veryhappy.

Eddie exhaled, taking Kasey’s hand in his and guiding her into a twirl so he could see her from every angle. shaking his head slightly with a lopsided grin. “You are …”

“Stunning. Beautiful. Perfect. Ours,Venom interrupted.

Eddie nodded. “Yeah, all of that.”

“Thank you,” Kasey replied, grinning. She ran her hands up his chest, eyeing him up and down. “You look so, so good. How lucky am I to show off the hottest reporter in North Cal?”

She meant it. He had put something in his hair to keep the normally disheveled points in check, and he swapped out his rumpled hoodie and jeans for a crisp grey t-shirt underneath a fitted navy suit, one that made his ocean-blue eyes all the more prominent. Kasey smiled slightly at the sight of his usual bracelets peeking out under the sleeves, the scuffs on his brown sneakers. Still her Eddie.

Venom grinned as his humans kissed, sidling up to Kasey and sneaking a tendril underneath where Eddie’s hand was around her waist.

“I helped style him! Much better than those sad, sweaty t-shirts.”

Eddie pulled back, swatting at the rippling black form.

“Dude, you don’t wear clothes, don’t pretend you’re qualified to give fashion advice.”

“I still have eyes, idiot. And we look great. Our Kasey looks great. We should do something about that.”

Suddenly, Venom’s tendril was caressing her ass, sneakily creeping up the back of her dress before Kasey dragged him off.

“Nope, nope, not now, V.“ She lowered her voice, relishing how Eddie’s grip on her hips tightened in response. "Like this one said, later.”

“100%,” Eddie breathed out, lust straining his tone. He kissed her again, and pulled back, grinning and a little dazed, as he grabbed her hand. “You ready?”

“Mhm.” Kasey turned her attention to Venom. “V? before you disappear, remember that tonight is about Eddie, ok? So best behavior. From both of us.” 

“Fine,”Venom conceded. For you, sweetest. But he better find me chocolate for my silence.”

“I’ll do my best.”

Once Venom was out of sight, the two walked out the door and down the hall, the reassurance of their intertwined fingers bolstering both of them in the deepest places where their hurt and fear lived, unseen.

Tom Hardy Characters Masterlist

Eddie Brock/Venom x former military!mutant OC (Kasey Eliades)

  • And the Snakes Start to Sing - Part 1
  • Summary: Eddie and Kasey go to a Society of Professional Journalists holiday party together, and their insecurities threaten to tear them apart. Featuring an appearance from the one and only James Buchanan Barnes!

Alfie Solomons x baker!OC (Annie Murphy)

  • Precipice
  • SummaryWith the weight of unspoken truth dragging him down and after gaining some encouragement from an unlikely source, Alfie finally tells Annie he’s in love with her.
  • I Caught Fire
  • SummaryAlfie never expects things to go smoothly. He doesn’t expect his date with Annie to go so incredibly well, and he definitely doesn’t anticipate her wanting to go back to his place. But he’ll take it just the same.
  • Reconcile
  • Summary: Alfie and Annie get in their first big fight and work through the aftermath.

Watching Venom from a gay perspective is really something else

#they kissed    #they technically kissed    #venom movie    #eddie brock    #symbiote    #carnage    #marvel    #it was really gay    #symbrock    #veddie    #venom x eddie    #eddie x venom    #she venom    

I’m- I’m literally obsessed, send help


Venom: Eddie! EDDIE! I just saw some pure bread dogs.

Eddie: You mean purebred, right?

Venom: NO. Let me show you-

Anne: What’s something Venom keeps on complaining about?

Eddie: I don’t know what it’s about but he keeps on grumbling how “Eddie never passes the vibe check.”

Anne: Well, he’s absolutely right.

Jjj todos culeros los dibujos

So I had the pleasure to rewatch Venom…

So I had the pleasure to rewatch Venom…

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#eddie x venom    #my art    #eddie brock    

Happy late Venomtimes day!!! This is the only tru romcom

#symbrock    #symbiote    #eddie brock    #eddie x venom    #venom x eddie    
radio-silents:yall care about venom on this site or nahradio-silents:yall care about venom on this site or nahradio-silents:yall care about venom on this site or nah


yall care about venom on this site or nah

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biteghost:hi, pest control?biteghost:hi, pest control?biteghost:hi, pest control?


hi, pest control?

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just found out that venom 2 comes in theatres on 15th october where i live and i am schocked, appalled and dismayed by this blatant display of homophobia

i’m starting online college next week and i met with few of my colleagues and to break the ice i asked if they wanted to go see a movie on tuesday (bcs that’s venom 2 releases where i live) and i advertised it as a superhero movie with tom hardy with emphasis on that and they said they don’t really know him so now i’ll spend this year converting my colleagues to tom hardy and venom stans
