


To the people who couldn’t get out of their bed today, I’m here for you…

To the people who skipped showering because they didn’t have the energy, I’m here for you…

To the people who cried in agony through their shower, I’m here for you…

To the people who suffer daily but no one believes them, I’m here for you…

To the people who feel like they’ve lost or are losing their youth to their medical issues, I’m here for you…

To the brave people fighting for their health every day, I’m here for you, I support you, I believe you. Your feelings are valid, you are loved, and I will stand behind you.

I’ve been dealing with EDS, have had 2 surgeries in 1 year, have been trying to get through a class with post-concussion Syndrome, am trying to graduate, have been sexually asualted and been going through an investigation, and have been dealing with COVID-19 all in this pat year. I am struggling, but I can do this.

With my medical issues, I lost a lot of friends. It took me forever to find my people, but I found 3 girls who change my life. During this quarantine, I am missing them greatly, but I am reminded how lucky I am to have them. One of my best friends chats me every day and let’s me know she loves me. She even sends songs she’s listening to. Another friend FaceTimed me for an hour and a half last night. And today I got a package from my friend with a stuffed animal and a note.

My point is, it takes time to find your people, but when you do, they go above and beyond.

Some days, I hate who I am. I hate my disability.

But most days, I have learned to love myself for everything I am…

And I hope you do too ❤️

Anyone else try sneak attacking their dislocated joints when their stuck. Like ope, he’ll never see it coming now *chucks phone* BAM.

It really doesn’t work… I don’t know why I do it.

This is an AWESOME video explaining how straws are a necessity to some disabled people. It’s 7 minutes but so worth the watch!
