#spoonie fam



when i’m feeling sick the hospital is actually a nice place to be. i don’t have to worry about any of my meds and i get to just nap and watch tv and do online puzzles and just let my body get better. sometimes it’s overwhelming and sometimes i feel lonely but as i get older i understand that sometimes it’s the best place for me to be. 


To the people who couldn’t get out of their bed today, I’m here for you…

To the people who skipped showering because they didn’t have the energy, I’m here for you…

To the people who cried in agony through their shower, I’m here for you…

To the people who suffer daily but no one believes them, I’m here for you…

To the people who feel like they’ve lost or are losing their youth to their medical issues, I’m here for you…

To the brave people fighting for their health every day, I’m here for you, I support you, I believe you. Your feelings are valid, you are loved, and I will stand behind you.


Sometimes I get jealous of people with more visible illnesses than my own because people take their health problems more seriously. Like, maybe my parents would listen to me if I needed a wheelchair. Maybe my teachers would take me seriously if I had a service dog. But because I appear to be perfectly healthy on a day to day basis, people think I’m exaggerating my symptoms or that my CF is somehow “less severe” than other people. I am thankful for my relative health and not being dependent on aids, but some days I just wish I was a little sicker so that people would listen to me when I tell them I don’t feel well. 


Accepting your limitations when you have a chronic illness or disability doesn’t mean you’re lazy or pessimistic. It’s more than ok to acknowledge and respect the fact that there are things you just can’t do. Don’t listen to anyone who tries to put you down or make you feel guilty for saying “no” when you aren’t able to do something. 
