#empty house


One of those nights when I just want to have sex

Atro note:

Having a stellium in one house makes you afraid of the oposite house.

I.e.: 3 or more planets in the 4th house and none in the 10th makes you afraid of being in the public eye, makes you lack online socializing skills, but it gives you great management when meeting the people physically.

An stellium in the 5th will make you a great boyfriend/girlfriend material, will give you great creativity skills but having none in the 11th will make you be detached from friends and/or be afraid of them.

To be actually able to handle the empty house you have to look at the sign that is in the cusp of it and avoid the bad traits of it:

I.e.: Cancer in the 11th empty house will make you feel pitiful and whiny over friends, instead, try to text them and make them feel nurtured and cared.

The empty house from one of the cameras behind the guitarist during the live stream performance! First live event in 9 months.
