


It’s called a stellium when you have several planets in a single house or sign. Whether three or four planets should be the minimum is debatable; personally, I believe three or more is a comfortable standard. Stellia, when present, are vital factors in the natal chart. They indicate a considerable cluster of energies that demands attention & development, and paints a vivid picture of the native’s patterns, motives, lessons to learn, and potential.

If you believe in karma, a stellium may suggest that the native has dues to pay, so to speak – the opposing house or sign could’ve been overdeveloped in their past life and now it is time to restore balance. If they have a “heavy” stellium (with many volatile energies involved), it may be considered a punishment. Even if you don’t believe in karma, however, there is still something karmic about the stellium, if only in the sense of personal growth. The more planets there are in a house or sign, the more that house’s theme or sign’s energy will either (a) come naturally to you, or (b) call for advancement. It is likely that sign stellia imply an abundance of that particular archetype’s energy in the native’s psyche, and the house stellia are what require healing, expansion, and awareness. There are many ways to interpret stellia; below, I’ve tried to break down my method of doing so as simply as possible.

The sun’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is a fundamental & innate part of the native’s identity. It may also mean that the sign or house must be accepted or grown into.
The moon’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme lies at the native’s core, there are habits formed around it, and emotions are filtered through it. Pain or comfort may be attached to it.
Mercury’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is a learning process that the native will likely share with others. Teaching their findings or forming a way of life around them is probable.
Venus’ presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is softened and modified (by either the native or the person/group of people associated with the sign or house) to be more pleasant & “beautiful” in whatever sense. It may be ideally expressed through art or in relationships. It is very likely that there will be an amount of romanticization involved with it.
Mars’ presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is a part of what drives & inspires the native. It may have a violent or otherwise volatile inclination, and will probably produce intensity or conflict.
Jupiter’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme produces a fruitful journey throughout the native’s life. It may or may not be very fun (depending on other planets involved), but it promises a positive result, as it is cultivating & expanding the qualities of that area of life (or self).
Saturn’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme has detrimental tendencies that will, at some point, be painfully abolished & replaced with a more mature and/or healthy method of approach. Much struggle and unhappiness will take place there, but you’ll learn from it.
Uranus’ presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is dynamic and may have a strange or “urgent” feeling to it; the former is caused by unconventionality and the latter is caused by the inevitability of change taking place in that area of life or self. It may also be a crucial part of a bigger picture, a revolutionary bloom that’ll take place outside of the native.
Neptune’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is a buried or neglected part of the native’s psyche that affects them on a subconscious & often uncontrollable or invisible level. This is usually detrimental, but sometimes it is similar to the moon’s presence in a stellium.
Pluto’s presence in a stellium indicates that the sign’s energy or the house’s theme is a chaotic & powerful force that causes immense pain, turmoil, conflict, disturbance, and, most importantly, profound transformation. The troubles will be destructive and recurrent, but with each cycle the native is further refined.

Aries stellium: the native’s sense of self is prominent & innate. They know how to assert & fight for themselves, sometimes to excess.
Taurus stellium: the native’s sense of security is prominent & innate. They know how to establish themselves in life, sometimes to excess.
Gemini stellium: the native’s ability to communicate is prominent & innate. They know how to share themselves, sometimes to excess.
Cancer stellium: the native’s ability to nurture is prominent & innate. They know how to protect themselves, sometimes to excess.
Leo stellium: the native’s sense of worth is prominent & innate. They know how to project themselves, sometimes to excess.
Virgo stellium: the native’s sense of imperfection is prominent & innate. They know how to improve themselves (or think they do), sometimes to excess.
Libra stellium: the native’s ability to create peace is prominent & innate. They know how to balance (or unbalance) themselves, sometimes to excess.
Scorpio stellium: the native’s ability to transform is prominent & innate. They know how to repair (or destroy) themselves, sometimes to excess.
Sagittarius stellium: the native’s sense of expansion is prominent & innate. They know how to develop themselves (their minds), sometimes to excess.
Capricorn stellium: the native’s sense of duty is prominent & innate. They know how to build themselves and their lives, sometimes to excess.
Aquarius stellium: the native’s ability to reinvent is prominent & innate. They know how to change themselves and others, sometimes to excess.
Pisces stellium: the native’s ability to imagine is prominent & innate. They know how to elevate themselves and others, sometimes to excess.
(The signs & their ruling planets may have similar affects on a stellium, depending on the overall nature of the chart.)

1st house stellium: the native easily establishes and expresses their identity. They know & understand themselves, or assume or claim personalities that may not be entirely accurate because they know who they aspire to be. Their life is majorly composed of self-expression or self-discovery. If this does not come naturally, the object is to discover, accept, and share themselves fully.
2nd house stellium: the native easily takes care of themselves; they know what they like & what they want, & they work toward achieving it. They desire pleasure, comfort, & stability, & their life is majorly composed of those pursuits. If this does not come naturally, the object is to learn how to become a part of the physical realm, and to enjoy & savor it, to stop taking it for granted.
3rd house stellium: the native easily incorporates their active consciousness into daily life through exchanges, be they verbal or literal. To learn & to understand are what they passively yearn for – they aren’t inclined to seek it because they are generally satisfied with what they intellectually receive on an everyday basis. If this does not come naturally, the object is to cultivate that receptivity to & appreciation for the great things that pass them by regularly.
4th house stellium: the native easily finds or creates a home for themselves when they need it. They feel secure within themselves, they are a safe space for themselves and for others, and they are capable of drawing inspiration & growing from their past in a healthy, mature way. If this does not come naturally, the object is to discover a sense of internal stability, to let go of issues of the past and grow from them, and to discover the true meaning of home.
5th house stellium: the native easily attains emotional & creative pleasure through their expressive endeavors. They can demonstrate who they are through art and relationships, and prosper in their satisfactory establishment of self. They feel free. If this does not come naturally, the object is to learn how to let go of fear and restrictions while respecting moderation, and to acquire a skillful method of releasing or satisfying their feelings, ideas, and desires.
6th house stellium: the native easily comprehends their own imperfections and is devoted to the pursuit of improving themselves. There is a strong theme of seeking a better life experience with them; they strive for optimal health and physical/mental functioning, so much so that they may disregard comfort & relaxation or may become very fearful individuals. The object, no matter whether these traits come naturally, is to discover what it truly means to be human and to balance acceptance with perseverance rather than allowing one to outweigh the other, in turn scattering & wasting the human condition.
7th house stellium: the native easily connects to other people & assimilates well to most social dynamics. They are usually quite empathetic individuals, but it comes from a place of interpersonal intellect rather than heart (unless other placements suggest that). Love is very important to them in any form, and they tend to define themselves by it. The object is generally to learn to differentiate themselves & their identities from other people’s, to establish themselves singularly, and to rearrange their innate priorities to put themselves first. Alternatively, they may need to learn how to be more receptive.
8th house stellium: the native easily comprehends dark, buried subjects. They are extremely intuitive (often psychic), investigative, and usually secretive. They seek to know and understand everything most people refuse to look at, as they are only fulfilled by deep, profound experiences & knowledge. If this does not come naturally, they likely have an aversion to controversy; the object is to learn to allow their penetrative, transformative nature to flourish.
9th house stellium: the native easily lends themselves to the process of intellectual expansion, and define themselves by the search of knowledge and experience. They tend to be grandiose & adventurous people with very big imaginations and a yearning for all things unknown & interesting to them. If this does not come naturally, the object is to detach from their roots, to cultivate a more open mind, and to discover a personal appeal to discovery.
10th house stellium: the native easily achieves what they set their mind to. They thrive in the spotlight and revel in recognition, as long as it is well-deserved. They strive to be exactly the person they want to be, and can thus confine themselves to an unattainable or caricatured ideal. Reward motivates them, and they’re remarkably hardworking. If this does not come naturally, the object is to develop & elevate a sense of duty to their own self-respect, to abolish their lazy habits, and to realize their true purpose in life.
11th house stellium: the native easily fabricates vivid dreams and aspirations. They are creative, innovative, logical thinkers with immense potential. They apply their ideas to a desire for worth; they may measure their value by their contributions to society. They are highly concerned with the greater good, and are usually capable of creating great benefit for humanity. If this does not come naturally, the object is to become more progressive & open-minded, to find their altruism, & to create the good they want to see.
12th house stellium: the native easily tunes into their meditative, subconscious state, but are rarely capable of bringing that rich spiritual realm into contact with reality. They tend to have a lot of unlocked potential. They may feel that they are instruments in a “divine plan” or that they have a special connection to whatever they perceive to be divine. They repress much of their personality and usually do not know exactly who they are or how they operate. They’re deeply introverted, and pain is a significant factor in their identity. If this does not come naturally, the object is to come to understand that there is something sacred about them, that they can discover their true selves if they dig deep enough, that their sacrifices are appreciated, and that they mustn’t suppress themselves any more than they naturally do.

Check sun, moon, and rising. 

Aries:Stop feeling guitly for choosing yourself!

Taurus: Kill the unhealthy patterns, you’re only hurting yourself.

Gemini: Your ability to manifest your heart’s desire is at its highest!

Cancer:You know what you need to do, stop playing yourself.

Leo:It’s time to move on, there’s something better.

Virgo: No need to stress, trust your intuition.

Libra:Plant your seeds, relax, let them grow.

Scorpio: Ask yourself why you feel the need to always be right.

Sagittarius: Get out of your head and take action. 

Capricorn: A wish is granted when you take that leap of faith.

Aquarius: Honor your past and all it has taught you, but don’t stay stuck there.

Pisces: Work & play are equally important. 

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Stelliums show us where most of one’s energy is directed. Thus, based on which house you have a stellium in, more of your energy will be channelled towards what that house represents.

1st house stellium:

⭐️People are naturally drawn to you. The second you walk into a room all eyes are on you.

⭐️Tend to be self absorbed. Y’all definitely look into every reflective surface just to make sure your hair still looks right.

⭐️Work well in the public eye. You’re a natural in front of the camera.

⭐️ As the 1st house is ruled by Aries the “child” of the zodiac, those with a stellium in this house tend to have a strong desire for instant gratification and are known to “throw tantrums” when things don’t go their way.

2nd house stellium:

Most of one’s energy is directed towards obtaining wealth. Providing financial security for themselves and their loved ones is of upmost importance.

Love to shower those closest to them with gifts, that’s definitely their love language.

Usually hold traditional values.

Their home is their sanctuary. Homes tend to be beautifully decorated and well kept. A lot of energy is directed towards turning a house into a home.

3rd house stellium:

✏️ A lot of energy is directed into building strong relationships with siblings.

✏️ Natural communicators and conversationalists.

✏️ Witty and charming but maybe not the best at small talk.

✏️Y’all have a multitude of interests and love to share your knowledge with the world.

4th house stelliums:

Energy directed towards maintaining strong familial bonds. Family comes first for these individuals.

Loyal to those they love. The definition of “ride or die”

Highly intuitive beings. Excellent at reading in between the lines and analysing others.

Nostalgic. They can’t help but dwell on the past, and what used to be.

5th house stellium:

Creativity courses through your blood. Naturally gifted when it comes to the performing arts.

Energy is directed towards your passion projects and hobbies. You believe in prioritising things that make you happy.

Y’all are usually great with children. Depending on the planets you have in this house and how they’re aspected.

Passionate people, who give their 100% in everything they do.

6th house stellium:

Perfectionists to a fault- a lot of your energy is spent on tweaking minute details.

Extremely dedicated to their job. Most tend to work in the service industry.

Stemming from the previous points, you have an innate desire to “fix” those around you, it’s your way of showing them you care.

Can be very in tune with their body and it’s needs, however on the extreme, those with this placement could become hypochondriacs.

7th house stellium:

Energy is directed towards romantic relationships.

A few people I know with this placement have mentioned they find most of their romantic endeavours “exhausting”, this might be because y’all tend to obsess over every aspect of the relationship, thus leading to an emotional burnout.

A lot of energy is directed towards introspection as well. However, those with the stellium tend to value external measures to better understand themselves such as astrology, numerology, personality quizzes etc.

Strong desire for equality and harmony and strive to achieve this ideal in their day to day lives.

8th house stellium:

Naturally drawn towards the dark and taboo . You tend to find solace in topics that are commonly misunderstood

Tend to equate money with control. Control is everything for those with this stellium.

Strong obsession with money , which can be seen as they grapple at their assets with the paranoia that they’ll be snatched from their grasp at any minute.

In tune with their spirituality. It is very likely that they have had supernatural experiences/encounters.

9th house stellium:

Energy is directed towards all things related to philosophy, religion and different cultures.

You find inspiration everywhere. Tend to have endless curiosity.

Find comfort amongst your thoughts and studies. Sometimes you feel as though you’re so caught up in your own mind you miss out on real life experiences.

Natural teacher, love to help others and share your vast knowledge.

10th house stellium:

Energy is directed towards your career.

Natural leaders, this stellium also makes it hard for you to accept authoritative figures, due to this, problems can arise.

Big dreams and intricate plans as to how they will achieve their goals.

Cut throat and efficient. Nothing gets in the way of these individuals when they have their mind set on something.

11th house stellium:

Value collectivism over individualism.

This can be stifling, as it becomes challenging to form your own identity separate from the group you have attached yourself to.

Energy is directed towards platonic relationships and humanitarian activities.

Very progressive and open minded, however you might feel as though your ideas are only of value when presented and worked towards with a large backing, this is not the case.

12th house stellium:

☕️Energy is directed towards introspection and spirituality.

☕️Deeply value their alone time.

☕️Have a way of analysing the present which allows them to foretell the events of the future.

☕️Remove themselves from the centre of attention and prefer to work behind the scenes.

Atro note:

Having a stellium in one house makes you afraid of the oposite house.

I.e.: 3 or more planets in the 4th house and none in the 10th makes you afraid of being in the public eye, makes you lack online socializing skills, but it gives you great management when meeting the people physically.

An stellium in the 5th will make you a great boyfriend/girlfriend material, will give you great creativity skills but having none in the 11th will make you be detached from friends and/or be afraid of them.

To be actually able to handle the empty house you have to look at the sign that is in the cusp of it and avoid the bad traits of it:

I.e.: Cancer in the 11th empty house will make you feel pitiful and whiny over friends, instead, try to text them and make them feel nurtured and cared.

I had a member question today that asked, “Why don’t I resonate with some of my signs in my chart?”

There is many reasons for this! Your natal chart is more complicated than just signs and houses. The first thing I look at when doing someone’s natal chart is their:

#1 Chart Ruler- you need an accurate birth time in order to determine this since it is based off of the ascendent in the chart (the point on the ecliptic thay crosses the Eastern Horizon at the time of birth) Whichever sign this is, there is a planet that rules that sign. Whatever sign that planet is can determine the planet/sign that rules your entire chart! This is a powerful energy!

#2 Chart Signature- the chart signature is based on the number of modalities and elements that your natal chart consists of. For example, If it is mostly Cardinal placements and mostly earth elements, you have a Capricorn signature. Which means you outwardly portray Capricorn energy!

#3 Stelliums/Superconjunctions- these energies can take over a chart if strong enough! It depends on the degrees, house it sits in, and if it involves any ruling planets!

Send me your wheel natal chart and I can help you determine these aspects of your chart!

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung


Natal Chart Interpretations, Tarot Readings , Holistic Healer, Crystal Healer

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