#end white supremacy

Racist Illegitimate Puppet President Trump being Trump. Absolutely no respect for people who actuallRacist Illegitimate Puppet President Trump being Trump. Absolutely no respect for people who actuallRacist Illegitimate Puppet President Trump being Trump. Absolutely no respect for people who actuallRacist Illegitimate Puppet President Trump being Trump. Absolutely no respect for people who actuall

Racist Illegitimate Puppet President Trump being Trump. Absolutely no respect for people who actually fought in war and wasn’t a coward who got deferments to avoid war. Trump is a draft dodging coward.

Post link

Racist Paul Congemi being racist. Told black people that President Barack Obama was their reparations AND to go back to Africa. Thank Putin puppet Illegitimate President Trump for this.

End White Privilege
End White Supremacy

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What happened in Berlin was so scary to me. It rlly showed how far the right wing is willing to go.

People of color and ppl who aren’t ethnically German(like me, I’m half turkish and half Kurdish) are scared to go outside.

And the media is definitely trying to cover this up, please educate yourself on what’s happening in Europe- especially about what just happened in Germany.

Ppl rlly forget what happened just 80yrs ago.

And sure “lEfT wInG iS wOrSe tHaN rIghT wINg” literally shut the fuck up

I am fucking scared to go outside.

I don’t know what’s going on but I had to share this. I’m trying to look into what’s happening right now, but lord knows I’ll get any info since I’m an American and not every thing is available even if I’m living in the “freest” country of the world.

If you know what these flags mean- you know

Don’t you fucking ignore this post

Reblogging again so it lands on ur dash

I will keep reblogging this again and again.

Could someone please explain this? I really want to understand what is going on. In the meantime, I’m reblogging so that it spreads.

Right wing nationalists in Germany (aka n@zis)and covid deniers went to on a protest without masks and all the safety rules and, then decided to spread anti semitism, propaganda et cetera. After that they stormed the German parliament with n@zi flags and symbols.

I’ve seen tweets of poc and ppl who aren’t ethnically German(like me), being scared to go outside. There’s lots of footage especially on twitter please educate yourself on this and spread the message.

Nationalism is on rise again.

Also- the “Hanau shooting” happened in February and our Memorial “demonstration” got canceled.

The Hanau shooting was the killing of bout 10 ppl. The shooter was a n@zi and killed them simply bc they weren’t German. He then killed his own mother and committed suicide afterwards.

Also, protests against said neo nazis and those against the covid restrictions, not all the protesters wear masks nor keep any safety distance between each-other either, its counterproductive and only causes more uproar.

For those who wanna read further on it, some links in English:

Hundreds of Arrested in Anti-Corona Protests

Protesting against Corona Virus Measures

Germany’s News in English

Far right extremists attempt to storm Bundestag after halted ‘anti-COVID’ rally


I’m disappointed to say i don’t know the full details of what’s going on but I’ll make sure to do research on it and spread the word.

In the mean time i hope you’re okay.

I thought Nazism/fascism was illegal in Germany!



White allies do better….

  • Stop with the “oh well I’m white and i agree” or the “I’m white and I’m sorry for us” on posts about racism
  • Stop with the lengthy apologizes when you do something small like write the above on posts and someone calls you out on it
  • Stop asking me for my opinon on what this famous black person did
  • Stop asking me for my opinion on if a thing is racist or not
  • Stop asking me to explain basic racist shit to you
  • Stop telling black people about the time you called your racist uncle out on his racism or the protests you went to
  • Stop asking for my opinion on things you did that you’re scared is racist/has racist undertones
  • Stop with the white guilt… It ain’t helpin nobody
  • Stop asking one black person for their opinion on something about race… You gotta ask more black people if you want an accurate representation of something because not all of us are the same/think the same thing
  • Stop treating black people like we’re “professors” on racism

Google is free. Can y'all please start treating black people like actual people and not someone to teach you about racism. It’s exhausting

White people can and should reblog this

a little bookshop + snack tour of london!here is persephone books which, although adorable, is a whi

a little bookshop + snack tour of london!

here is persephone books which, although adorable, is a white feminist bookshop. upon asking if they carried WOC writers, they said, “no, not really. we’ve tried but there just aren’t really that many so everyone else always snatches them up.”


books around the world, no. 24
by celeste noche

Post link

If you’d like, please sign this petition to grant clemency to Melissa Lucio. There is no evidence that Melissa committed the crime she is sentenced to death for!!


Sign this petition to help out the Latino communities in danger in Austin TX!

Big companies are trying to take advantage of their community and limit their access to clean water. That’s not cool!!






the thing that strikes me about this latest wave of anti-trans hate and legislation in the U.S. is that it feels like it’s *kind of* about trans people but really about a fear fundamental to all conservatives that a day will one day come when they will no longer be able to completely control their children

american conservatism is a death cult. trump made this incredibly obvious but it’s been trending that way for a while. it is spiteful, bigoted, cruel, morally bankrupt, and all evidence in support of it has either been fabricated, forged, deceptively edited, or disproven. being conservative goes against a fundamental human desire to be kind to those around you and I think on some level conservatives know this, and thus, they know that the only reason children would subscribe to these values is if they are indoctrinated into them with cult-like single-mindedness

Conservatives have been pushing for homeschooling for decades, they’ve been raising concerns about teaching evolution in schools since the early 20th century, they’ve made wedge issues out of sex ed, history textbooks, and now gay and trans teachers. They want a world in which children are taught to be conservative from birth and any attempt to teach them anything else is a literal crime. They want this because they know, deep down inside, that most children would not agree with them unless they were literally brainwashed into it.

also worth pointing out that most child abuse (sexual or otherwise) takes place within a “traditional” family structure or a “traditional” religious institution and I have to wonder if people who want to abuse kids have a fundamental investment in preserving strict hierarchies in which adult men have unquestioned authority over children

Like I’m not saying *every* conservative is like this but perhpas their emphasis on “groomers” is a wee bit of projection

Anyway abolish the family trans rights are human rights institute fully automated luxury gay space communism now

This tweet sums it up pretty well:

This is another big reason why most conservatives bitch about higher education; a lot of younger people (myself included) undo their conservative upbringing brainwashing after being exposed to new ideas, meeting new and diverse people, and getting a higher-quality education when they attend college. 

This is also, of course, why conservative lawmakers constantly seek to undermine public education and make it shittier so the kids who go through it are more ignorant. An educated and well-informed populace is the GOP’s worst nightmare.

like, agreed in general but also the roots of this movement are white supremacy. that’s the beginning and end of this shit.

when and why did the homeschooling and private school push begin? after brown versus board and public schools were desegregated.

why did the conservative backlash (which we’ve been riding for forty plus years) begin? because of the civil rights act, which threatened to end the white supremacy status quo and “unfairly take from whites” to give to poc.

why are conservatives trying to cripple the federal government? because the federal government is committed (however poorly implemented and imperfectly) to protect minorities and is seen as blocking white men from taking/stealing what they want when they want to. 

you cannot fight them without naming what they actually are committed to at the end of the day, which is, again WHITE SUPREMACY.

Today marks 101 years since the Tulsa Race Massacre. On May 30, 1921, the neighbourhood was one of the wealthiest Black communities in the country.

Just two days later, it was destroyed.
