#alt right


Racist Paul Congemi being racist. Told black people that President Barack Obama was their reparations AND to go back to Africa. Thank Putin puppet Illegitimate President Trump for this.

End White Privilege
End White Supremacy

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Schrodinger’s Burqa, a popular thought experiment related to the Cuckenhagen interpretation of the world’s ethnical dynamics, posits that every single European country is simultaneously a homogeneous, monoracial, monoethnical paradise, as well as a politically correct Muslim-infested Shariah Law controlled zone where white genocide has been completely successful and no one’s gene pool remains clean. When observed, the country collapses into one of these states depending of whether the particular alt-right shitposter wants to explain away the country’s success as worthless Pyrrhic victory or feel unwarranted pride for it while still throwing shade.

Pretty depressing that Fox News’ prime-time programming has become white nationalist propaganda. This rhetoric is largely indistinguishable from what the alt-right says.






“save the children” is an alt-right dogwhistle and I really need y’all to accept that

Oh so the newest dog whistle we are to view is dangerous is… “Children should be protected”

…. Do yall just stop and think? Like what can justify yourself?

The idea behind protecting children is to protect society’s most vulnerable, what then motives you? Other than to out right say that children are not as vunerable as adults of certain demographics. Certain demographics that are just able and intelligent as any other. If thats the case then you truely haved warped your prespective and then have to ask yourself, is what I believe leading me to rational conclusions?

“Won’t somebody think of the children?” is a textbook example of an appeal to emotion, one of the most blatant of logical fallacies. Specifically, it’s an appeal to emotion which relies on whichever moral panic is hip, happening and groovy at the moment. In the 50s we had (among others) the Lavender Menace and the Red Scare. In the 60s we had hippies. In the 80s we had the Satanic Panic. The 90s gave us a fresh new iteration of “gays can’t be teachers.” Now we’ve got panics over the existence of trans people and critical race theory and antifacism.

“Won’t somebody think of the children” is literally the basis of the F*urteen W*rds, you pair of wet socks on a cold day.** It is the call to action which points the white supremacist and the fascist toward queers, POC and Jews, among others.

It’s not just an alt-right dog-whistle, but it IS an alt-right dog whistle, in much the same way that the existence of green apples does not disprove the existence of red ones.

Ifyou don’t recognize and account for things like the very basic appeal to emotion fallacy, and we do, I think it’s fairly clear who is approaching things rationally here, bud, and it ain’t you.

So yeah, bud, that’s totally what is being said here. To react the way you did is to admit it’s your emotions being spoken to, because if it was your logical brain, you’d be able to go “oh, hunh, yeah, I can totally see how people would phrase their appeals that way if they were trying to get me to disregard any sort of critical thinking and jump into action at their command, therefore, when I see such an appeal I shall have to be very careful to not go off half-cocked but to instead treat these arguments much more carefully.” If you’re not aware that yes, the alt-right uses this specific appeal to emotion in order to manipulate people, and not just them but “gender crits,” pro-censorship movements of all stripes, and Q-Anon, among others, then you’re gonna get taken in by it.

It is possible to be rationally concerned for the welfare of children without using the appeal to emotion to demonize minorities and surf from election to election on moral panics like a lot of politicians do, but that’s not what this post is talking about. This post is literally talking about the fact that the alt-right does use this tactic in order to make people abandon rational thought and do what they’re told.

Sucks that you’re so vulnerable to that logical fallacy tho, that you attack someone for reminding you that it exists and is frequently used in modern politics. Best of luck with that, there, pal.

** I ain’t spelling that out and making it even vaguely searchable on my Tumblr.

“wow, so the newest dogwhistle is (insert innocuous-sounding thing here)?” yeah its almost as if thats how dogwhistles work? theyre SUPPOSED to sound completely fine to those who dont know what’s going on to provide plausible deniability, thats the entire point

MRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew AnMRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onion headlines[Andrew An

MRAs, PUAs, the Alt-Lite, Alt-Right, YouTube Skeptics, and Edgelords + The Onionheadlines

[Andrew Anglin, Armored Skeptic, The Amazing Atheist, Davis Aurini, Eivind Berge, Boogie2988, Mike Cernovich, Ian Miles Cheong, Vox Day, Paul Elam, Matt Forney, Chris Ray Gun, JonTron, Sargon of Akkad, Stefan Molyneux, Milo Yiannopoulous, Roosh V]

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Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy,

Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onionheadlines

[ Alex Jones, Brittany Pettibone & Tara McCarthy, Jared Taylor, Jean-François Gariépy, Lauren Southern, Rage After Storm, Richard Spencer & Nina Kouprianova, Roaming Millennial, Stefan Molyneux, Varg Vikernes ]

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Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & TheodorAlt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onion headlines[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & Theodor

Alt-Lite & Alt-Right + The Onionheadlines

[James Allsup & Nick Fuentes, Robert & Theodore Beale, Jean-François Gariépy, The Golden One, Matthew Heimbach, Alex Jones, Mouthy Buddha, Matthew Parrott, Paul Joseph Watson, Milo Yiannopoulous]

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Alt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, RichAlt-Right personalities + The Onion headlines[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, Rich

Alt-Right personalities + The Onionheadlines

[ Gavin McInnes, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff, Richard Spencer, Jim Goad, Nick Fuentes, Davis Aurini, Jean-François Gariépy, Stefan Molyneux, Willis Carto ]

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Alt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon SpeaAlt Right + The Onion headlines, part II[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon Spea

Alt Right + The Onion headlines, part II

[James Allsup, Davis Aurini, Baked Alaska, Black Pigeon Speaks, Jean-François Gariépy, Millennial Woes, Mister Metokur, Mouthy Buddha, No Bullshit, Richard Spencer]

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the left spent, like, three years trying to explain ‘black lives matter’ to an obstinate group of privileged, mean-spirited bigots, smug people who smirk and almost take pride in their profound misunderstanding. the internet made infographics and analogies and everything it could think of to break down, in the simplest terms–embarrassingly simple–how the statement works and, importantly, how it doesn’t.

and now we have to do this again with 'free speech’?

It’s all so funny.It’s all so funny.

It’s all so funny.

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I go back into Tumblr after being on hiatus for over a year. Five minutes later I’m explaining racism to the “alt-right.” Is that what we do here now?

mkultra: lothar:mkultra:slow-riot: Bad news out of CPAC nice try that must be a trip to know t





Bad news out of CPAC

nice try

that must be a trip to know that even your favorite musicians hate you

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rebellionposterboy: [image: screen cap of a Facebook post by Dan Olsen, which says: “Many of you are


[image: screen cap of a Facebook post by Dan Olsen, which says:

“Many of you are just now becoming familiar with Milo Yiannopolous.

Many of my friends and I have been dealing with him in some capacity or another for years now.

He’s not a “provocateur”, he’s a neo-Nazi recruiter. His “speeches” are training rallies for teaching college assholes how to recognize and harass their vulnerable classmates. His recent sessions have focused on “how to spot a tranny” where he outs a trans student at the school, and “weeding out illegals” where he outs undocumented students and teaches douchbags how to report them to an increasingly hostile and violent immigration system.

His core supporters are radicalized white boys who spend their time on message boards building elaborate fantasies about violence. These collection of boards are the same ones that Dylann Roof (Charleston church shooter, 9 dead), Elliot Rodger (Isla Vist shooter, 6 dead), and Alexandre Bissonnette (Quebec mosque shooter, 6 dead) were active on. One shot a medic two weeks ago at a protest.

This isn’t about speech: he’s showing people how to hurt their peers by hurting one on stage. He promotes a platform of genocide. This isn’t about disagreement. He’s not proposing an acceptable alternative. He’s promoting, and training, for an ethnic cleansing.“]

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そこでは”「アメリカ・ザ・ファースト yeah!!!」と、トランプに乗せられている田舎のバカ白人”といっしょに”ネットを荒らしまわっている頭のイカれた愉快犯たち”として、戯画化されるのが通例です。







■世界一のyoutuber、PewDiePieはネオナチだった!? ※違います



ウォール・ストリート・ジャーナル(WSJ)の記者が、PewDiePieの動画にAnti-Semitic(反ユダヤ主義)が含まれているとの問い合わせをしたことが、事件の発端でした。 この影響で、PewDiePieの新番組はキャンセルされ、また広告等の引き上げが行われる処置が取られました。

 年間17億円強を稼ぐYouTubeトップスター「PewDiePie」がクビになった[businessinsider Japan] - https://www.businessinsider.jp/post-862

米ディズニー「反ユダヤ投稿」のユーチューバーと契約解除[Forbes] - http://forbesjapan.com/articles/detail/15216





How About That…  by PewDiePie  視聴回数 6,543,197 回

Is PewDiePie a Racist?  by h3h3Productions  視聴回数 4,609,937 回 






Daily Stormerオルタナ右翼を標榜し、8chanの管理人・フレデリック・ブレナンも参加しているネットメディア(ジョークなのか本気なのか不明)です。

そのDaily Stormerは、自サイトのバナーを、PewDiePieのものに差し替え、「ここはPewDiePieのファンサイトです」と宣言し、主流メディアを挑発しました。つまり、PewDiePieのジョークに乗っかった形となります。



Top YouTuber PewDiePie Calls Out Mainstream Media’s Declining Power(意訳:トップYoutuberのPewDiePie、メインメディアの衰退を叫ぶ) - http://www.infowars.com/top-youtuber-PewDiePie-calls-out-mainstream-medias-declining-power/

PewDiePie, real name Felix Kjellberg, was the victim of a fake news onslaught earlier this month when the Wall Street Journal tried to smear him as an anti-Semite over Hitler jokes that appeared in some of his videos.









トランプ大統領がCNNなどのメディアに対し「おまえらこそがフェイクニュースだ!」と即座に批判することで、喝采を受ける……その背景には 、この主流メディアVS反主流メディアの構図があったからなのでした。









『タブーを作ることで差別を撤廃しようとする主流メディアとその方針を支持する勢力』 VS 『主流メディアの報道姿勢を叩き、表現の自由を掲げる保守系メディア、ネット民、とそれを支持する勢力』との衝突――メディア戦争なのです。




そして、そういった人々の声に応えているという点 に関しては、 オルタナ右翼たちの功績であって、しばしば責められるような、彼らの罪悪だとは必ずしも言えないのです。 



実は、PieDiePieナチ騒動を調べていて、もう一つわかることがありました。それは、どのメディアもPewDiePie差別主義を関連付けることで、 (実際の関連性はないにもかかわらず) 誰もが4chanの脅威を力説し、その低俗さを強調していたことです。


言ってしまえば、オルタナ右翼とは何か? とは、西洋社会の掲げてきた倫理の嘘、覆い隠そうとしてきたものとは何か?を問うことであり、オルタナ右翼は西洋社会の暴露が目的なのだと言えます。




ただ、そこまでして企業や文化人たちが、ナチス関連の話題を取り締まり、タブー化している「ナチスの支持やジョークを絶対に言うなよ! 絶対だぞ! そんな奴は人間じゃないぞ!」という抑圧を作っている上島な状況の中で、"もっとも人々からの注目を集め、自分の好きなことを表現するための方法“とは何でしょう?











ただこういった日本でもしばしば見受けられる光景を想像してもらうだけで、今までメディアが「謎」だと言っていた多くの点……オルタナ右翼はなぜ半分ネタなのか? 彼らはなぜ支持を伸ばしているのか? があっさり明らかになってしまうのではないでしょうか?

「え? じゃあアメリカのオルタナ右翼問題って、不謹慎ジョークを、主流メディアがヒステリックに大々的に報道して起きているトラブルで……そんなくだらないことで、アメリカは分断の危機を起こし始めているのか!?」




Trying to wrap my head around how people couldn’t get over that Hillary Clinton was paid to gi

Trying to wrap my head around how people couldn’t get over that Hillary Clinton was paid to give speeches from Goldman Sachs and Bernie Sanders calls him self a “democratic socialist” … yet they don’t bat an eye about how Donald J. Trump’s senior counsel is a former Goldman Sachs executive, who is a NOTORIOUS anti-Semite and has compared his self to Vladimir Lenin (a Russian communist who founded the USSR)

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One thing that A Series of Unfortunate Events does really well is that it establishes very early on to a quite young audience that sometimes people don’t mean it personally when they hurt you, but that doesn’t excuse their behavior.

Take Mr. Poe for instance: in every single encounter the Baudelaire orphans have with him, he messes everything up. He consistently puts the children in dangerous situations just because it’s convenient for him, he never listens to what the children actually have to say, and he refuses to be held accountable for his own mistakes, thereby dooming himself to make them over and over again.

If you divide it up evenly, Mr. Poe is just as responsible for the children’s ill fate as Count Olaf because for every single book in which he’s involved, and up through The Carnivorous Carnival in the Netflix series, he is capable of righting the situation and saving the children and he still decides to save his own behind rather than helping the children who are in dire need of an adult figure they can trust. Desmond Tutu famously said that “if you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor”.

And yet, Handler draws a distinctive line between Mr. Poe and Count Olaf in the series because one truly is worse than the other. Mr. Poe doesn’t mean to harm the children, and genuinely does care about their wellbeing, even if he is awful at doing so. He is always appalled when Count Olaf is actually revealed at the end and he does want the children to be safe. Count Olaf on the other hand actually hates the children and means to cause them harm.

The series draws the same distinction between Charles and Sir in that regard and Jerome and Esme, as well. It makes the point that people hurt each other and do harm in the world for all sorts of reasons and very rarely is it personal - that we shouldn’t take it personally when people are bad because adults are fallible too and sometimes they make mistakes without thinking. But even more so, the series makes the point that unintentionality does not excuse the harm that they do. Just because someone doesn’t hate you and that someone didn’t mean to harm you doesn’t mean you are obligated to forgive them or be understanding of their position. So often in this world people make excuses for their behavior, saying they didn’t mean to do something or they didn’t understand the effect it would have or they just weren’t listening and we’re expected to accept their apology and move on because we’re told intent means everything.

But the thing is, intent isn’t everything. Intent is only half the battle and our actions always have consequences, regardless of whether we like those consequences or not. Ignorance is not an excuse for inaction because it is our responsibility in the world as citizens of the world to be conscious of the effect our choices could have on others. The Baudelaire orphans never forgive Mr. Poe, and in The Penultimate Peril when Mr. Poe approaches them and offers them help and offers to take them to their next home, they refuse his help and their refuse his apology because his intentions in that instance don’t matter because he created great harm in the world and just because he didn’t foresee it doesn’t mean that he couldn’t have. This follows the same vein as excusing someone’s behavior because it was rooted in deep trauma or mental illness or justified revenge - the reason why someone did something wrong doesn’t matter, they still did something wrong and they need to face up to their crimes.

It was an important message then, but I think it’s an even more important one now in the political climate that we live in. There are so many people in this world right now who want to cause harm: neo-Nazis, the alt-right, homophobes, transphobes, racists, sexists, and we have an administration that actively takes delight in causing harm to oppressed people as long as it stands to benefit them in some financial way. They know they are hurting people and they continue to do so anyways so long as it makes them more comfortable. These are the Count Olafs of the world.

But then there are the ignorant people that support Trump and his administration, that do racist things like calling the cops on black people just because they look “suspicious”, or use their religion as an excuse to justify discrimination, and simply regurgitate everything they’ve been told by others just as ignorant as them about the way the world ought to work, and those are the people who pave the way for the Count Olafs of the world. It is easier to excuse their bad behavior because they really don’t mean for what they do to cause harm - most of the time they genuinely think they’re doing the right thing - but their actions have just as big of consequences as the actions of the Count Olafs. The children never would have ended up in Count Olaf’s clutches time and time again if Mr. Poe hadn’t put them there. The Count Olafs are worse, and it’s important to recognize the difference between intended harm and unintended harm, but we have to hold the Mr. Poes of the world accountable too, because ignorance is just as much a choice as malice.

jazminsthoughts: A short lesson from @karnythia.I feel like even if this wasn’t a majority white cjazminsthoughts: A short lesson from @karnythia.I feel like even if this wasn’t a majority white cjazminsthoughts: A short lesson from @karnythia.I feel like even if this wasn’t a majority white c


A short lesson from @karnythia.

I feel like even if this wasn’t a majority white country, white supremacy would still definitely function in a way that preserves itself.

Sharing again.

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2016′s word of the year is…

Oxford Dictionaries has declared ‘post-truth’ to be its international word of the year. The use of the term has increased by around 2,000% in 2016 compared to last year. Oxford Dictionaries explains that this is in context of Brexit and the US presidential election. Last year’s word of the year was the ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ emoji: 

2016′s word of the year is…

Oxford Dictionaries has declared ‘post-truth’ to be its international word of the year. The use of the term has increased by around 2,000% in 2016 compared to last year. Oxford Dictionaries explains that this is in context of Brexit and the US presidential election. Last year’s word of the year was the ‘Face with Tears of Joy’ emoji: 

Acceptability versus Responsibility

Part 1:

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.” – Socrates

It was a cold dark night in December, and I took a break working relentlessly on my startup company. I spent an Audiobook credit on Barack Obama’s new book, A Promised Land. I was also consuming an insatiable amount of Jordan Peterson paralleled with a fasting diet, and stories that kept flooding my head from…

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