

Dear Epilepsy,
Hi, how are you? I hope you’re good because I’m not. Why you ask? Because of you. You have taken my freedoms away and have left me with bruises and scars. You give me headaches everyday. You give me people staring when I have a seizure. The whispers, their freak outs, the pounding heart, the body tremors, the fear, the memory loss, ugh don’t get me started on that. People think I’m just stupid for not remembering things but it’s because of you. Because of you my memory sucks, I can’t remember things I learn in class but I’m still getting good grades, I’m trying to push you away but you keep trying harder to stay in my life. You make me sad. I can’t drive, I live in fear of having a bad seizure every day I wake up and every night before I close my eyes to sleep. As much as I hate you, I think about you a lot. You give me unwanted attention. You’ve made my family life awkward. My family finds you awkward so they don’t talk to me about it, they ignore my cries for help. They don’t understand that I have to take medication to try to get rid of you that makes me more moody at times, and they just make it worse. I’m tired of feeling tired all the time. I just want to live a normal life, like it was before what happened at Kairos. I was so pure until you came in my life. You make people talk about me faking you because you don’t make me fall over and convulse like they think that’s what epilepsy is, but you’re far from it, you’re real, a real monster. But I just want to tell you now, I will get rid of you, you will die soon and you won’t be able to bother me anymore. No matter how much you try to make my life harder I’m just going to continue to push through because I am stronger than you and someday I will prove that. Have a good day cause I hope I won’t be seeing you in my life in the near future.

I get higher then a plain, I’m married to maryjane

I get higher then a plain, I’m married to maryjane

Post link

Today is bittersweet. My disabled person’s bus pass expires today and I’m not allowed a new one so no getting the bus for free anymore. However, I’m losing it because I’ve been seizure free for so long that legally I’m allowed to drive now, in the council’s eyes, my medical condition is no longer debilitating

So boo to having to pay £2.10 for a 3 mile journey to work, yay for being seizure free for nearly 2 years! Think June 29th is the anniversary, there shall be cake.

Expect my monthly step count to go up

Funnily enough, I get my disabled person’s train pass indefinitely because I need to be medicated to control my epilepsy. Granted you have to pay for that one to get the discount, but trains are so expensive that it pays for itself with just a few journeys anyway


We broke up.

You called me weird.

Remember how I told you I was child abused?

I was in first and second grade.

It was for two years.

I was being bullied at school.

The entire family tried to take advantage of me.

And don’t forget I was being judged by the entire town.

All I had was my great-grandma.

Unfortunaly, on April 3rd during second grade, she passed away.

I became suicidal.

Since I lived down in an apartment, I wanted to go on top of the building, and jump.

But I didn’t.

Something stopped me.

I don’t know what it is.

What is it?

I wasn’t even in the United States.

I was in Mexico.

I wasn’t fluent in Spanish.

I didn’t know where I was.

I had no hope.


I would have had a little hope if I knew who God was.

Did you know all of that?

Well did you?!

No, you didn’t.

Because you didn’t let me finish my story.

I am a storyteller.

When you tell your friends I’m weird,you bring all these memories back!

When you call me weird, you bring all these bad memories back.

Next time you judge someone think about when you judged me.

You can’t make it up to me.

If you judged me you judged me.

I will never forgive you.

I will always remember that you judged me.

But if something bad happens to you…

Just remember…

Don’t mess with this

Storyteller’s stories.

As someone who’s in a heavily performance based field, I have a question for the epileptics of Tumblr:

What would make a show epilepsy friendly? Obviously strobe lights are a big no no, but would non-strobe fast light changes or colored light changes trigger a seizure? I’m just not well educated on this. Help me out.

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hey heads up that the lyric video for beyonce’s new song “BREAK MY SOUL” is 100% not epilepsy safe, it spends the whole time jsut being white text on black bg and then at 4:11 starts rapidly flashing red. i’m not epileptic and i had to close it because it strained my eyes so bad, i seriously believe this video is going to hurt people
