

What I can Tell And What I Can’t Tell You

I can’t tell you how many sicknesses exist in this world…

I can’t tell you how many times you’ve been chained up and raped…

I can’t tell you how many times you failed to escape from this place…

I can’t tell you how many guards there are…

I can’t tell you how long they have been holding you hostage…

I can’t tell you if they’re going to free you…

If they are, I can’t tell you when…

I can’t tell you who I am…

Because those are the rules.

But what I can tell you…

Is that I will always be there for you.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom

Shrunken Eiffel Tower

We were childhood friends.

We went everywhere together.

You said you had to move one day.

You didn’t tell me where.

Why? It wasn’t because you were trying to be a jerk…

You just didn’t know.

“All I know is that there is this big tower in the town” And then you showed me a picture.

It was the Eiffel Tower.

We didn’t know what it was at the time.

After all, we were in 1st grade.

We were young.

When you moved, we stop talking.

Then I got Epilepsy.

But I didn’t let it stop me.

Everyone excluded because of it.

So I decided not to tell you.

I didn’t want to lose my only friend.

You moved.

I was bullied even more.

Later on, I went into college.

I studied fashion in Paris.

When I moved into my dorm…

You were my roommate.

You were married and had made her pregnant.

Announcement: Next week I’ll be on a trip without my stories. So there will be no story this upcoming weekend

Don’t Leave Me

Why is everyone leaving me?

Did I say something?

Did I do something?

Is it because I have Epilepsy?

Well I don’t exactly have Epilepsy…

It’s my cat named Epilepsy that has magic.

She said while leaning on a wall in a street.

I saw her transform into her demon form.

I knew she was a demon because she told me.

We were at school.

We were sitting beside each other like we always do.

The teacher was teaching like always.

But the assignment was too stressful for her apparently.

I think.

Demons have to earn their horns and wings.

She earned them, but she got them during class.

Naturally, she became famous.

A huge problem came along.


The government put so many laws, that I couldn’t even talkto her anymore.

She is my childhood friend.

That was a problem.

I lost all of my family at a young age, so she took care of me.m

I helped her find souls to eat.

She helped me cope and medicine.

Everytime Epilepsy touched someone he gave them Epilepsy.

He accidentally touched me.

Giving me the sickness.

Why should the cat suffer?

He didn’t do anything to be a sickness.

Poor Epilepsy.

And my friend didn’t do anything for these laws to be passed.

After all…

She’s only one…

Of the tons…

Tons…and tons…

Demons of the Dead.

Instagram: mister_kitty_freedom

Truthful Virus

I finally got my notebook back. So here’s last week’s update. This has a connection to Liar and is the sequel to The Kiss Of Death, so please read that first.

I am a scientist.

I have been investigating a virus with no cure.

Sort of like Epilepsy.

Is called the “Truthful Virus”.

My inspiration was my daughter.

She had Epilepsy and Truthful Virus.

A very rare case.

She dies from a seizure.

I found a cure for the T-Virus.

I call it T-Virus for short.

The cure was a purple liquid I put together.

You have to take it everyday as soon as you wake up.

I found this girl with the T-Virus.

I followed her.

She looked like my daughter.

She acted like my daughter.

She had a boyfriend like my daughter.

She was wearing the same outfit that my daughter died.

She was going to the same place that my daughter died at.

Then I looked at the girl closely.

She was my daughter’s best friend!

I must protect her!

I heard her say she had Epilepsy.

I injected the cure.

Saved them both.

She was holding a single white rose.

Just like my daughter did.

Except it wasn’t covered in blood.

Never Appreciated

I try to be the perfect daughter,

But I’m never appreciated.

I try to be a perfect girlfriend,

But I’m never appreciated.

I try to be a perfect student,

But I’m never appreciated.

I try to be the perfect celloist,

But I’m never appreciated.

I try to be the perfect sister,

But I’m never appreciated.

I try to be a perfect healthy person,

But I’m never appreciated.

I can’t.


‘Cause I have wings.

But they’re invisible…

And I can’t fly


Look I know I do weird things.

I know you judge.

Stop thinking I’m going to cause a war.

I have seizures.

That’s enough to deal with right now, okay?!

You are the one causing the war.

I attack you.

You make me mad.

If you want a war,

Get a war.

I don’t want one.

Much less make one.

I suggest you do the same.

Save lives.

Hate Can Love Too, Just Like Love Loves Others

I know I haven’t been posting lately but I wanted to spend time with my family and I was having some issues.

This is a sequel to Killed Love, so please read that first

After the fight between both of my families, it turned into a war.

It was between The Lovers and The Haters.

My full name is

Heart Broken Lover Hater.

It is rare to have someone being a Lover and a Hater.

I had to choose between them.

The Haters were really strong.

So the knights joined The Lovers.

I grew up around The Haters.

I decided to go with The Haters.

I wanted to protect the family I grew up around with.

They named me the leader.

They gave me the gloves the leader has to wear.

I can’t believe you didn’t notice.

Later on, we made a plan against you.


Because you are the strongest knight.

The entire time I pretended to be a Lover.

My family pushed me and threw me into the air.

We aimed for your arms.

I directly fell.

When you asked me if I wanted to get back together…


I wanted to, but I had to choose one family.

I wanted to make peace.

But when I told any of them…

No one would support me.

I would.

I will support you with anything you want.

Why did I forget this?

I should have told you.

I could have made peace.

I could have saved so many lives.

This war wouldn’t have gotten so bad.

You-you wouldn’t have died.

All because of me.

I killed my own dad.

Just because I forgot that memory.

Of all the people…

You were the hardest to kill…

Harder than my dad…

Because of how much I loved you…

I do want you back.

But you left me…

When I most needed you…

When I discovered Epilepsy.

Killer Love

A war started between two families.

The Lovers and The Haters.

Your name is Heart Lover.

But you didn’t tell me your FULL name.

Everyone has a second last name. Their Mother’s.

The Haters were so strong The Lovers needed help.

So the knights joined the war.

The Haters pushed you and threw you into the air.

And into my arms.

You pretended you were in love and charmed that I had saved you.

I asked.

I know it’s a bad time, but do you wanna get back together?

Then you had a huge smile.

I’d love to.

But you pulled a knife out of your heel…

And stabbed me.

I fell and launched you into the air.

You landed on your feet.

Medics came to check on me.

You used the excuse you were going to attack more Haters.

You ran away.

You bitch.


YOU were the leader of The Haters!!!!

So your strategy is to look cute and innocent so no one suspects!!!


All The Haters were suddenly leaving.

But you still were here.

Just when everyone was starting to celebrate winning the war.

You said.

There’s one problem.

You forgot about one Hater.


My full name is

Heart Broken Lover Hater.

I immediately started fighting you.

No one else did because you were from both families.

And you looked so cute in that red dress of yours.

Your makeup…matched perfectly.

Your heels the exact same red as the rest of your outfit.

I remember giving you those chocolates on Valentine’s Day…

You were so happy.

When I asked for one…

They were gone.

No matter how many times I tried chasing you…

You out runned me.

No matter how many times I tried stabbing you…

You dodged it everytime.

I tried stopping you…



You managed to stab everyone…

Before they could even see you coming…

Then you stabbed…


And went back to The Haters…

I get I left you when you most needed me…

Since you had Epilepsy…

I want you back…

Even do it seems you don’t…

But did you really have to murder everyone just to reject me?

You truly are a bitch.

Shut Down Demi-robot

⭐️This is a sequel to Technological Epilepsy, so please read that first⭐️

I should have believed you.

After you shut down, they say you may never come back to normal.

Now I live in your apartment.

I love being a Demi-robot, but I also miss being human.

I love being on this planet, but I also miss my planet.

I don’t know what to do now.

So I went to the hospital.

They told me you would stay like that.


I shut myself down.

I don’t know what happened after that.


We broke up.

You called me weird.

Remember how I told you I was child abused?

I was in first and second grade.

It was for two years.

I was being bullied at school.

The entire family tried to take advantage of me.

And don’t forget I was being judged by the entire town.

All I had was my great-grandma.

Unfortunaly, on April 3rd during second grade, she passed away.

I became suicidal.

Since I lived down in an apartment, I wanted to go on top of the building, and jump.

But I didn’t.

Something stopped me.

I don’t know what it is.

What is it?

I wasn’t even in the United States.

I was in Mexico.

I wasn’t fluent in Spanish.

I didn’t know where I was.

I had no hope.


I would have had a little hope if I knew who God was.

Did you know all of that?

Well did you?!

No, you didn’t.

Because you didn’t let me finish my story.

I am a storyteller.

When you tell your friends I’m weird,you bring all these memories back!

When you call me weird, you bring all these bad memories back.

Next time you judge someone think about when you judged me.

You can’t make it up to me.

If you judged me you judged me.

I will never forgive you.

I will always remember that you judged me.

But if something bad happens to you…

Just remember…

Don’t mess with this

Storyteller’s stories.
