

30.09.2019 | Hello, everybody! All right? I had a super intense week because I had the proof of the bimester. Today I received the constitutional law test and I took a maximum note, I was very happy! Then I studied Civil law when I got home. Besides, I’ve decided I m gonna make my notes more on tablet than on paper. It’s more sustainable and more practical, too!

15.09.2019 | Hi, guys! Sorry I didn’t post anything, but it’s all very racing around here! I’ve had an interview for a internship at the Ministry of human rights and I m very anxious to know whether I’m gonna get the internship or not! Besides, I had two tests, one of Civil law and another philosophy of law. I went right in Civil law, but I haven’t gotten the results of the right philosophy test. I’ll try to post more stuff around here, Haha!

If hiatto’s bothering you, you can follow me on my Instagram! It’s @estudeasy and there I put stuff in the stories every day!

22.8.2019 | Good night, everybody! Today I went to college and had civil law and philosophy law school. Philosophy class was very boring, but it was compensated by Law School Civil that was super interesting! When I came home I gave a nap, because I was really tired, and when I woke up I still studied philosophy. It was a long time since I was studying this article, so I took advantage of trying to put it in the day. ( I couldn’t, but I ll try to finish it even this week, only twenty pages left)

18.08.2019 | Hello, guys! I took this photo from the study session yesterday. Today I’m studying philosophy and responding to a questionnaire for tomorrow. I hope to finish this afternoon so I can study civil law and uncutting a little bit. I’m pretty tired of just studying philosophy, so I m taking a few pauses with the Pomodoro method. I find this very tiring matter, but I need to finish the questionnaire.

Você sabe que não vim aqui pra estudar, isso é so uma desculpa pro meu namorado.

Você sabe que não vim aqui pra estudar, isso é so uma desculpa pro meu namorado.

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