

30.09.2019 | Hello, everybody! All right? I had a super intense week because I had the proof of the bimester. Today I received the constitutional law test and I took a maximum note, I was very happy! Then I studied Civil law when I got home. Besides, I’ve decided I m gonna make my notes more on tablet than on paper. It’s more sustainable and more practical, too!

15.09.2019 | Hi, guys! Sorry I didn’t post anything, but it’s all very racing around here! I’ve had an interview for a internship at the Ministry of human rights and I m very anxious to know whether I’m gonna get the internship or not! Besides, I had two tests, one of Civil law and another philosophy of law. I went right in Civil law, but I haven’t gotten the results of the right philosophy test. I’ll try to post more stuff around here, Haha!

If hiatto’s bothering you, you can follow me on my Instagram! It’s @estudeasy and there I put stuff in the stories every day!

22.8.2019 | Good night, everybody! Today I went to college and had civil law and philosophy law school. Philosophy class was very boring, but it was compensated by Law School Civil that was super interesting! When I came home I gave a nap, because I was really tired, and when I woke up I still studied philosophy. It was a long time since I was studying this article, so I took advantage of trying to put it in the day. ( I couldn’t, but I ll try to finish it even this week, only twenty pages left)

18.08.2019 | Hello, guys! I took this photo from the study session yesterday. Today I’m studying philosophy and responding to a questionnaire for tomorrow. I hope to finish this afternoon so I can study civil law and uncutting a little bit. I’m pretty tired of just studying philosophy, so I m taking a few pauses with the Pomodoro method. I find this very tiring matter, but I need to finish the questionnaire.

Hello, everybody! Today I didn’t have the first time in college, so I took a couple of classes in the day!

I studied constitutional law and criminal law. Then I went to constitutional law class and I just had to do a job and go.

I stayed in college until 7: 00 p. M. tonight when starts my criminal law class. It’s very tiring, but it’s worth it!

So, is your routine also exhausting?

9.8.2019 | Today I didn’t have a class. I don’t have classes on Fridays, so I took advantage of studying an online matter that I have. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to study online. This article only has a gamble to read and some exercise, so I feel like I don’t absorb anything from content, but it’s still a simple matter. I also studied criminal law, transcribed audio from class and tomorrow I’ll make a short summary of the content. Now it’s 8 p.m. and I’m transcribing the audio of constitutional law. It’s a lot, but I think it s gonna be time to finish up until 9 p.m.

29.07.2019 | Today I dated my boyfriend to a bookstore on my town blocks, we bought a lot of law books for preposterous prices and we were walking the rest of the day by the little pits, talking, taking pictures. It was a very relaxing and quiet day, to make up for the madness that’s gonna be my semester from Wednesday.

Hey there! This is my first pic here. I’m on vacations and this picture is a little old, but is a picture that I love so much. I would like to share a little about my study routine when I back to classes and I hope that you like it, guys

I won this little leather bull in a purchase I made from China and I’m not sure how to deal with theI won this little leather bull in a purchase I made from China and I’m not sure how to deal with the

I won this little leather bull in a purchase I made from China and I’m not sure how to deal with the simplicity and beauty of this.
I. Just. Can’t. Deal. With. It.
So cute.

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