#eurovison song contest


If you don’t understand Eurovision, this should explain it perfectly

love the very clever decision to combine the look of a late 60s eurovision entry

with the sound of a late 60s eurovision entry

and the staging of a late 60s eurovision entry

ukraine would have done well this year no matter what

but this song is great and the staging is really cool

the arangement on this one is so good, i love the instrumentation

we’ve got far too many balads this year, but they are at least almost all goodbalads

(also i just realised it’s been like 5 years since the netherlands last entered a county and western song, are you guys okay? did something happen?)

spain being incredibly on brand this year

amazing comic book supervillain design on the part of the people dressing the female host here

now i know the audience can actually see her, i really like this staging, and the song is great

my prediction for this is top 3 public vote and not a single point from any of the juries, but i fucking love it, song of the year

moustache was the last time i liked a french entry, but this fucking slaps, i love it

someone make a witcher amv to this immediately

i know we all hate the balads, but switzerland gets points for being one of the only balads this year that, when it sounds like it’s building to something, actually does

it’s a balad, but it’s a balad that commits, and i respect that

portugal didn’t understand the assignment, but i do really like the song

but the country that gave us the turkish bath neon trainers look from 2018 (or do I mean 19?) could definitely have come up with better costumes than that

are we 100% sure sam ryder doesn’t have some kind of mind control powers

the murder of jesse james by the coward estonia’s 2022 eurovision entry

i hate the song tbh

but i’m a big fan of ‘germaphobe domme and her pogo towell priest subs’ as a vibe

kind of love that with different staging this would 100% be just a balad

but he made the choice to just absolutely fucking belt it, thus saving it
