#ex catholic


Christianity and Anger/Hate

Dear ex Christians,

You are allowed to feel what you feel, even when those feelings aren’t pretty and “godly.” Anger is still and emotion. Hate is not evil. Yes, you should strive to be in control when you are in states of anger or hate, but do not shame yourself for feeling natural emotions. You wouldn’t shame yourself for happiness, so why any other feelings? You wouldn’t shame yourself for love so why the antithesis? Sometimes, you just need to let emotions run their course. Trust me. The pain, anger, and hate will fade if you allow yourself to feel it. Pushing it away will only make it stronger and more painful.

You are safe to feel. There is no being judging you for being who you are. I know it feels that way. I’m sorry my loves.

Christianity and Forced Forgiveness

Dear ex-christians,

I am so sorry that you were forced to forgive that abuser, that toxic person, that one traumatic event that they told you to “Get over it”

I am sorry that you felt guilty that you were still hurting. I’m sorry you had to ignore your hurting. I’m sorry that everyone else acted like your abuser was a good person. I’m sorry for all the unanswered prayers to a god that didn’t care. I’m sorry.

You have a right to feel the way you feel. Don’t let ANYONE tell you otherwise.


“That’s not real Christianity” gives the exact same vibe as “not all men.”

It had to be said.


i know that it’s seen as, like, a fedora reddit atheist thing to say ‘the christian practice of teaching children about hell is child abuse’ but the christian practice of teaching children about hell is child abuse and the more time i spend with people who were raised very christian the more confident i am about saying this.

I am better than god and he should beg me to forgive him on his knees <3
