#expert from a book ill never write


“Everyone has their own personal treasure chest of sadness within them, and you have to open up to yourself before you open up to others.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #125 // @loveactivist

“Your eyes looked so kind from right here, but once I looked closer. I realized that your kindness was holding back a river of tears. And your heart needed a break from all the weight that’s been put on it.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #124 // @loveactivist

“I’m at the point in night, where I realize everything I’ve done is a mistake. Like moths to a flame, all the decisions I’ve ever made swirl around me to keep me from escaping.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #123 // @loveactivist

“Enjoy being spoiled in these good moments, soften those rough edges, because the bad ones are what really shaped you.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #122 // @loveactivist

“She held the entire world in between her fingertips; she could’ve easily crushed it into dust and leave it all behind. But she decided to give life a chance.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #121 // @loveactivist

“You’ll know that you’ve met the one when they move into the home that is your heart. And when you ask them, “aren’t you tired of living here?” They’ll respond with, “this place is just perfect for me.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #120 // @loveactivist

“There will be a time where I will finally forget about you, and your eyes will water when you recall my name.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #119 // @loveactivist

“We used to have such a good thing, but sometimes love is not enough to keep someone from walking out the door.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #118 // @loveactivist

“I believe that I have a kind heart, but there is a pit in it that is so black that only the people, who’ve hurt me when I loved them, live near it.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #117 // @loveactivist

“Take me to a place where all the choices we’ve made are the right ones; where regret doesn’t exist and all we’ve ever felt is happiness.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #116 // @loveactivist

“Your eyes look like an ocean where stars fall into when they want a break from shining, but they still sparkle. No matter what you say, when you smile it shows how soft your heart is. And being with you takes me to a place where I don’t question if heaven exists.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #114 // @loveactivist

“If only we could kiss all of our problems away. We can lay in this bed and smile at eachother, and the universe understands that we are starting over. That all the fighting the night before is a secret kept with the stars… If only things were that easy.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #135 // @loveactivist

“The scariest thing about the night time is how more willing we are to cry and fall apart. Maybe because no one is watching, and all the monsters that are in the dark feel bad for us.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #133 // @loveactivist

“You grew to be a part of me. I held you close to my heart, you were like one of my ribs. But now, I will gladly reach in, break you off, and rip you out of me.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #131 // @loveactivist

“I wanted to save us, and I thought you did too. I grabbed your hand to keep you from getting too far away from me, but you kept clawing at me to let you go.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #129 // @loveactivist

“I woke frightened because I had a dream of you dying and I was left with a empty bed. For awhile, I thought you were actually going to die… How naive of me to mistake the sound of death knocking at my doorsteps for you walking out the door and leaving my life.”

- excerpt from a book I’ll never write #128 // @loveactivist
