#face family


ROLES: Fanart
BLOG TYPE: Multifandom
WARNINGS: nothing now… but I can’t promise I won’t draw anything weird/NSFW

ROLES: Cosplay, Ask blog
BLOG TYPE: Hetalia blog


America:Stoptelling my government that we’re brothers. They don’t understand what you mean. They’ve literally spent hours trying to figure out how a relationship like that can possibly work and what we’re supposed to be doing about it. Stop. 

Canada;That’s not all I tell them. I like to randomly mention family acquaintances in front of them. Like France and England are your dads–


Canada: Yesterday I said Lithuania was your grand-niece. 

America:You are confusing them

Canada: I bet they have one of those yarn-boards somewhere. With pictures. Trying to figure out how you’re related to everyone. 

Idk how I didn’t post this?!?!?!? Anyway me and some friends on discord were discussing the face(s) family recently and it made me want to draw them being cute….

We also established that Alfred is a fortnite kid, whilst Matthew is a gacha life kid, and Michelle is somewhat normal and does normal kid things like colouring books Alfred found questionable gacha videos on Matthew’s ipad once, which prompted Matthew to start crying and begging Alfred not to tell their parents - poor Matthew ended up crying so hard he threw up, which ironically, is what alerted his parents to the situation

Arthur doesn’t like the constant use of ipads and gaming consoles, and does TRY to restrict their access a bit. He’d rather they be reading books, but his downfall is that he forgets small children probably won’t be interested in his 400 page classic novels. Francis is fine with the ipad, if it gets him some peace and quiet, then it gets him some peace and quiet. Arthur tells him off about it.



I know it’s been a rough year, but, at least, let’s have one last drawing for 2020!

Arthur and Francis are still the best at embarrassing their children :)

Also, this is a redraw from previous years (and it took 9 hours to finish, help)! I’ll post the comparison later, I don’t feel like doing it today ajsjajshshsh

Unfortunately I couldn’t make the redraw of this for this year, I’ve been caught up on other projects or completely having an art block ahshsjshsjsh

So have last year’s for now! Happy Holidays, I hope you guys are doing fine!


Summary: Based off the story ‘The Prince and the Pauper.’ Alfred is a prince who must sacrifice his freedom for the sake of his people, and along the way meets Matthew, a man who looks strikingly similar to the young prince. Will this single meeting change the future of the kingdom or will it become a small trifle of the prince’s life?

Characters: England, France, America, Canada, Scotland, Japan, Netherlands

Relationships: America/Japan, Netherlands/Canada, England/France

Word Count: 2904

Read on Ao3

Arthur paced the upstairs corridors endlessly, hands held in a firm grip behind his back. He’d been offered a seat at least a dozen times, a cup of tea nearly twice that. He politely declined each time with a wave of his hand. He hadn’t a clue how collected he looked to the servants, clearly not as much as he hoped if they all still hovered a little too closely. He brushed his fringe from his eyes for the umpteenth time. It was nearing sundown as he made his way onto the balcony that overlooked the sea. Taking in a deep breath of the salt air, he tried to relax his shoulders and put his mind at ease. He closed his eyes and listened to the waves crashing upon the rocks, the steady ebb and flow clearing his mind of worry. He only reopened his eyes when he heard a faint tapping on the glass paned door.

“Your Majesty.”

Francis, in all his frills, gave a flourished bow to which Arthur met with a nod of simple acknowledgment. 

“Please, tell me the news is good.”

The man stood upright and pressed his forefinger to his bottom lip. Arthur waited impatiently for an answer, the slight hesitation was enough for him to know that all was not well. Something had gone amiss and Francis was mulling over the prettiest words he could use to describe whatever tragedy was likely upon them.

“I begin with the Queen is well. Her health is good, you needn’t worry about her a moment longer,” Francis’s voice was smooth as it always was. It was the kind of voice that sounded as if a portrait could speak. It set Arthur’s mind partially at ease.

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