#fake married



fic rec list masterpost|tropes masterlist

= adult rating (For longer fics, this likely only applies to some chapters).


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hi! i just published my first ever ttrpg, EYES ON THE PRIZE!

dream up a fake-married couple, wield their fraudulent union to achieve your shared goals, and do your best not to blow your cover – or fall in love for real.
for 2 or 4 players (1 or 2 pairs), played with 8-sided dice and standard playing cards.

thank you so much for checking this out, i’m so so excited to share it!

you guys!!!! i woke up to EotP ranking in the “top sellers” and “new and popular” categories on itchio for physical games!!!! what the fuck!!!!

what a wonderful and encouraging response for launch night… thank u guys so much. i really poured a lot into this and worked hard on it so seeing ppl respond like this seriously means the world to me
