#fall reads


hey, so… I need help

I wrote a short story for a competition. it’s the first time I’ve openly shared original stories (something other than fanfic) and when I shared it… it bombed. it was super scary and vulnerable to post it and when almost nobody saw it, it kinda broke my heart.

so, tumblr, who values young writers who just want to fucking go somewhere in life with their dreams can you help me out and read it? Or share it? it would mean literally everything to me. My friends don’t really wanna share it (or read it but whatever) but I worked so hard on it.


It’s called Skyfall. It’s not very long. but I’m proud of it and I don’t wanna give up on it. Thank you

Quick Reviews: All of the Books I Read on Vacation

I just came back from a week of vacation (my family went to a cottage by the lake), where I spent a lot of time reading…because there wasn’t much else to do. And since coming up with blog post ideas is hard, I thought this week I would do short reviews of all of the books that I read while I was away!

Right off the bat, I want to say that these are all non-spoiler reviews, so if you want to…

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