#fantasy setting


I think to add a bit of differentiation, sorcerers should be the more sensible less odd version of wizards.

Well they should at least present themselves as such, whether they actually are is an entirely different matter, perhaps they are simply using the words sorcerer to cover up the wizardly acts that they are performing

CW: Corruption, Body Horror (I think?)

I think the inevitable result of a bunch of knights (who are mostly just nobles in suits of armour) going on a quest to find some sort of ancient power to raise their own standing in society would be said knights getting almost instantly corrupted and overwhelmed by the temptation of said power.

Then they’d probably just become a major issue for the world at large, most likely by becoming literal monsters whose bodies are now one with the armour they wore when first finding the ancient power.

Or perhaps just by doing normal evil rich people things but with even less fear of consequences due to them having access to the ancient power.

Or maybe both.

It’d be funny if you had a character that calls every four-legged animal they see a dog, and no one ever corrects them because they can’t be bothered.

Oh, and maybe they do know that all the different animals have different names and stuff, but they still just refer to them all as dogs anyway because it’s easier.

CW: Bones, Thorns, Death mention

Consider using gothic/gothic revival architecture if you want to have some locations that can be described as looking like the thorny monstrous bones of some long perished horrific and giant creature.

I feel like “Space” and “The Cosmos” are sort of two different but connected things with very different tones and styles.

Like when I hear space I think of solar systems, meteors, planets, and moons, that sorta stuff. You know the sorta space stuff on a “smaller” more comprheisble scale.

Meanwhile, when I hear cosmic, I think about black holes, galaxies, Interstellar clouds, and the like massive voids of emptiness between everything. Aka the stuff that’s on a comparatively bigger less comprehensible scale.

So maybe factor that in if you’re ever thinking about aligning a character, or organisation, or place with space stuff.

CW: Worker abuse, Lead poisoning

You ever heard about corporation using scrip back in the 19th century (and unfortunately sometimes today)?

Well if you want very hateable villain, you could have some sort of baron or other titled member of the noble class do something similar with some peasants working under them.

Maybe even have the scrip be made of lead, so that the fake coins are toxic in addition to being worthless outside of the towns under the nobles rule.

To make any potential catboys/catgirls/nyanbinaries that may appear in your fantasy thing accurate realistic be sure to have them be able to subdued and placated by headpats.

Source: Personal experience

CW: Food, Caves, Fire, Alchohol, Fighting

You’ve probably heard of cheese caves since there’s a post about that going around, so all I’m gonna say is they seem like a silly and fun place to have a fight, especially if you have any pyromancers who can melt that cheese and use it against their enemies.

Also, wine caves are a thing, so you could have some fights in one of those, maybe use the wine to slip some people up for a bit of free slapstick comedy.

Oh and an old-fashioned way of doing refrigeration was by placing blocks of ice in deep underground locations, so that might be another fun place to have a comedic food focused fight in.

Perhaps you could even have a combination wine + cheese + general refrigeration cave that’s managed to attract a bunch of hungry monsters and beasts.

I think it’s always cool when an unquestionably heroic character uses some sort of power or item with evil origins.

Especially when the hero uses it to help very silly and mundane situations, like:

Some kid could go “Oh no my pet rock is stuck in a tree!” Then in response, some guy in a slightly horrific suit of armor that looks as if it’s alive walks up and climbs the tree barely managing to get up it before finally after like four minutes grabbing the rock, and then falling out of the tree directly onto their ass.

I think a neat idea would be having the remnants of some sorta higher plane of existence which was at some point shattered and broken be scattered across the planes that it was above.

It’s once incomprehensible near intangible form now being mostly lost and warped into the mundane materials of the planes it now resides in.

CW: Biting, Fighting, Screaming

You should have some helmets with a built-in mechanical biting function because it’s a cool and intresting attack to have.

Could also have the biting function just act as a cool mouth thing that could open up when a character wearing one of the helmets needs to let out a scream into the sky.
