#sorry about that

getintherobot: this fic will never be done


this fic will never be done

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hey if you identify as a woman and you don’t shave your legs everyday and let your stubble grow free and natural for long periods of time could you reblog or like this post, I’m trying to make a point here, cause apparently I’m a weirdo for not shaving for weeks or months at a time

I haven’t shaved anything in a decade or more.  It’s so not worth it.

I’m genderqueer but born with woman attributes and can grow hair like nobody’s business. I could have, on the regular, the equivalent of a teenage boy’s stubble beard if I didn’t shave. Sometimes I let it go, sometimes I shave it. Comes in mighty handy for cosplay purposes, but not always.

i once told my indonesian aunt i hadn’t shaved in about nine months and she giggled: “i haven’t shaved in thirty years!”

I haven’t shaved in at least 4 years. I’m non-binary presenting femme.

Two years and counting, i shave NOTHING! I found out my leg hairs glow red in the sunlight, it’s great! My armpit hairs are BLONDE AT THE ENDS!!! Body hair is a delightful adventure.

I don’t shave. The only time I shave anything is when I have a belly dance performance and I don’t want the pubic hairs that grow up towards my belly button showing over the top of my coin belt. Other than that, nothing gets shaved.




Hey guys, I’ve recently run into the issue where LycanTheory has started stealing my art.

It’d be seriously awesome if y'all could hop onto Twitter and report the content for me in Report>It’s abusive or harmful> Includes targeted harassment>Someone else.

Thanks for the help, guys.

Can you take a screenshot of what’s going on? If you dont have an account you get redirected. Glad to report him (again) nonetheless.

Blah, I went back and fixed (hopefully) the issue with the link on the original post.

The tweet is at: https://twitter.com/MountainShep17/status/1472677079745544192(mirror)

And the post in question is:

The picture is a direct copy-paste of the image from my Twitter’s pinned post, found here: https://twitter.com/Who_Is_Page/status/1467231745686786051?s=20


i think the problem with vikings is that it is so incoherent and loose, that there are so many gaps, that each viewer just has to fill them to make sense of what is happening. my prime example is the question if aslaug is a bad queen. lagertha says yes, hirst says yes, but given the ten year gap she is the only ruler who basically had a long peaceful time in which no major attacks seem to have happened and the city is thriving and filled with merchants from overseas. so what is the truth here? there is none, you kind of have to make a decision and your decision will be based on who you empathize with, what you find important ect. so i do try and keep that in mind, i mostly try and understand the interpretation of other people and where they are coming from because honestly it seems like the only thing left to do when looking at this trash fire of a show.

This kind of reminds me of how I feel about Ubbe and Hvitserk falling into the ice. Is that a sign that Aslaug is abusive/a bad mother? Hvitserk says yes, the show… to a degree says yes. My issue with it, is that Ragnar and Lagertha go to England in season 1, leaving their children with Athelstan just as Aslaug left her children with Siggy and helga. Or hell, to another degree you can look at Ubbe and Torvi bringing their children with them on a dangerous voyage to find new land (and Asa dying on that voyage).

My point is not that Ragnar and Lagertha or Ubbe and Torvi were abusive in making these decisions. But I think these actions are… they are definitely framed differently and never directly paralleled with each other, but I think ultimately a large part of it is also about who you already empathize with. If you’re empathizing and rooting for Lagertha and Ragnar, why would you doubt their decisions, even when Ragnar talks about both of them potentially dying and leaving the children orphans in the first episode? Anyway, that’s where I kind of come back to Hvitserk blaming Aslaug for it (and her thus not being worthy of vengeance)… where you fall on taking his words at face value or not… and the logic of it, kind of relies on who you’re personally going to empathize with.


Important Info prior to Sign-ups!

We’re almost there! Before you apply, please read the important information in the link above for the guidelines, schedules and specs.

Sign-ups open on April 1, 2022, 4PM Central European Summer Time.

Edit: Shepherd 1 checked the mobile version of the link and found out the image for the specs section is not completely visible. To compensate for those who are unable to view on web, see below spec guidelines:

Sorry! I know ive been gone. Its a long story, but ill be back soon! Send me questions if you want!

Odysseus: Patroclus, where is Achilles?

Patroclus: By the GODS, why does everybody think that I always know where Achilles is? Maybe I don’t know. Maybe I don’t care. Maybe I have a life outside of being his companion. Or maybe he’s a full-grown man who can go where he pleases. Have you ever considered that?




Patroclus: he’s speaking with Nestor in the Pylian part of the camp but that’s not my point

“I love Dante & Johann’s little relationship so much. Johann deeply cares for his little f

“I love Dante & Johann’s little relationship so much. Johann deeply cares for his little family, to the point of threatening someone who has a knife to his throat, and to the point of self blame for “dragging them into this situation”. I think it’s really special and underrated honestly ;u;. All in all, that pair are my two faves and major comfort characters ^-^♡“

Post link

wowwwww i love him ❤️


ppl with really long queues amuse me, like, they will like your post and then you find out within 3-10 business days whether they also thought it worthy of reblogging

I’m a bit late for this benchmark, but thank you for 300 followers!! I had no idea this blog would grow to be even a fraction of what it is currently. Thank you for encouraging my chaos the work that I do, I hope that I cause you to think more deeply about your practice if nothing else. 

jojen-hewitt:Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing tojojen-hewitt:Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing tojojen-hewitt:Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing tojojen-hewitt:Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to


Neil climbs the front pillars of the house, more a shadow than a creature, needing to see the stars and remind himself of where he is. For most of his life, he hadn’t known stars. He’d known dirt and stagnant air and nothing of this terrifying wonderland above ground.

My artwork for @mr-im-fine’s beautiful KevNeil Percy Jackson AU fic, Don’t Bury Me (With a Coin Under My Tongue) for the @aftgbigbang.

It was such a pleasure working on these!! And the fic is amazing!! You can read it HERE! Enjoy!

Post link


Okay, impromptu outing to see some cats. Small storm coming in also… Posts gonna be put on hold for a bit…

As for preorders… will remain open until further notice. Will keep you posted when time comes.

Sorry about that but uh at least that’s extra time?

So… still not home yet… will probably crash as soon as I do though. Meaning I’m gonna keep preorders open overnight and we’ll see how tomorrow plays out

“I’m going to drown myself in the lake! I meanit!”- Thomas in 1x04

I’ve been thinking about this line ever since I rewatched the episode because it’s actually quite sad once you look past the dramatic delivery.

Thomas, as we know, wears his heart on his sleeve (or so it seems) and tends to overshare a lot, often in an overtly dramatic fashion. The others either ignore him when he expresses his feelings, roll their eyes or outright mock him. It’s obvious they’re tired of his behaviour but I can’t help but wonder if they actually might be (partly) responsible for it.

Thomas is someone who craves attention. It’s probably not too far-fetched to assume he was ignored a lot as a child (as implied in 3x05 when he talks about how his mother left him crying as a baby - something I personally think is way more serious than he makes it out to be but that’s a topic for another post). And probably not just ignored, but also actively told to shut up as well. We can see a hint of that in 1x04 when he walks into the room, desperate to talk to Alison about the free pass thing. He keeps asking to have a word with her right until the moment Alison tells him firmly to, “Shush!” He shuts up at once and steps away, looking not just heartbroken but also a little betrayed, I’d say. And he remains quiet.

I think Thomas has been silenced a lot in his life. Poetry might have been the only way he had of giving voice to his thoughts and getting people to listen to him. Perhaps that’s also why his poem went on for ages in 2x04 - he might feel he has to make the most of it while he has the room’s full attention for once.

Only now that he’s dead people no longer have the common courtesy to even pretend to listen to him. They are openly dismissive of both his work and and his feelings, bringing us back to 1x04 in which not a single person cares that Thomas is clearly upset about the film being about Byron. They think he’s being dramatic (which he is). That’s all there is to it for them. No one goes after him when he leaves. Thomas waits and waits but no one ever comes - sounds awfully familiar, doesn’t it?

When he goes back downstairs and explains to them why he’s upset, he tells them exactly where he’s going before he leaves this time - to the lake. He makes it easy for them to find him.But once again no one comes for him. There’s this little moment at the end of the episode where Pat acknowledges that someone should probably tell Thomas the film crew is gone but then he just follows the others inside and leaves him waiting in the lake. Alone. Forgotten.

In summary, I think Thomas’s behaviour is the result of 200+ years of being largely ignored and dismissed. Being overtly dramatic is the only way he knows how to get people’s attention, even if it’s negative. But the real Thomas Thorne, the one who didn’t shed a tear when the true circumstances of his death came to light and composed something truly poetic while watching an ordinary sunrise, is a lot more serious and self-reflecting and quiet than we see most of the time. He just rarely has the chance to be heard.


Reblog to give the person you reblogged it from motivation to work on their fics.

ZOS, I appreciate that we can pick our starting zone but also … can you please add in the previous tutorials back in? You did it with the Base Game main quest tutorial, you can do it with the others. I want to be able to play these quests again.

Anyway, thanks for listening to this TED talk.


You guys, I have to make a confession: I’m the one responsible for the Bronze Age Collapse. It boils down to my terrible time management skills, but that’s no excuse. I’m so sorry, I promise I’ll do better next time.


Introducing Ernest Mackenzie, Bachelor #1 for the CYOA Legacy

Withdrawn and emotionally distant, no one expected Mr. Mackenzie was ready to move past the death of his wife until he was spotted in the company of Miss Adaline Parlow. But is this match meant to be, or should Mr. Mackenzie begin looking elsewhere?

Why CYOA Legacy? Because you, the reader, will get to vote on which direction the story takes! Each major narrative decision is up to a 24-hour vote, meaning that you get to shape this legacy!

The challenge is scheduled to begin Monday, January 3 at 9pm EST.

my fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilationmy fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilation

my fave pieces i drew of Max & the Bees Knees; a small compilation

Post link

High Guardian Spice but….. spiced up a bit. This is a work in progress with more to come. This show needed help lol

accept that you’ve made mistakes and allow them to inform your future decisions, but don’t let your fear of making more mistakes get in the way of your current life

I am just blasting you guys tonight. Sorry about this, I’ll be back to my usual reserved self in less than twenty four hours, I assure you. 

So I made a Twitter. (@rolledtrousers)

I’ve got my reservations, because I know that my ideas are often the kind that don’t exactly lend themselves to a hundred and forty characters, but at the same time, I rather like the idea of forcing myself into that kind of restriction. Perhaps militant succinctness will be good for me. 

Now, the other business.

I owe you all an apology. I said when I reached a thousand followers that I would write you a story, and it’s taken me more than a month to actually get those words onto the page. I’ve had some good captions in that time, but nothing that is its own stand alone story. Luckily I put one of those up a few minutes ago. I hope you like it. 

I’m now six hundred followers past that number, and so you all deserve a belated thank you. I’ve always said to both myself and anyone that asks that I write for myself, and the fact that anyone cares, even a little, is something I’m overjoyed about, but I’m never going to write to an audience. But it’s ridiculous to think that having nearly two thousand people looking at what I write isn’t going to effect me, even just a little. 

But I can only see that as a good thing. To know that there are that many pairs of eyes, all waiting to see what I have to say, spurs me to write better, and write as regularly as I have been. So thank you for being there, silent, occasionally commenting eyes. I do love you so. 

Here’s to me getting another story out before we hit two thousand. (Hahahahaha)


I just realized I didn’t have anon asks set up on this blog lmao. oops. you can now freely send me your horny thoughts anonymously.
