

a cute little baby enjoying a day in the sun!

i recently reached 3000 followers and i just wanted to say thank you!! i hope all of you are doing well :)

make a little list of things you like about yourself. it might be really short if you struggle with your self esteem but thats okay. read it every single day and add things to it. you deserve to be happy and you should love yourself as much as you can!

be kind today just for the sake of being kind

i hope you’re all having a lovely day today! here are some beautiful dumbo rats- aren’t their ears adorable?

summer isn’t quite over yet, but here are some sweet autumn rats!

want to make a rat happy? just give them a cardboard box to play in!

its bath time for these sweet ratties!

edit: a few people in replies explained that rats don’t require regular bathing, and as always, i really appreciate people taking the time to educate both myself and others. i have removed one image in which it seemed like there was soap being used (which is irritating to rat’s eyes/dries out their skin). please only bathe your rats when necessary and make sure they’re comfortable!
