

girls night!!

a collection of pictures of wild rats. you may not be able to pet them, but they’re still adorable!

i hope you’re all having a lovely day today! here are some beautiful dumbo rats- aren’t their ears adorable?

summer isn’t quite over yet, but here are some sweet autumn rats!

its bath time for these sweet ratties!

edit: a few people in replies explained that rats don’t require regular bathing, and as always, i really appreciate people taking the time to educate both myself and others. i have removed one image in which it seemed like there was soap being used (which is irritating to rat’s eyes/dries out their skin). please only bathe your rats when necessary and make sure they’re comfortable!

some sleepy rats! i hope they’re having sweet dreams ☁️

i hope you’re all having a wonderful day! here are some rats having fun outside

did you know rats and bunnies can be friends?

note: even though these pics are cute, i’d recommend not introducing your rats and rabbits to eachother unless you are 100% sure you can guarantee the safety of both animals. if you do decide to introduce them, make sure to keep a close eye on them so you can separate them immediately if anything goes wrong.

do something today that makes you feel at peace, even if you feel like you’re too busy or overwhelmed. go for a walk in the woods, pick a flower, draw little animals, learn something new. being kind to yourself is never a waste of time.

remember that you deserve to be happy! life is rough but that isn’t because you’re a bad person. keep your head up!
