#felix talks


it’s my birthday tomorrow but it’s gonna be a train wreck cause my mates girlfriend (who doesn’t like me at all) just added me on instagram and now he’s freaking out, and the whole uni course group chat has kicked off and there’s gonna be an argument tomorrow about it and i kind of just really don’t want to be involved

got a pretty accurate notification about my dear @lebrookestore

Roe vs Wade is a Supreme Court ruling made on January 22nd 1973 and is the ruling that has upheld the prevention of abortion bans across America. Abortion is a very sensitive topic, and there are many people calling for a total ban on abortion, regardless of circumstances.

Roe vs Wade found creating state regulation on abortion infringed on a woman’s right to privacy, meaning that no individual state could place a total ban on abortion. It was deemed to contradict the fourteenth amendment which states “nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”.

In America they have a codified and entrenched constitution - this means it is written down and consistently referred to and is essentially a kind of “rulebook” from which all other judgements are made. The constitution is what is known as a sovereign body, this is the body with the most power (in the UK it is our Parliament). The Supreme Court is made up of 9 justices, always having an odd number so there is never a tie when making a decision. Each justice is appointed by a president and then has to be approved by the Senate to gain their seat. The Supreme Court’s job is to uphold the constitution and the laws written in it - theoretically placing them higher than the president themselves as they are the closest beings to the sovereign body. If a case is thought to be breaking the constitution it faces the Supreme Court (not every single one but I’m simplifying it) and they will deliberate and vote on whether they believe it to be unconstitutional or not and whether an amendment should be made to the constitution.

The constitution was written in the late 1700s and has been amended 27 times in the last 250 years. Arguably it is an outdated document but that’s a discussion for another time.

When the Supreme Court make a ruling it can lead to a constitutional amendment (rare) or it could set a precedent, and setting a precedent is exactly what roe vs wade has done.

So what is the leaked document?

On Monday the 2nd of May, a document was leaked from SCOTUS (Supreme Court of the United States) detailing their apparent plans to overrule the Roe vs Wade decision. Because Roe vs Wade was not written into the constitution, it wouldn’t take more than a majority vote to overrule it and it is something that has been a threat since it was first ruled. The 7-2 majority ruling in favour of preventing states banning abortion, allowed women autonomy over their bodies, it allowed them to make the choices that were right for them and not be dictated by governments who they didn’t support. But it also created an uproar of people who thought this was wrong. Women going to planned parenthood have been screamed at and verbally abused for making this decision for themselves (not to mention that planned parenthood does more things than abortion and contraception). And no woman wants to have an abortion. A woman wants an abortion the same way an animal in a trap wants to chew off its own leg.

In the leaked document it was shown that a majority ruling of 5-4 had ruled to overturn the Roe vs Wade decision, allowing states to regulate abortions as they wish. This decision was made by the 9 justices, 6 of whom are male and 3 of whom are female. There were 4 men and 1 women who voted in favour of overruling the case and all 5 of them were appointed by republican presidents. The most recent being Neil Gorsuch who was appointed by Donald Trump.

If this document is followed through there have been 26 states who are confirmed/highly likely to place a total ban on abortion, with no exceptions or exemptions. This means that you cannot get an abortion under ANY circumstances, including rape, incest or damage to the mother. That’s right, your doctor can tell you that carrying this baby to term will kill you and you will still not be allowed an abortion. In fact, in some states you can be charged with murder and the doctor can be charged with accessory to murder if you try. These will each get you longer sentences than what the rapist would get. 

The main argument against abortion is “pro-life”. They are anti abortion because they claim that the foetus has a heartbeat and therefore having an abortion is “murder”. However, these groups only place their focus on an unborn cluster of cells. They do nothing to help or raise awareness about the number of children growing up in orphanages, foster care or unstable home environments. These are children who have lives they are currently living and can feel pain, however, pro lifers choose to place their attention elsewhere and leave these children to suffer. If they were genuinely pro life, they would care about the lives of those who are actually alive, not an embryo that has barely developed gills.

Furthermore, any bans placed on abortion is unlikely to prevent abortions. Instead it will force women to travel outside of the state, it will increase the number of back alley abortions and coat hanger abortions. It will also increase the risk of infection and death in a country that already holds one of the highest maternal mortality rates.

Some current abortion laws in various states:

A Michigan judge has given a convicted sex offender joint custody of a child born to a women he raped when she was 12 years old.

Texas has already placed a ban on abortion from after 6 weeks. Some women may not even know they are pregnant by then. 

In Georgia, if you miscarry you could be liable for second degree murder. This could get you 10 - 30 years in prison.

In Arkansas, rapists are allowed to sue their victims if the victim wants an abortion.

In North Carolina, consent cannot be withdrawn once sex starts.

In Ohio, using birth control such as pills, IUDs etc. that can stop the fertilised egg from implanting in the uterus is considered abortion.

Alabama already has a near-total ban on abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest. Doctors could face 99 years for providing abortions.

Some quotes from 2019 republican senators about rape:

“Rape is kind of inevitable like the weather. If it’s inevitable, relax and enjoy it.” - Clayton Williams

“If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to shut that thing down” - Todd Akin

“Rape victims should make the best of a bad situation” - Rick Santorum

“Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something that God intended to happen.” - Richard Mourdock

“If a woman has the right to an abortion, why shouldn’t a man be free to use his superior strength to force himself on a woman? At least the rapist’s pursuit of sexual freedom doesn’t result in anyone’s death.” - Lawrence Lockamn

If the government actually cared like they claim to, they wouldn’t be regulating women’s bodies and blaming them for something that takes two people to do. They would be investing in quality sex education, more sexual health clinics and providing free contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancies. But they don’t and they won’t and that is how you can tell that it is not about the baby but about having control over the woman.

in light of the recent leak from the US supreme court - i’m going to be talking about the roe vs wade case and what overthrowing it will mean for women going forwards

this topic is difficult, triggering and emotional and therefore i will be tagging it with the appropriate trigger warnings - these will be phrased “tw xyz” so feel free to block anything or avoid the post

i will be posting it tomorrow

the urge to stay up and watch the met gala just for johnny is so strong…

okay hear me out

so we have a couple and one of them has passed away. however, rather than the whole “he’s waiting to you in heaven” he’s following yns every move rolling his eyes and judging her choices as a poltergeist while he waits for her to join him so they can go to hell together

something about the fact that timothee chalamet is older than jaehyun feels weird to me


i’m getting my hair cut tomorrow and i’m actually nervous lmao

never mind i take it back i’m obsessed

i turn 20 in three weeks and it genuinely scares me

i just experienced the best feeling in the world…

the essay i thought was due today that was 25% of my grade for that module and i hadn’t even started is actually due in another ten days

my dog is blind so when i take him for walks i have to talk him through it to tell him when he may run into things

we went a new way today and i sounded ridiculous - this is kind of how it went:

“watch. tree on your left” we avoid the tree “good boy!!! ooh and here’s some stairs so we’re going down” he doesn’t like the stairs “okay lets go down this path instead?” he prefers the path “there we go! watch out for the sign and a post box around the corner WATCH LAMP POST” he freezes and i move him then i walked into a branch “there’s a good boy!! who needs working eyes anyway?”

i really hope the tracking map on my takeaway just glitched other wise my driver is currently in the river…


guess who’s finally getting through her latest fic?? for once it’s me!!! really hoping to get this teaser out soon once i have a release date but we’ve got some exciting stuff coming soon!!

i grew up listening to The Wanted and their music was something I loved and still do to this day. they were such a huge part of my childhood, being played in my school disco at aged 10 to being played in the club aged 19

it’s hard how i literally saw them live three weeks ago and today Tom Parker passed away

RIP Tom, you were and always will be a legend
