
Sylvaina mermay for 2020. Probably an overused concept but I love them.Refraction does not exist in Sylvaina mermay for 2020. Probably an overused concept but I love them.Refraction does not exist in

Sylvaina mermay for 2020. Probably an overused concept but I love them.

Refraction does not exist in the fantasy world ;D

I’m bad with background okay. They’re images from Pexels

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My entry for the @trekfemslashbigbang! It’s a piece created for a Janice/Chapel fic [add link when a

My entry for the @trekfemslashbigbang! It’s a piece created for a Janice/Chapel fic [add link when available]

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There’s this idea in femslash that “exotic” features are the domain of “interesting” white women who are supposed to stand out of a group of “traditionally white” characters.  At the most everyone is a “tan”, but she’s going to have almond eyes, or a certain build, or a darker skin tone that makes her different (but not enough for them to admit she’s probably not white).  

They use terms that they know exclude many WoC (they usually assume we can’t be blond, brunette, or redhead…and the “black” hair they think we have doesn’t get the poetic treatment that the “jet black hair” characters they decide are white get).  So they can have their “blond + brunette, light vs. “dark”, feminine vs. masculine” without having to deal with any real nuance.  

I’m tired of fiction that treats WoC poorly, especially when its femslash.  We’re women too, but you wouldn’t know it from how overwhelming white femslash circles can be.  Like, why is it that people who can find any justification to pair two white women (who often hate each other) suddenly can’t figure out what to do if one of those women becomes black?  Suddenly writing her features out leaves a bad taste in their mouth and the relationship just isn’t viable anymore. But they don’t want to admit this is because they’re writing for a certain gaze.  They’re too invested in seeing themselves as morally superior to sexists who only write for the male gaze that they fail to address how their writing reflects the white gaze in very problematic ways that wind up erasing (and/or fetishizing) a lot of women.  I HATE that.  

I swear, if I find another femslash story where the brunette has my skin tone and my features but is written as white I’m going to flip.  Don’t erase me but then use my features so that a white character can “contrast” with their significant other in a way that allows you to still feel comfortable.  I’ve had enough of that crap used against me offline in LGBTQ circles, I don’t want to deal with it in my fantasy or my sci-fi or any of the fanworks that derive from it. 

Queer women DO exist, and no we aren’t all a part of cisgender, pale skinned, “traditionally white blond” and “exotically white” brunette combinations.  Write what you want, and yeah, part of this can be blamed on the lack of WoC in these shows and movies (especially in regards to Black, Indigenous, and Asian women, though this can be applied to WoC as a whole).  But fanfic (or even original fiction) doesn’t require you to accept the same limitations that the source material has, you CHOOSE to write things this way, and its your responsibility to unpack that if you want to fix it.   

It being the month of Halloween, with the actual day right around the corner, I decided I would go l

It being the month of Halloween, with the actual day right around the corner, I decided I would go looking for something from a spooky fandom to rec for this particular Fanfiction Fridays. Of course, I realized shortly thereafter that I’m not in any particularly spooky fandoms, being a certified scaredy-cat and all. So instead I turned to a fandom that, while not too spooky in practice, is, in fairness, flush with ghosts and monsters in canon. Yes, I’m talking about Scooby-Doo.

I’d never ventured into the smallish Scooby-Doo section on AO3 before, but I was pleased to find a wide variety of fics there, especially fic supporting the Velma/Daphne pairing. Words To Me is one of those, and imagines a world where the Mystery, Inc. gang regularly hunt for-realsies monsters rather than capitalists in masks. Nothing particularly scary happens in this short, sweet fic, unless you consider that the real monster was facing your feelings all along.

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Finally opened up my Etsy shop. I sell custom Killing Eve funko pops.


A pinch-hit gift of Seven/B’Elanna for @swissarmysonic :) For the @sapphicstartrek swap! Finally don

A pinch-hit gift of Seven/B’Elanna for @swissarmysonic :) For the @sapphicstartrek swap! Finally done!

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“Look at me Joann, just look at me”, Keyla whispered through her tears.“I am looking at you Keyla. I

“Look at me Joann, just look at me”, Keyla whispered through her tears.

“I am looking at you Keyla. I see you, and I see your pain. The scars on your face define your past. It will never go away, but it will always exhibit your strength.” Joann leaned in and kissed her cheek. “You’re so beautiful.”

Some angsty Detmer/Owosekun for the @sapphicstartrek exchange! Gift for @kmtar

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For pearlmackie who wanted Bill/13! For the @dwsecretsanta

For pearlmackie who wanted Bill/13! For the @dwsecretsanta

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Merry christmas @lissy-strata! They wanted Nyssa/Tegan. I’m sorry I didn’t do your prompt, I’ve been

Merry christmas @lissy-strata! They wanted Nyssa/Tegan. I’m sorry I didn’t do your prompt, I’ve been having this mental image of them for such a long time and I needed to get it out. For the @classicwhosecretsanta

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Gift for OnWingsofValor who wanted Lina/Naga, with UST. Imagine that just after this Naga says somet

Gift for OnWingsofValor who wanted Lina/Naga, with UST. Imagine that just after this Naga says something stupid and Lina puts her one fire. For the @femslashex

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Pinch-hit gift for @tildytwo who wanted Lwaxana/Ishka! I love ferengi noose-bumping! For @trek-rarep

Pinch-hit gift for @tildytwo who wanted Lwaxana/Ishka! I love ferengi noose-bumping! For @trek-rarepair-swap

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Gift for @thehumanarkle who wanted Cutler giving her favorite book to T’Pol. Part of the @trek-rarep

Gift for @thehumanarkle who wanted Cutler giving her favorite book to T’Pol. Part of the @trek-rarepair-swap

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Chillin’ and cuddling on a hot summer day

Chillin’ and cuddling on a hot summer day

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I got inspired by @aryartemisia-blog second prompt which was: Kai Opaka/Vedek Winn shortly after Opa

I got inspired by @aryartemisia-blog second prompt which was: Kai Opaka/Vedek Winn shortly after Opaka becomes Kai. I’m fascinated by this idea if they used to be lovers when they were younger. Opaka clearly has a deep religious connection to the prophets, while Winn doesn’t. Winn has sought that religious connection all her life and never found it. She must’ve been so deeply jealous of Opaka, and at the same respect her and love her. So many complicated feelings in such a fascinating person. For the @sapphicstartrek femslash exchange!

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Extra gift for aryartemisia-blog! They wanted Opaka Sulan/Winn Adami as younger women! I hope you li

Extra gift for aryartemisia-blog! They wanted Opaka Sulan/Winn Adami as younger women! I hope you like it! Part of the @sapphicstartrek femslash exchange

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