
a-bird-sometimes: nap in drustvar
a-bird-sometimes: magic flight
a-bird-sometimes: Early post, since my weekends are full of hauling dirt and plants.I wanted to do s


Early post, since my weekends are full of hauling dirt and plants.
I wanted to do something planting season themed, and, well, I’m a sucker for roses and used this as a Measurereference because….I don’t actually have an excuse or a reason, I just enjoyed the story and also the process of this piece ;;
So thank you @adavellis for your wonderful writing.

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slackergami: yes hemlo i’d like to offer u a sylvanas buried in jaina’s bobs in these trying times,


yes hemlo i’d like to offer u a sylvanas buried in jaina’s bobs in these trying times, thank u


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a-bird-sometimes: magic soda date
slackergami:Some Warcraft: Behind the Scenes i’ve been wanting to do these for fun and i enjoyed theslackergami:Some Warcraft: Behind the Scenes i’ve been wanting to do these for fun and i enjoyed theslackergami:Some Warcraft: Behind the Scenes i’ve been wanting to do these for fun and i enjoyed theslackergami:Some Warcraft: Behind the Scenes i’ve been wanting to do these for fun and i enjoyed the


Some Warcraft: Behind the Scenes
i’ve been wanting to do these for fun and i enjoyed them (even though the armor’s always hell lol)

big thank you to my friends and patrons for lending me their Warcraft toons.


Some more addition to these Warcraft: BtS. Now w/ Laura Bailey

thanks 2 my friend 4 lending me their toon


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yes hemlo i’d like to offer u a sylvanas buried in jaina’s bobs in these trying times, thank u [ko-f

yes hemlo i’d like to offer u a sylvanas buried in jaina’s bobs in these trying times, thank u


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New favourite ship ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

New favourite ship ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)

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Sylvaina mermay for 2020. Probably an overused concept but I love them.Refraction does not exist in Sylvaina mermay for 2020. Probably an overused concept but I love them.Refraction does not exist in

Sylvaina mermay for 2020. Probably an overused concept but I love them.

Refraction does not exist in the fantasy world ;D

I’m bad with background okay. They’re images from Pexels

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kiss with a fist; Sylvaina

at some point, Jaina just has enough

:read more:

Jaina loved her wife. She loved her wife. Well and truly; no matter what the people around them said. She loved everything about her wife, no matter how infuriating her wife could be. If it was one thing the Lord Admiral was known for, it was the sheer magnitude of her patience.

…patience that had only known true limit at the hands of the Warchief.

It wasn’t any surprise to anyone that Sylvanas loved the sound of her own voice. Jaina liked her voice; loved its sibilant notes and crooning purrs and growls.

At least, she liked it when she wasn’t fuming with rage.

“I really don’t see what all the fuss is about,” Sylvanas sniffed. She trailed after the blazing path Jaina was cutting through the crowd of Lordaeron, her long-legged strides matching at an almost ambling pace to the Lord Admiral’s furious speed. “It needed to be said—”

“Do not. Start,” Jaina gritted out, casting a wicked glare over her shoulder. “The council meetings already drag on long enough and you had to open your mouth and say stupid fucking shit like that —”

Shrugging, Sylvanas set herself shoulder-to-shoulder with Jaina, arms folded primly at her back. “If they cannot control their tempers, that is no concern of mine. One would think such nobility would have learned to accept criticism by now.” She arched a brow then, peering at her wife mildly. “Don’t tell me you took offense as well?”

“I did not,” Jaina replied tightly, curling her hands into fists and flexing them repeatedly to remove the overwhelming urge to punch the smug little smirk off Sylvanas’ face. “I’m pissed that you even thought to bring that up. In a meeting, Sylvanas —”

Tides, she should’ve known better. Sylvanas was grinning at her now; fangs poking out beneath the curve of a sly mouth —

She loved her wife. She lovedherwife.

And it was because she loved her wife that she pulled back and swung.

Sylvanas’ head snapped back with a faint crunch, ichor spurting from her nose as she staggered with the momentum. Her hand rushed up to her face as she froze in place, eyes wide with bewilderment that was mirrored in Jaina’s frantic eyes.

“Oh, shit,” Jaina said. “Oh.”

“You punched me,” Sylvanas said, with breathless confusion.

Her knuckles throbbed dully; pulsing in time with the thunder of her heart that rose up into the back of her throat. “I didn’t mean to,” she floundered. “I-it was instinct —”

The Warchief’s voice rose to a pitch rarely heard. “You punchedme!”

“I’m sorry!” Jaina cried, scrambling forward to cup her wife’s face gently. She crooned and cooed, uncaring for the crowd gathering around them, murmuring worriedly as she fussed and fawned over Sylvanas. “Oh, darling, darling, let me see, let me see —”

Sylvanas batted her hands away with an indignant squawk, ears pinning back and coloring at the tips as she stared out at the crowd. “Unhand me, wife!” she sputtered. “A Queen does not need coddling—”

To their surprise, a fellow Forsaken stepped forward, bony fingers brushing respectfully at Sylvanas’ arm. “Dark Lady,” he rasped, glowing green eyes pinned to Jaina. His words were careful, almost delicate, despite the unnatural gutter of his voice. “Are you…safe? Do you require…assistance?”

A troll stepped forth as well, subtly insinuating himself between them. “Physical violence ain’t ever de solution in marriage, Lord Admiral,” he rumbled sagely, and in her confusion, Jaina allowed herself to be ushered aside as the flock of Horde gathered around their Warchief. “It ain’t ever right for ya ta be puttin’ ya hands on ya lady.”

“I don’t put my hands on her!” Jaina cried, twisting back around to watch as several members of their faction began…advising Sylvanas? Offering hands of comfort on her shoulder, darting looks that spoke of utter disapproval.

“This cannot stand, Warchief. This marriage isn’t worth the abuse.”

“Aye, Dark Lady. If she does once, she can do it again.”

Jaina’s brow furrowed in confusion, then rose high with horror. “Oh Tides, you think I —”

Sylvanas shouldered past them all, cheeks dark and eyes burning as she spat a flurry of hurried thanks and assurances. The punch had hardly left any lasting damage, though the smeared and drying ichor on her face certainly did not help. She took hold of Jaina’s arm, nodding once to the troll and all but hauled the mage away.

“They think I beat you,” Jaina said.

“You did,” Sylvanas drawled. Despite the blush tinting her cheeks, the banshee was grinning the same stupid grin. “Don’t fret. I’ve laid their concerns to rest. But it’s always nice to see that they care.”

Jaina huffed, thumping her (gently) on the arm, then hugging her tight. “I’m sorry. I really am.”

Sylvanas wrapped her arms around Jaina gently, fingers stroking through the tip of her wife’s braid as she always did. Patiently, kindly, she said, “I forgive you, little doe.” She pressed a kiss to Jaina’s crown. “…You have to admit, that was funny.”

“That was not.”

“Come now; little old me? Beaten and battered by my —”

“Now you’re just asking for it.”

slackergami:Sylvaina commission from one gay to another gay [ko-fi]

So I still have next to no knowledge on these two and wow… Caroline was like “they’ve never even interacted in canon dude” which messed with my world for a little.

Anyway I read Two Rooms by Redisaid about a year ago and the hug scene got stuck in my head this week so here we are.

I think I missed you / I think I was hoping that you had

My ridiculously massive Sylvaina playlist. Also have one for both Jaina and Sylvanas themselves.

Sylvanas: Every time I see Jaina, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.

Velonara: That’s cus you love her.


Jaina: Every time I see Sylvanas, my heart clenches and I get all nervous.

Vereesa: Don’t get too close, you seem to have an allergic reaction.

Jaina: Well fuck you all except Sylvanas because I know that’s exactly what she wants.

Jaina: The sky is beautiful tonight.

Ranger-General Sylvanas: You know who else is beautiful?

Jaina, blushing:Who?


Jaina: Fuck you.

Sylvanas, grinning: Is that a promise, Lord Admiral?

Jaina: Is stabbing someone immoral?

Alleria: Not if they consent to it.

Sylvanas: Depends who you’re stabbing.

Vereesa: … YES?!?!

Jaina: I can’t believe we’re stuck in this room together.

Sylvanas, swallowing the key: Truly unfortunate.



Jaina: Fine but I’m taking Valeera!

Valeera: I’m not even your child!

Jaina: Didn’t you die?

Sylvanas: That was an hour ago. Things change.

Sylvanas: You know what they say. When in doubt, murder.


Jaina: Yes it is.

Jaina, pointing at her chest: I will keep all my emotions right here, and then one day I will die.

Sylvanas: Will you, now?

Sylvanas: Where are you from?


Sylvanas: I’m sorry?


Sylvanas: No I heard, I’m just sorry.
