

Yeah, Hunter’s a fan of Ruler’s Reach and who did he intend to send the Flapjack pic to, but you know what else I picked up from that scene?

Luz used Eda’sPensta to try getting intel from Hunter after Willow told her about his account.

Does Luz just… not have a Penstagram of her own?

  • Doesn’t have any powers at first, but finds out about their abilities as the series progresses ✅
  • Definitely has some baggage they’re lugging around ✅
  • Goes out of their way to help others with their problems in an effort to dodge confronting their own problems✅(come to think of it, this was already checked in Follies at the Coven Day Parade)

If anyone lays a single curse or whatever upon Luz’s little head, resulting in a kaiju Luz or any monster form of Luz in general and bringing the comparison full circle, I will SMITE THEM

So… erm…

Emperor Belos doesn’t use Penstagram or pay any mind to it, right? …right?

I mean. Flapjack is. Literally there. Like. Right there. There he is. Right there in the photo. That’s him. The bird. The bird Hunter certainly doesn’t want Belos finding out about lest this cardinal’s name be changed from Flapjack to Flapsnack(I know flapjacks are foodstuffs anyway, but let me have that pun I just came up with)


One tradition in the emperor’s coven is leaving people on the mountains and seeing who comes back alive…

Im not saying that it started after he came into the picture, but if Hunter is a grimwalker (i.e. clone of Wittebro) created by Belos, what if Belos used that custom to cover up this kid suddenly appearing from nowhere by saying he came back from that challenge, and if anyone asks about not seeing him leave for the mountain, Belos would just do a gaslight and say they were doing other things or whatever when he took Hunter in and brought him to the mountain. That or Belos could say Hunter did an extra special version of the challenge because he didn’t have to be brought to the mountain, he started on the mountain and survived all the way down until his “loving” “uncle” “found” him

first Hunter unintentionally gets a palisman from one of his missions, then Darius gives him a phone of his very own—now all that’s left for Hunter to do is give something to the emperor’s coven: a resignation letter

Seeing Hunter having fun and actually being happy™ is just so. You know.

It’s us, boy, we’re the Flyer Derby team

Speaking to you inside your brain

Listen to us, boy,

Leave your uncle, you don’t need him!

Come with us and play our games

Excuse me “Caleb,” I don’t think you’re going to get Willow into the Emperor’s Coven

It’s Willow who’s gonna get you out of the Emperor’s Coven

“I’m just confused.”



THAT LOCALIZATION NONSENSE JUST RAISES FURTHER QUESTIONS (besides, who gives the “about the author” section the jelly donut treatment?)

as much as of a detestable scumbag as Phillip was revealed to be, I can at least say this:

“Hateable sorceress/sorcerer” is a magnificent insult to throw at someone. That filthy colonist-turned-muckman may have taken over the isles, suppressed all forms of “wild magicks” (i.e. what’s likely free, natural, and untainted magic), ruined the lives of countless individuals, and flat-out ended just as many AT LEAST, but at least he gave us a darn good forum weapon.

Made some tweaks to my starter evolutions

  • while Suchocuel had some minor changes, Cucathermoro (now named Cuncathervo) got a major overhaul inspired by what Subjectively imagined for Fuecoco’s evolution. I made it fire/ghost type, which not only works because of ghost peppers and Fuecoco’s pepper-like shape, but also fits with the Coco, the possible inspiration for the name of this pepper croc, being akin to an Iberian boogeyman (I also kept the allusion to the cucafera with its now-firey wings being able to drape over itself). Like Subjectively, I also used the ghost type to add some elements of Iberian dinosaurs, specifically Concavenator, Baryonyx, and a bit of Pyroraptor. Cuncathervo being fire/ghost also works in a dark sort of way, given that I’m subtly making it the bull in the Chinese Zodiac of fire starters, it’s mostly colored red, and the altered design of the starter with the type effectiveness against it…
  • Alcatrespa is still water/fighting. The main thing I did for Bluvicio was add an expansion of the pattern on Quaxly’s feather tuft that also homages the classic “cross-pop vein” trope that suits its personality, and for Alcatrespa, I edited the design of the “hat” accordingly, but the main change was to the wings, making them larger and more akin to the wings of Decidueye with the large color being red; not only does it homage the iconic muleta of a matador, but for me, it just completes the design

Headcanon: Cockatrices exist in the boiling isles and they are to the stonesleeper as chickens/birds in general are to T. rex

They didn’t come up with a name, I hear? Well fine

If they didn’t give the boye a proper name, then I will!


Some of y’all were thinking about FNAF: Security Breach’s daycare attendant as soon as we got that half-face reveal, admit it

for real though, Eda and the Owl Beast are probably gonna become closer and more accepting of each other than ever once they find out that they have a shared enemy now that we know that Phillip/Belos is working for or with the Collector
