#fightingfibro fibromyalgia fms


painz n gainz

tomorrow I get to reconnect with my long lost physical therapist that first identified my EDS. she moved away & I’ve tried other pt’s but I’ve found my way back & I’m willing to wait & go the distance for the right fit. I just know it’s gonna go so well.

that moment when

someone you felt as though was extremely sensitive & understood your struggle suddenly starts starts spewing toxic positivity


nervous for rheumatologist today. appointment isn’t until end of the day but my anxiety is at a high point & I know my day will revolve around getting there and being on time and trying to remember everything I need to say/ask.

some things about me:

•I’ve been navigating living with chronic pain since age 11

•My body is highly sensitive to traditional medicines & treatments

•My joints started dislocating in 2009 when I was 15

•In 2009 I experienced a TBI & post concussive syndrome

•Medications caused me to have horrible side effects

•I wasn’t properly diagnosed until I was age 21 (2016)

•A Doctor of physical therapy was able to work with myself & my rheumatologist for 7 months before diagnosing me with Fibromyalgia & Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (hypermobile type)

•My body & mobility changes from day to day

•I’m learning to accept & love my body - despite my limitations

•I’ve started practicing self care by reassessing the activities which are healthy for my joints & long term mobility
