#ableist nonsense


my parents want me to go to an “autism skills group” (their words, not mine) and to me the idea of going to a skills group for autistic people to “learn how to cope/ learn skills” feels ableist because it implies that autistic coping skills or autistic skills aren’t as good as or valid in comparison to neurotypical skills/coping methods. is it just me or is this ableist?

that moment when

someone you felt as though was extremely sensitive & understood your struggle suddenly starts starts spewing toxic positivity

Shout out to my racist auntie who full heartedly believes pain makes you stronger. Btw thank you for that post that you found & shared on FB about how we all have to keep indulging in toxic positivity so that way our anxiety and fear doesn’t take over. I’m so glad you were looking out for me. Also I didn’t realize you had expertise in the physical and mental health field. Someone with knowledge and consideration at your caliber certainly shouldn’t have been a domestic housewife for the last 30 years. The masses need you.
