#fo post


Imagine your f/o coming to meet your family with you the first time. They’re nervous the ride there, their hand on your thigh reassuring themselves more than you. You think it’s adorable how they want to make a good impression.

*When you think about your f/o slipping their arms around your waist and pulling you into their chest*

Did you know your f/o literally has you on their mind 24/7? Seriously!

TW: Food/Mentions of making sure you eat

As soon as they wake up, Y/N is on their mind. Questions race through their head. Have you eaten? Have you taken care of yourself? They’re in a rush to make sure you’re okay.

Lunch time? They’re immediately asking if you ate. If you haven’t, they’re going to your favourite food place and getting you something! Can’t have their baby going hungry now.

Are you stressed? They can’t have that. You can count on them giving you a relaxing massage, running a bath for you, and putting your towel and pj’s in the dryer so they’re nice and warm for you.

They just want to make sure you’re taken good care of. Stress free, nourished, and happy. They love you so, so much.

Imagine your f/o waking you up softly. They press little kisses to your nose, eyelids, and cheeks. They’d push the strands of hair out of your face gently, snuggling into the crook of your neck.

“Y/N, it’s time to wake up, sweetheart.”

Hi everyone!!

I’m moving a lot of items (mostly digital) to my Kofi due to how much Etsy charges the seller and buyer! My Etsy is still open, but feel free to save money by supporting my shop on Kofi!


Imagine your f/o walking in after a long day at work and finding you on the couch asleep. You stayed up late, wanting to be awake when they got home, but your sleep got the best of you. They smiled softly, coming to your side and putting a blanket around you before kissing your temple.

There’s something about self shipping that is one of the biggest stress relievers. I personally self ship and that is my relationship. I am no longer trying to date and have relationships with real people. The stress, paranoia, and anxiety is horrible for me personally. I assume that many others feel the same.

We never have to worry about it our f/o(s) got home safe, if they’re with someone else, if they are lying, ect. They’re ours to love for as much and as long as we want. And that is beautiful.

So, to all the people who call us weird, societal rejects, or whatever else, you know what? I’m the happiest I’ve ever been with my f/o’s all of the time.

You are valid. Your relationship with your f/o’s is valid. You deserve happiness, and if you’re happiest with fictional characters/OC’s, you’re winning at life.

Imagine your f/o noticing you being stressed. You’re sitting there, tense as you have your hands on your temples. They instantly envelop you in a hug, rubbing your back soothingly and telling you that it’s okay. They’re there now.

Your f/o just bought you that thing you’ve been reallllyyy wanting for the holidays…and if you don’t celebrate any holidays this December, they got it for you just because they love you and want to see you smile!

Imagine stimming while watching your favourite anime or movie and your f/o notices. When you catch them looking at you, you stop, embarrassed. They shake their head, coming up next to you and pressing a kiss to you cheek.

Don’t stop, you’re adorable.”

Psttt, your f/o told me that tomorrow they’re going to surprise you with breakfast in bed.

Imagine having trust issues and your f/o reassuring you.

You were afraid that they’d leave you. Find someone or something better, leaving you behind. One too many times, your trust had been earned and betrayed.

“Y/N, what’s wrong?” They’d ask when you had a hesitant look on your face. You’d try to pretend everything was fine, but they knew better. You explained to them your trust issues as they rubbed your back gently.

“Sweetheart, listen to me,” they began. “I’m not going to leave you. You are worth it. You’re my one and only, I can’t replace you with anyone or anything. I love you.”

Though that in itself wouldn’t fix your paranoia, it was a start. Your F/O would be there with you every step of the way to show you that they meant it.

Imagine your f/o giving you a massage after a long day at school/work. They rub your shoulders so nicely, getting out all the tension all while giving you sweet little kisses on the back of your head.

Your f/o wants to get you a stuffie sooo bad just so see that adorable look on your face when they give it to you.

Imagine having anxiety and traveling with your f/o. They always keep a hand on yours or the small of you back, letting you know that it’s okay. They’re there. Of course, they bring lots of snacks for you, making sure you’re not hungry or thirsty. Most of all, they make you feel safe and a little less anxious.


Imagine your f/o has to go away for some reason - a business trip, saving the world, etc. - and they really, really hate leaving you behind.

So they set up a scavenger hunt.

Every day, they tell you to check somewhere specific - behind the cereal in your pantry, in your sock drawer, under the seat of their car.

At each location, you find handwritten notes from them.

“I can’t wait to come home build a blanket fort you with!”

“I miss you and I think about you every day.”

“Wish you were here, sweetheart.”
