#free astrology


Facing our dynasty, the energy shaping and influencing us, being like water for a fish, I definitely come to meet The Moon. Dreams, going and coming back from the underworld, always somewhere in the shadows, walking dreamy and killingly strange landscapes, always in search of your hidden self, anxiety, depression, pain, over worldly dreams and chaos of rebirth of light. My dynasty, the water I swim.

Hello ^_^ 
I am currently conducting a research project and will be selecting about 30 charts to do a video chat reading on. Usually I would only offer a free reading to someone I know personally, but the particular aspect I want to look at requires that I’m reading a stranger. 

If you’ve always wanted to try an astrology reading but had doubts about doing so, this would be a great chance to try one out. Whether you’re a long-time believer or a skeptic, I want to hear from you!

I have a brief screening survey to see if you fit the criteria I’m looking for. If you do, I’ll send you an email (within about a week, give or take) to schedule your reading. 

To be considered, please fill out this survey. I will be selecting eligible participants on a first-come-first-serve basis. 

I can only do this project if I have a minimum of 30 eligible participants (preliminary results show that about 1 in 5 people meet the criteria I need), so please share or send the survey to people you think might be interested in a free reading!

