#tarot of the day


Facing our dynasty, the energy shaping and influencing us, being like water for a fish, I definitely come to meet The Moon. Dreams, going and coming back from the underworld, always somewhere in the shadows, walking dreamy and killingly strange landscapes, always in search of your hidden self, anxiety, depression, pain, over worldly dreams and chaos of rebirth of light. My dynasty, the water I swim.

Five of Pentacles

Beggars can’t be choosers. Sometimes you just can’t afford to be picky. Is this one of those times for you? Be grateful for what you’re given, even if you think it’s not enough. Something is always better than nothing.

Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games

Four of Cups

If you’re stuck in a rut or are bored with your routine, it’s time to seek some inspiration. You may need a break to think about how you can stop running in place and start moving forward.

Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games

Page of Wands

A bit of exciting news, an inspiring idea, or the opportunity for adventure can change things up quite a bit today. If you haven’t already, it’s a great day to set your intentions and resolutions for 2018!

Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games

Four of Cups

Many of us may be feeling emotionally overwhelmed at the moment. Allow yourself the space you need to recover and recuperate. Set aside some time for yourself today.

Fantastical Creatures Tarot © 2007 US Games

Six of Cups

‘Tis the season for nostalgia, kindness, giving, and togetherness. The holiday spirit is abundant in the air. Even if you’re being a Scrooge, the energy around you will have some effect on you whether you like it or not! Have some eggnog, do something kind for someone else, and enjoy the Holiday season!

Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games

Six of Wands

We have the Six of Wands again today! This is a strong sign that it might be time to take on a leadership role in a subject that you are well-versed in.

You may also need to hear that knowledge is best gained through personal experience.


Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games

Six of Wands

Remember that your knowledge is your power, not your status. Status is fully dependent on others, while we’re all in full control over the knowledge we possess.

It’s a great day to enhance your power by learning something new.


Crystal Visions Tarot  © 2011 US Games

The Hermit

Now is a good day for “me time.” Take a walk, meditate, journal, allow yourself some time to unwind and relax. Get this out of the way now so you can kick off the weekend feeling refreshed and rejuvenated!

Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games

Knight of Cups

An alluring distraction may cause you to forget something important today. Check your calendar and your to-do list before you go running off on any fantastic adventures.

Crystal Visions Tarot © 2011 US Games

Queen of Wands

Honor something that makes you happy today, and find a way to work a little bit more of it into your life! Our passions are what drive us, and feed our souls. We shouldn’t let ourselves forget or lose sight of them.

Rider-Waite Tarot © 1971 US Games



-> what does the universe what you to know?

-> what are your energies? what is coming your way for the rest of the month?



taurus, virgo, capricorn♉️♍️♑️

-you’re coming into a state of wishful thinking and imagination. you will have multiple options and possibilities in front of you. you’re creating dreams, but there is also some energy of illusion.

-something or someone from your past brought negativity with it, possibly even caused you to feel paranoid or defensive, and lose your sense of excitement and curiosity to learn and grow. be careful to not allow this to continue.

-a lot of your focus may be on things you have lost and don’t have, instead of your achievements and things to be grateful for.

-shift your energy into planning, discovery and looking to the future. with courage, willpower and ambition you have the potential to progress so much and make new experiences for yourself.


aquarius, libra, gemini ♒️♎️♊️

-you’re reaching a time of contentment, and feeling happy and satisfied with your environment and friendships/relationships.

- two of cups reversed in the past position, can either mean you have spent a lot of time learning to love yourself and it’s staying with you, or you have experienced a break up or loss that caused you pain and may still affect you in some way.

- there is an energy of isolation. perhaps a challenge of yours is dealing with loneliness. you may need to be around others in person to fully feel supported and loved.

- reversed and in the potential/future spot, four of pentacles is about generosity and giving, as well as letting go of past lovers or situations. you won’t be holding onto things so tightly out of fear - you may have more trust in the universe and where it’s leading you.


cancer, scorpio, pisces ♋️♏️♓️

-there may be some negative patterns taking place in your life, or you may be feeling very indecisive about certain situations due to a lack of clarity or direction.

- you may have experienced some very significant, life changing events in the past that still affect you in some way - whether they were positive or negative.

- a challenge or block for this month relates to feelings, warmth and healing. it may be a problem with a person who is usually very compassionate, or it may your internal struggle with expressing your emotions and thinking with your heart.

- you have so many possibilities coming towards you this month, you may not be interested in them all, however stay open to the potential in trying new things.


aries, leo, sagittarius ♈️♌️♐️

- there will be opportunities for you to meet someone new, or develop an existing relationship even further. this card is about potential to make connections and find something that brings you fulfilment.

- there is a person from your past that was selfish, repressed and emotionally immature, who still may be affecting you in some way. there is also a message in this card to steer clear of drama.

- the sun usually relates to success and happiness, so in the roadblock position, it shows that it’s something you may not currently have but are working towards.

-you may be struggling to find what makes your really happy right now, however in the potential position is queen of wands. it represents inspiration, passion and drive, and shows that you are able to become this confident, self-assured, courageous person who knows what they want and can achieve it.

THANK YOU!!! please like and reblog if anything resonated. love to all <3

affordablepersonal readings shop.(etsy)

love to all


what do you need to heal from, forgive, or move forward from?

disclaimer: PLEASE TAKE WHAT RESONATES, AND LEAVE WHAT DOESN’T. I believe that every card is pulled for a reason, however this is my personal interpretation of them and it may not be fully resonating and accurate for every person.

PILE ONE (left)

  • you’ve likely experienced some kind of missed opportunity. you may have started to pursue something that inspires you or you’re passionate about - it could have even been a new person there was some kind of spark with - but it didn’t work out the way you had hoped. this loss, failure or disappointment could have left you feeling stuck, unenthusiastic and unmotivated. remember that everything happens for a reason, and what is truely meant for you will not pass you by. if we didn’t experience some negative situations we wouldn’t be able to learn and grow. don’t allow obstacles and roadblocks to discourage you. continue to trust yourself and follow your heart, because the right opportunity will be coming towards you and you’re getting closer to being aligned with it.

PILE TWO (middle)

  • recently you may have been feeling like you have a million things to do. you’re world is surrounded in chaotic, busy energy. maybe you have a new job or responsibility, or have a hobby or something on the side that is taking some of your time and energy. you’re being guided to slow down and heal your mind from this overwhelming stressful energy. you are probably adapting and managing your situation effectively, but it also may be starting to control you in a way. it may be a lot more beneficial for you to prioritise or focus on one thing at a time. it’s time to move on from this stage and start to find more balance in your life.

PILE THREE (right)

  • either there is a person in your life who is quite emotionally immature and childish, but is sensitive and gentle in a way, and you’re being asked to let them go and move on from them. maybe they were toxic or you are no longer benefiting from having them in your life. or, you may have worn your heart on your sleeve in the past and even could have been too trusting or saw things through rose tinted glasses in a way. and the universe may be reminding you be realistic. still believe anything is possible, but also be wise and use lessons you have learnt to not allow yourself to be deceived by anything.

THANK YOU!! please like and reblog if anything resonated!! <3

personal tarot readings shop.

