#friendly reminder


“Yesterday does not define you. Tomorrow does not define you. There’s only right now. And right now, you have the power to define yourself. “


-trans men are men

-trans men are not, in any way, shape, or form, women

-trans men who are attracted to men are gay

-trans mlm are not straight girls fetishizing gay relationships

-trans mlm are not just cis girls with internalized misogyny 

-trans mlm are valid and good

-i hope every trans mlm reading this has a good day 

Friendly reminder that you are not a bad person for not reading or watching the news. For not following every single event that happens. It can be so overwhelming and it is okay to step away from it. Some of us are fighting our own little wars, putting out our own little fires, trying to solve our own little crisises. I know you might feel horrible and selfish, but I promise you that you are not. So many bad things are currently happening and it can make you feel helpless, sad, anxious and as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but you cannot carry it; it is absolutely okay to distance yourself from that in order to take care of your mental health. It does not mean that you do not care about others and their misery. I know that. You know that. And that is all that matters, my love.

If you find my main blog, then you probably already saw it, but I want to share it all over the place. 

I just got an email from my math teacher, because standardized testing is upon us. I know this doesn’t go to my theme, but I just wanted to share it.

  • They don’t know if you can speak multiple languages or if you can play a musical instrument.
  • They don’t know if you are a dancer or can produce beautiful works of art.
  • They don’t know that your friends can count on you when they need you and that your smile can make a bad day disappear.
  • They don’t know that you recite poetry or write music or participate in sports.
  • They don’t know that sometimes you wonder what the future will bring or that your take care of your siblings after school.
  • They don’t know that you have traveled to some beautiful places, that you are good at telling a story or that you enjoy spending time with family and friends.
  • They don’t know that you are trustworthy, caring, friendly and attentive and that every day you try to do your very best.

I just thought everyone should read this and know that those stupid test don’t define you. Be you. Not what everyone else wants you to be. Unless you’re an asshole, then stop being a fucking asshole.
