#friendly reminder


Nothing quite dampens my Tumblr browsing experience like coming across my own re-posted art. Ugh.


Hey guys! Some people asked me If I have a tumblr where I post personal work, which I don’t! Instead I’ve recently done an Instragram account where you can follow me. It’s new, yeah, so don’t expect too many post (YEEEET) I’ll post college’s works, fanarts, OC, personal stuff, in general. its @Nitt.ze Hope you check it out c:


don’t be afraid or suppress any of your feelings. sadness, fear, pain, grief, anger..

they’ll only come back to confront you in the future. it’s the human experience. we need to be prepared, not scared. 

feel them, understand them, get to know them. bring light to the darkness, integrate… and let it be.

this is your life as a human being- without our emotions, we wouldn’t be us. we were born conscious for a reason. 

i feel like people don’t talk about burn out enough. studying 8 hours a day can seem like a great and aesthetic thing in theory, but in practise it can leave you completely drained, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with taking a break.

Friendly reminder that you are not a bad person for not reading or watching the news. For not following every single event that happens. It can be so overwhelming and it is okay to step away from it. Some of us are fighting our own little wars, putting out our own little fires, trying to solve our own little crisises. I know you might feel horrible and selfish, but I promise you that you are not. So many bad things are currently happening and it can make you feel helpless, sad, anxious and as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, but you cannot carry it; it is absolutely okay to distance yourself from that in order to take care of your mental health. It does not mean that you do not care about others and their misery. I know that. You know that. And that is all that matters, my love.

If you find my main blog, then you probably already saw it, but I want to share it all over the place. 

I just got an email from my math teacher, because standardized testing is upon us. I know this doesn’t go to my theme, but I just wanted to share it.

  • They don’t know if you can speak multiple languages or if you can play a musical instrument.
  • They don’t know if you are a dancer or can produce beautiful works of art.
  • They don’t know that your friends can count on you when they need you and that your smile can make a bad day disappear.
  • They don’t know that you recite poetry or write music or participate in sports.
  • They don’t know that sometimes you wonder what the future will bring or that your take care of your siblings after school.
  • They don’t know that you have traveled to some beautiful places, that you are good at telling a story or that you enjoy spending time with family and friends.
  • They don’t know that you are trustworthy, caring, friendly and attentive and that every day you try to do your very best.

I just thought everyone should read this and know that those stupid test don’t define you. Be you. Not what everyone else wants you to be. Unless you’re an asshole, then stop being a fucking asshole.


so explaining my take on Lucien’s heritage— I don’t think he’s Black, I think he’s Middle Eastern (there are Black North Africans, but geographically, I’m penning North Africa rather than East, West, or South). Sarah J Maas is known for being vague and having PoC characters remain ambiguous, but let me let y’all know why I have my take on it.

Date palms and sand-swept palaces remind me more of North Africa and strictly North Africa; Egypt and Morocco in particular.

Now as for his dress, it’s very Mediterranean, very Roman/Greek but also not. Another issue with SJM is that she often meshes cultures together, which is EXTREMELY problematic, and that is the vibe I am getting with Helion and his court. To finalize what I assume is an attempt at a court that is built off of North Africa and Ancient Egypt, I looked at the appearances of the others from his court.

Rich dyes, and KOHL. Kohl is a cosmetic that is heavily popular in North Africa and particularly Egypt — when you look at paintings and representations of Ancient Egypt, the people are ALWAYS wearing Kohl. Now combined with imagery of desert palaces and palms, along with Mediterranean dress that was worn by the Ancient Egyptians, and my take is that Helion is meant to be North African, and strictly Egyptian.

This is a reminder as well that Egyptians are a wide variety of colors— while as an Egyptian I am more olive, I have relatives that are Black. Egypt is a heavily diverse country, and there ARE Black Egyptians. And Lucien, to me, likely sounds as if he’s got a skin tone that is almost gold, not olive, with yellow undertones.

