#trans men are men


Saying that transgender men can identify as lesbians but cis men cannot reinforces the idea that trans men aren’t really men. That they’re some sort of subcategory of a man and that they’ll never be man enough. It’s just fucking transphobic. They’re men. Straight men. Not lesbians.

#discourse    #transgender    #lesbian    #trans men are men    #trans man    #trans male    

i just wanna lay my head down in my girls lap and forget i gotta like, learn n shit

#fuck we love women    #pansexual    #bisexual    #bi enby    #enby pride    #wlw aesthetic    #wlw positivity    #wlw post    #lesbian    #lesbian textpost    #cuddle    #sapphism    #sapphic    #sapphiclw    #corona    #covid-19    #wear a mask    #quarantine    #6 feet    #lgbtq positivity    #safe place    #trans women are women    #trans men are men    


-trans men are men

-trans men are not, in any way, shape, or form, women

-trans men who are attracted to men are gay

-trans mlm are not straight girls fetishizing gay relationships

-trans mlm are not just cis girls with internalized misogyny 

-trans mlm are valid and good

-i hope every trans mlm reading this has a good day 




the trans male experience is being afraid that if you wash your hands in a public men’s restroom you will be clocked

one time I went in the men’s room at a bar, got clocked and told I needed to leave so later I walked up to that dude at a table with some chick and announced to her that He Doesn’t Wash His Hands After Handling His Dick and walked away

you are quite literally braver than any U.S. marine






TERFs really out here thinking that male privilege comes from like. The overwhelming aura of the penis and being told not to wear skirts as a kid, and not the fact that manhood is an in-group that trans women are absolutely stricken from.

Male privilege comes from men in power treating me with respect and, well, privilege. And sweetie, that’s not something that happens once they catch the scent of tranny on me. I am not going to be hired before a cis woman. I am not going to be allowed to talk over men, god forbid cis women. I am not going to get a “boys will be boys” if I hurt someone, because the minute I challenged my own manhood I turned in that “boy” card.

Maybe I do act “manly” sometimes. Let’s assume that for argument. The fact is, even if I did that, I do not have patriarchy backing me up; I’m just a not-man not-woman that no one will defend if I step out of line.

Funny thing about this post is a couple of TERFs got their hands on it and apparently the best argument they can come up with is “You fucking moron, work discrimination and sexual harassment isn’t sexism, REAL sexism is seat belts and doorknob heights.”

To be clear, I am certain that they don’t actually believe that sexual harassment doesn’t matter but doorknob heights do, they’re just consciously trying to define feminism in such a way as to exclude trans women which results in them focusing on either stuff that has specifically to do with vaginas (which to be clear our society has a ton of issues to do with ppl with vaginas, but that’s only one facet of feminism) or grasping at straws to assign the highest importance to skeletal structure.

One of them in the notes even slipped up and blamed office thermometers on “xy skeletal structures” which is like. First of all that skeletal structure is associated with testosterone during puberty, second of all bone structure??? You genuinely believe it has to do with bone structure and not hormones and body fat distribution? They don’t, of course, but they know that’s something that trans women have in common with cis women so their ideology of “you can’t change biology” requires that they pretend it doesnt exist.

It’s just so clear as to be comical that TERFs define what feminist issues they do and do not care about by whether or not they can be used to draw a line between them and trans women.




“In the 70s it was black and minority ethnic people, in the 80s it was gay people, trans people are just the latest to get it in the neck from comedians who can’t be bothered to try at their jobs anymore. I cannot stand there and watch another dogshit comedian go: ‘Ooohh if a woman can identify as a man, maybe I’ll identify as a chair!’ Why don’t you identify as good comedians, you hack motherfuckers?!”

- Nish Kumar: “It’s In Your Nature To Destroy Yourselves pt.2”

Yeah but you needto actually hear the full clip and the fury and passion and glee (because he knows he’s nailing them) in his voice.

(Wish I could find the audio somewhere other than Twitter, but I can’t.

here it is!



those new pictures of ellen page are so tragic bc it’s like girl you could have been dressing like this the whole time.

you didn’t have to transition to have this style.

haven’t you ever heard of butches?

you could have cut your hair and worn band tees and tank tops and not worn makeup and still been a woman.

hell, you could have shown hollywood that there’s more than one way to be a woman.

you could have been a role model for lesbians and gender non-conforming women.

instead you gave in to internalized misogyny and lesbophobia, and that’s really fucking tragic.

Elliot Page is a man. Don’t deadname him. Don’t claim that a person realizing they are a transman is misogyny or lesbophobia. Don’t insult butch lesbians or transmen by claiming transmen are just “deluded butches” or the like when transmen are menandbutch lesbians are women. And if you don’t like the fact Elliot Page is a man? Then find someone else to be attracted to and leave him alone.

This is disgusting! OP is perfectly willing to deny Elliot Paige his bodily autonomy, the labels he identifies himself with, and even his fukcing name. All because OPs “team” (not lesbians by the way, because most lesbians are not transphobic pieces of shit like TERFs are) no longer has access to him.

This is beyond transphobic. This is hateful fetishizing of a trans man who wants nothing more than to live his life in the way he sees fit. This is rage over no longer having access to his body, over not being able to control his very identity. OP, and anyone who shares these kinds of views, has no right to call themselves a Feminist, much less a decent human being. This is fucking Patriarchy with a “radical feminist” sticker on top.

Fuck off with your hateful, transphobic, lesbophobic, fetishistic rape apologism and LEAVE ELLIOT THE FUCK ALONE. He would be just as disgusted with you now as he would have been before he even realized he was trans. He is who he is and no amount of vile, regressive tantrums will ever change that. Your only option is to stay mad about it, and go fuck yourself.

maxinesarahart: Not a topic for debate. This is what I want to see when I first open the app. PREACHmaxinesarahart: Not a topic for debate. This is what I want to see when I first open the app. PREACH


Not a topic for debate.

This is what I want to see when I first open the app. PREACH QUEEN/KING/MEMBER OF THE ROYAL FAMILY

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